Cheatle hearing


Well-Known Member
I understand that changing your views or even evolving slightly is baffling to you but yes, When the vaccines first came out they thought they would be 100% effective. Over time we learned that they help you get over covid faster in some cases and for some people they are 100% effective.

I understand basic immune science is hard for someone with a 3rd grade education.
Now we know why you have a hard time understanding.
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PREMO Member
When the vaccines first came out they thought they would be 100% effective. Over time we learned that they help you get over covid faster in some cases and for some people they are 100% effective.

LYING, Disingenuous Sack Of Shite ... those of us WITH COMMON SENSE Knew that narrative was a BOLD FACED LIE

No Vaccine is 100% effective or gives 100% Protection, the ENTIRE Narrative given about Covid infections was a LIE, you are safe to sit down to eat your meal with your mask off, but you better mask up as soon as you stand

Your Vaccine God Emperor even admitted HE MADE UP the 6 ft social distancing and Masking Requirements

ANYBODY with a modicum of common sense KNEW Masking was a Useless Gesture, mask do not work and are dangerous to the user, lowering Oxygen Levels

I understand basic immune science is hard for someone with a 3rd grade education.

Ah yes, you cannot debate with facts so the Ad Hominem attacks come one, the dismissive hand wave'm
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Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
I understand that changing your views or even evolving slightly is baffling to you but yes, When the vaccines first came out they thought they would be 100% effective. Over time we learned that they help you get over covid faster in some cases and for some people they are 100% effective.

I understand basic immune science is hard for someone with a 3rd grade education.
There you go with "education" again. I call it endoctrination. Anytime you'd like to compare IQs, I'm ready.


Well-Known Member
Honest question

How come this makes you mad but not when Trump said Covid would disappear overnight?

Or when he said he would lock Hillary up?

Or when He said he would build a wall and have Mexico pay for it?

Or when he said he would over turn Obamacare?
Honest answer,
Nobody knew much about the chineeeeee virus at the time.
He probably would have IF he had a real AG
They DID pay for it............. 30K mescan military keeping the future democraps south of the border
Obammycare.......... beats me, lucky for me I'm covered far batter but don't like paying for their healthcare


Well-Known Member
Honest answer,
Nobody knew much about the chineeeeee virus at the time.
He probably would have IF he had a real AG
They DID pay for it............. 30K mescan military keeping the future democraps south of the border
Obammycare.......... beats me, lucky for me I'm covered far batter but don't like paying for their healthcare

So with a straight face you excuse Trump " because no one knew much about the virus"

Yet why don't you do the same for Biden and the vaccine which was also new and not widely tested?

You think 30K paid for the entire border wall? So why isn't the problem solved?

So you admit you don't mind when Trump lies to you just when you think Biden does.

You do realize you buy your insurance through the ACA exchange right?


Well-Known Member
He lied knowingly,
he's like his SS director.......... head up his ass TOTALLY inept.

How do you know that?

And don't you think Trump lied deliberately when he said Mexico would pay for the wall? Only an idiot would believe that when he had no power to make them.

Don't you think he lied when he said he would lock Hillary up when he had no charges to prosecute?

No plan to replace Obamacare?

Listen to yourself


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
3rd grade education.
Nope. Not even close. HS graduate, with a 4.0 in Engrish, thank you. Community College and specialized technical training throughout my career.

Now semi retired and working as the only Certified Minn Kota Repair Tech in the tricounty area, possibly the state.

Pretty damned good for a 3rd grade edukashun, huh Twiggy.


PREMO Member
Honest question

Liar you DO NOT ASK Honest Question, you only PLAY GOTCHA WORD GAMES

How come this makes you mad but not when Trump said Covid would disappear overnight?

I Can Explain It To You - 2.jpg

Or when He said he would build a wall and have Mexico pay for it?

🤣 you were dumb enough to think Trump was going to send Mexico a bill ....

Or when he said he would over turn Obamacare?

No Co-Operation from the GOP and Never Trumper's

If You Think You Are Smarter Than Trump.jpg


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Nope. Not even close. HS graduate, with a 4.0 in Engrish, thank you. Community College and specialized technical training throughout my career.

Now semi retired and working as the only Certified Minn Kota Repair Tech in the tricounty area, possibly the state.

Pretty damned good for a 3rd grade edukashun, huh Twiggy.
She’s jealous she didn’t even make it to second grade.


Are we in hell? Where we have to listen and read absolute stupidity 24/7? 🙄 doesn't anyone have common sense anymore?
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Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
She’s jealous she didn’t even make it to second grade.
These "educated" liberals think that a 4 year degree in unmarketable skills somehow makes them more intelligent than someone with life experience and technical training.

When I was a hiring manager, the name was usually the first indicator of an employee that would require addition work on my part as their manager. Can I pronounce the name the way its spelled and not be corrected? The college was number two. If it was some liberal zombie factory, into the circular file.

They somehow think that just because Professor Coldsore was hip and cool, that his political beliefs were the only ones that mattered. They eat that crap up and chase it with a healthy swig of social injustice.
Last edited:


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
These "educated" liberals think that a 4 year degree in unmarketable skills somehow makes them more intelligent than someone with life experience and technical training.

When I was a hiring manager, the name was usually the first indicator of an employee that would require addition work on my part as their manager. Can i pronounce the name the way its spelled and not be corrected. The college was number two. If it was some liberal zombie factory, into the circular file.

They somehow think that just because Professor Coldsore was hip and cool, that his political beliefs were the only ones that mattered. They eat that crap up and chase it with a healthy swig of social injustice.

The more left trash on the résumé the faster it went to the can.
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If I may ...
For your consideration ...

This is why I hate these "hearings."

They accomplish nothing but to show how irresponsible and unaccountable these government ****s are for every disaster they create.

On the other hand, if they didn't have these hearings, it would be said that Congress isn't doing their job. If there's gonna be a circle jerk, there has to someone to start the jerking.
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