Child neglect?


Lem Putt
So no threat to the children. The closest you have is this whole if the 2yo had been alone there was the risk of something happening to him. Sounds way flimsier than secondhand smoke data :yay:
What is wrong with the parking lot at Safeway in prince Frederick? I have never known that to be an unsafe place.

Look at Vrai's arguments. We shouldn't have this law because the kids should die. So she agrees that this law prevents deaths.

So you don't think unattended two year olds is a danger to them? No supervision needed, they are perfectly safe, they don't get mauled by dogs, light things on fire, drown in pools, nothing? Just pop the baby out and send it on it's way?


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Thing2 has been walking to & from school for various reasons since 10th grade. Never in the dark and it's under 2 miles one way. In most cases, it was out of necessity. I am only one person & he had activities that I couldn't get him to. If he wanted to be there, he had to walk. OR if he forgot to tell me about an activity until the last minute, he had to walk.

I had parents of other kids in that group pick him up when they see him walking "because they just couldn't see him walking" and one even said she felt it was too dangerous! :lol: Well gee. She was really :jameo: that he even had to cross Rt. 4. I agree - Rt. 4 is dangerous. But crossing a highway is not that difficult if you're paying attention and wait until the traffic slows down. It does slow down. He's not stupid - he does know how to cross a highway.

If a parent wanted give him a ride, that's fine and very nice of them. I do the same for any other student who's a friend of my son's when I'm driving to the school & see them walking. But I don't feel bad for them, I just figure it's character building. You have some place to go, you need to be there or want to be there and don't have a ride - what the heck is wrong for a 15-17 yo walking? NOTHING. He also has a cellphone, and at the beginning he always texted me when he left & arrived. Still does, really.


Well-Known Member
Look at Vrai's arguments. We shouldn't have this law because the kids should die. So she agrees that this law prevents deaths.

So you don't think unattended two year olds is a danger to them? No supervision needed, they are perfectly safe, they don't get mauled by dogs, light things on fire, drown in pools, nothing? Just pop the baby out and send it on it's way?

Really nice strawmen. :yay:
V's argument seems to be that all of us in the last generation are still alive even though we were left in cars, rode bikes without helmets, rode in the back of pickups, didnt wear seat belts etc.

And that 2yo wasn't unattended. He was attended by a 9yo, and as you have already stated there was no real threat.

Again, that's not something I would do, but that law is some nanny state crap, just like the smoking in cars one.

BTW, what is unsafe about prince Frederick?


New Member
The smoking in cars and leaving kids in cares are base on the same thing, an emotional response to a real problem, both based on facts. Both are also nanny state laws.

Neither are anything like murder or robbery.

Please provide idiot-to-English dictionary for translation


Lem Putt
Really nice strawmen. :yay:
V's argument seems to be that all of us in the last generation are still alive even though we were left in cars, rode bikes without helmets, rode in the back of pickups, didnt wear seat belts etc.

And that 2yo wasn't unattended. He was attended by a 9yo, and as you have already stated there was no real threat.

Again, that's not something I would do, but that law is some nanny state crap, just like the smoking in cars one.

BTW, what is unsafe about prince Frederick?

Legally a 9 YO is not able to attend to a 2 YO. The 2 YO was unattended. That's what's wrong with it.

That part of PF is no worse than St. Mary's Square.


Lem Putt
I thought for sure you, of all people, would recognize my sarcasm.

If you were the only one then maybe. But when there are a number of people saying the same thing it's hard to know who is being sarcastic and who really feels that way.

Besides, I had a crappy dentist visit last night and my head hurts. It has thrown off the calibration on my sarcasmometer.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

See, there's the problem and what MR is talking about. At what point do we say, enough of these retarded laws, and can we please parent our own kids instead of being constantly supervised by the government???


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
it's hard to know who is being sarcastic and who really feels that way.

A tip for the future: NoMo is almost always sarcastic. Put her on your list.

Kwilly can go either way, so you have to pay attention to context and the rest of her posts on the topic.

I'm a wildcard, so you'll just have to take your chances.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Legally a 9 YO is not able to attend to a 2 YO. The 2 YO was unattended. That's what's wrong with it.

That part of PF is no worse than St. Mary's Square.

:confused: St. Mary's Square on Great Mills road? I beg to differ. PF is not anything like that area of Great Mills road.


Obama destroyed America
Legally a 9 YO is not able to attend to a 2 YO. The 2 YO was unattended. That's what's wrong with it.

That part of PF is no worse than St. Mary's Square.
Stop for a second and look at the replies to who you're arguing with. MR not Vrai...

Remind you of anyone?
Hint: You say the sky is blue, he'll say it isn't or prove it.


New Member
YES.... because unfortunately, there are folks procreating that do not have a clue how to think about anyone other than themselves...children are at mercy of other adults to protect them. if it werent for some of these laws, could you imagine the life some children would be forced/stuck with living?? and this is not directed at those two in the topic of this thread...this is in every day parenting... where folks are just too lazy to give a darn. very sad.

These laws aren't going to stop lazy parents, and I doubt that the lazy parents that you refer to are even aware of or care what the law is.

I still want more information about this case, and I will watch to see what the punishment / penalty will be

Don't get me wrong, I'm not against all protective laws but at some point it seems like enough is enough

I actually wasn't aware of what the law was here. I know where I lived in Texas there was a time limit associated with a child being left alone, and I only know that because there were similar occurrences (someone seeing a kid in a car and reporting it) and similar debate on the local forum. Now that I know, I realize that I too have broken the law here. Should I be charged with neglect for leaving the kid (s) in the car while I run into WAWA for a pack of gum?


New Member
Stop for a second and look at the replies to who you're arguing with. MR not Vrai...

Remind you of anyone?
Hint: You say the sky is blue, he'll say it isn't or prove it.

Exactly, why argue, just to argue... it went from a discussion about should or shouldn't someone report 2 CHILDREN being left alone in a car to who can completely miss the point and just choose to ARGUE for no apparent reason other than to argue and miss the point ENTIRELY !!


Well-Known Member
Stop for a second and look at the replies to who you're arguing with. MR not Vrai...

Remind you of anyone?
Hint: You say the sky is blue, he'll say it isn't or prove it.

You realize you are quoting a guy who is trying to compare PF with st Mary's square right? Talk about arguing to argue