I have no problem if you do. You see, this is the internet and the fact that you're so wrapped around some internet personality and let someone like me get you so bent out of shape without ever having met me says a lot about you.You're preaching this "holier than thou" crap based on my postings, I don't deny how I've lived my life nor will I apologize to a complete stranger over something that has NOTHING to do with them. Why do you care what I say about you?
First off, this is not a internet personaily, this is me. I don't put my personal bussiness on the net for all to see. I am far from being "holier then thou", but I don't put my bussiness on the street. Its not me you need to apologize to, it is your children. Just think of what you are putting them through.
You have no Idea who I am, or know any of my personal bussiness, so you have no right saying anything about me. You need to grow up. You have children to raise.
Enough said, when you grow up you might understand.