Child neglect?


not impressed
exactly, and that is why the per capita rate is what we need to focus on.

According to who?

Point is numbers suck and this proves that it is all how you interpret the numbers. The can be skewed any which way. It's all FUD and the issue is big government. They should stay out of it.


Well-Known Member
According to who?

Point is numbers suck and this proves that it is all how you interpret the numbers. The can be skewed any which way. It's all FUD and the issue is big government. They should stay out of it.

if you want to know if you are safer or not, the per capita number is what is important.
5 murders a year could be a lot or a little, depends on the population size.

numbers dont suck, people just choose the numbers that support their position too often and ignore the ones that dont.


not impressed
if you want to know if you are safer or not, the per capita number is what is important.
5 murders a year could be a lot or a little, depends on the population size.

numbers dont suck, people just choose the numbers that support their position too often and ignore the ones that dont.

But if those 5 murders are in one month we could say we must have better laws for that month only.

You're almost seeing my point, just a few more rungs to climb


Well-Known Member
But if those 5 murders are in one month we could say we must have better laws for that month only.

You're almost seeing my point, just a few more rungs to climb

you obviously have me confused with someone who is in favor of nanny state or reactionary laws.


New Member
That is what I'm questioning myself right now. Should this law exist?

YES.... because unfortunately, there are folks procreating that do not have a clue how to think about anyone other than themselves...children are at mercy of other adults to protect them. if it werent for some of these laws, could you imagine the life some children would be forced/stuck with living?? and this is not directed at those two in the topic of this thread...this is in every day parenting... where folks are just too lazy to give a darn. very sad.


not impressed
YES.... because unfortunately, there are folks procreating that do not have a clue how to think about anyone other than themselves...children are at mercy of other adults to protect them. if it werent for some of these laws, could you imagine the life some children would be forced/stuck with living?? and this is not directed at those two in the topic of this thread...this is in every day parenting... where folks are just too lazy to give a darn. very sad.

but then those children will grow up to do the same. if the government stays out of it then the situation corrects itself.


Lem Putt
whats funny is watching the forum's self described conservatives cry about how this needs to be done for the children, but the same folks cried "nanny state" over the smoking in a car with kids ban.

That's a false argument. You seem to be going on the theory that anyone who wants a society for laws is somehow "nanny." But what you are essentially espousing is anarchy.

There is a role for the rule of law in a society. Just because we believe in one law does not make it hypocritical to be against another law. It isn't one or the other.

For the smoking law, I am against it because it is based only on emotion, the need for the law has not been proven, and even if the problem is real it does nothing to actually fix the problem. That's a nanny law - knee jerk, emotional, and worthless.

The unattended children law was based on a demonstrated problem and the law helps solve the problem.


Well-Known Member
That's a false argument. You seem to be going on the theory that anyone who wants a society for laws is somehow "nanny." But what you are essentially espousing is anarchy.

There is a role for the rule of law in a society. Just because we believe in one law does not make it hypocritical to be against another law. It isn't one or the other.

For the smoking law, I am against it because it is based only on emotion, the need for the law has not been proven, and even if the problem is real it does nothing to actually fix the problem. That's a nanny law - knee jerk, emotional, and worthless.

The unattended children law was based on a demonstrated problem and the law helps solve the problem.

Second hand smoke is a demonstrated problem. I don't agree with the law to "fix" it, but there is plenty to back it up.

Laws that tell you how to act for your own good are nanny statesque. I can't think of any I agree with.

Telling people they can't leave their kids in the car is exactly like the smoking issue in that the state is taking the judgement from the parents. I wouldn't choose to smoke with my kids in the car, I also wouldn't leave them in the car on a hot day, i don't need the state to make those decisions for me


Lem Putt
I wouldn't choose to smoke with my kids in the car, I also wouldn't leave them in the car on a hot day, i don't need the state to make those decisions for me

I wouldn't burglarize a home, so we should get rid of that law too. And I have not, and will not, kill anyone. Lets get rid of murder laws.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And there we have it. Since you just got done voting your mother as "Best Mother of All Time!" we know that everyone should emulate her.

Or maybe not.

What does that have to do with the fact that she left me alone quite frequently and I am still alive?


Yep, still alive!

I used to ride a bike without a helmet; ride in the back of pickup trucks; walk about a mile to and from school; play outside until the streetlights came on; latchkey kid from the time I was about 7 or 8; no seatbelts and certainly no car seat; my mom smoked in the car with me in it.

And miracle of miracles!!! I'm still alive!

And I notice that you are, too.


Lem Putt
What does that have to do with the fact that she left me alone quite frequently and I am still alive?


Yep, still alive!

I used to ride a bike without a helmet; ride in the back of pickup trucks; walk about a mile to and from school; play outside until the streetlights came on; latchkey kid from the time I was about 7 or 8; no seatbelts and certainly no car seat; my mom smoked in the car with me in it.

And miracle of miracles!!! I'm still alive!

And I notice that you are, too.

My mom bought me booze and pot when I was 14. I lived, so it must be okay for me to do that with my kids, right? In later years she gave me meth, LSD, shrooms, and coke. I'm still alive. Should I do the same with my kids? Hell, lets just make all drugs legal since I lived through it.