When the vaccines first came out they thought they would be 100% effective. Over time we learned that they help you get over covid faster in some cases and for some people they are 100% effective.
LYING, Disingenuous Sack Of Shite ... those of us WITH COMMON SENSE Knew that narrative was a BOLD FACED LIE
No Vaccine is 100% effective or gives 100% Protection, the ENTIRE Narrative given about Covid infections was a LIE, you are safe to sit down to eat your meal with your mask off, but you better mask up as soon as you stand
Your Vaccine God Emperor even admitted HE MADE UP the 6 ft social distancing and Masking Requirements
ANYBODY with a modicum of common sense KNEW Masking was a Useless Gesture, mask do not work and are dangerous to the user, lowering Oxygen Levels
I understand basic immune science is hard for someone with a 3rd grade education.
Ah yes, you cannot debate with facts so the Ad Hominem attacks come one, the dismissive hand wave'm