Child neglect?


Lem Putt
See, there's the problem and what MR is talking about. At what point do we say, enough of these retarded laws, and can we please parent our own kids instead of being constantly supervised by the government???

These laws didn't happen because people were making good decisions, they came about because people were leaving kids alone or with siblings who are not capable of caring for them. I have yet to meet a 9 YO who is capable of caring for a 2 YO, and with my volunteer work I have been around a lot of them.

Besides, when is the last time you saw the cops, especially around here, just throw the book at someone on a technicality. My money is on this being either someone who the cops knew and this is just another in a long string of incidents, or when they found her she was belligerent.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Stop for a second and look at the replies to who you're arguing with. MR not Vrai...

Remind you of anyone?
Hint: You say the sky is blue, he'll say it isn't or prove it.

And yet even a stopped watch is right twice a day.

Don't discount the message just because you don't like the messenger.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
These laws didn't happen because people were making good decisions

And guess what? You can make laws until your fingers fall off and you're completely insane....and people STILL won't make good decisions.

They still won't read the instructions.

They still won't heed any warnings.

The still won't do what society wants them to do.

There is already a law against leaving a 9yo to babysit a toddler and guess what? This woman STILL didn't obey the law.

So what's the solution? More laws? Or how about if we stop trying to legally micromanage every single person and situation and let people raise their own kids, for better or worse?


Lem Putt
And guess what? You can make laws until your fingers fall off and you're completely insane....and people STILL won't make good decisions.

They still won't read the instructions.

They still won't heed any warnings.

The still won't do what society wants them to do.

There is already a law against leaving a 9yo to babysit a toddler and guess what? This woman STILL didn't obey the law.

So what's the solution? More laws? Or how about if we stop trying to legally micromanage every single person and situation and let people raise their own kids, for better or worse?

Doesn't sound like much of a reason to get rid of the current law that we are discussing. I never said we need more laws, I said the current law is appropriate.

Sounds like the legalized drug debate. Those laws aren't working, so some people say just give up. You don't support that, but what about the existing child protection laws? Should we just give up on that?

I have seen nothing that justifies doing away with this law.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'd have two laws:

You cannot take something that belongs to someone other than yourself without permission.

You cannot cause bodily harm to someone else, either voluntarily or involuntarily.

Two laws; one penalty.

Clean up this country in no time.


not impressed
I'd have two laws:

You cannot take something that belongs to someone other than yourself without permission.

You cannot cause bodily harm to someone else, either voluntarily or involuntarily.

Two laws; one penalty.

Clean up this country in no time.

Is a fetus a someone?:drummer:
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Well-Known Member
These laws didn't happen because people were making good decisions, they came about because people were leaving kids alone or with siblings who are not capable of caring for them. I have yet to meet a 9 YO who is capable of caring for a 2 YO, and with my volunteer work I have been around a lot of them.

Besides, when is the last time you saw the cops, especially around here, just throw the book at someone on a technicality. My money is on this being either someone who the cops knew and this is just another in a long string of incidents, or when they found her she was belligerent.
The smoking in cars with kids laws didn't happen in a vacuum either. They are being proposed because people do smoke with their kids in the car, and many like to deny the hazards of secondhand smoke.


..if momma ain't happy...
I left my 88-yr-old grandma alone in my truck one time. I was in the store less than 10 minutes.

When I came out my truck was 3 parking aisles over from where I left it. She had pushed the (manual) shifter out of gear and it had rolled that far. Thank GOD it didn't hit any cars - or people!

She denied even touching anything :shrug:

I'll never leave her alone in my truck again.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
I left my 88-yr-old grandma alone in my truck one time. I was in the store less than 10 minutes.

When I came out my truck was 3 parking aisles over from where I left it. She had pushed the (manual) shifter out of gear and it had rolled that far. Thank GOD it didn't hit any cars - or people!

She denied even touching anything :shrug:

I'll never leave her alone in my truck again.

:roflmao: Ok, that's funny!! :yay:


According to Frequently Asked Questions 8 is okay as long as they are not caring for another child. Then they have to be 13. So, this parent most definitely broke the law. Regardless of the law, I still would not leave my 8 year old alone.

Just don't try to force legislation because of your beliefs.

What is fu@ked up about this is that these laws are created for the least common denominator in society and the rest of us are forced down to that level (like so many other laws in this country).

It should be up to the parent and the situation presented, not the f'n government! I will leave my two year old in the car while I run in to pay for gas as long as I can have a direct view of the car through the store window. He's perfectly fine sitting in his carseat in a locked vehicle for the few minutes I'm away, but many of you nanny staters (yes, you are supporting big-government by condoning this) would raise holy hell, call the po-po and want to see my son taken from me for doing such a thing. Good luck with that, if you were to ever try to have my son taken away, revenge would be painful.

I will add that leaving the kids in a car for a long period of time while shopping or whatever is just stupid. If something WERE to happen to those kids, then throw the book at those parents and make them pay for their poor choice. Otherwise, butt-out.


Well-Known Member
Just don't try to force legislation because of your beliefs.

What is fu@ked up about this is that these laws are created for the least common denominator in society and the rest of us are forced down to that level (like so many other laws in this country).

It should be up to the parent and the situation presented, not the f'n government! I will leave my two year old in the car while I run in to pay for gas as long as I can have a direct view of the car through the store window. He's perfectly fine sitting in his carseat in a locked vehicle for the few minutes I'm away, but many of you nanny staters (yes, you are supporting big-government by condoning this) would raise holy hell, call the po-po and want to see my son taken from me for doing such a thing. Good luck with that, if you were to ever try to have my son taken away, revenge would be painful.

I will add that leaving the kids in a car for a long period of time while shopping or whatever is just stupid. If something WERE to happen to those kids, then throw the book at those parents and make them pay for their poor choice. Otherwise, butt-out.

I agree with this law, only I'd change it to 10 years old and for under a certain amount of time. I, personally, do not think that any 8 year old needs to be left alone.