Child neglect?


wandering aimlessly
I'm not going to read this whole thing. I am going to tell a story and make a statement.

First the statement: You can't regulate stupid. No, children should not suffer because their parents are stupid but they will regardless.

Stpry: My sister used to let her kids sit in the car instead of hauling them around the stores 30+ years ago. They were not kidnapped. HOWEVER, one man exposed himself to them. Of course, 30+ years ago we pretty much knew everyone in the county and I'm betting having kids today can say that. It should be noted that 3 of her kids have been seen by therapists for abandonment issues. Related? Your call.


Lem Putt
A 9 year old is perfectly capable of keeping an eye on a two year old for a little bit and calling for or getting help if something went wrong.

Are you around 9 year olds very often? I've never been around one that I would trust to care for a 2 year old, and I do volunteer work that involves being around a lot of kids. Not for the extended shopping trip that is implied in the OP.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
My mother was raised on a farm and the kids were never supervised. There were also only 3 cars in the local market parking lot. They stayed at home without adult supervision because nobody was stupid enough to come onto their property. Not only did the damn peacocks chase you off of the land, but the dogs did as well. You cannot compare the crime rate from that era to that of ours. This point has been made over and over again in this thread. I still cannot figure out why it is so hard to understand that.
We don't agree with your point - that's what you can't understand.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So if a drunk driver doesn't kill anyone on the way home, it shouldn't be a crime?

And yet people drive drunk all the time without mishap. Or do you think every single drunk driver gets pulled over or causes an accident?


Well-Known Member
So if a drunk driver doesn't kill anyone on the way home, it shouldn't be a crime?

If the child is left alone without someone who can care for it, then it is no different than being left alone. A 9 YO is not capable, so this 2 YO was not attended.

Are you 100% sure that if the cops hadn't been called and shown up that nothing would have happened?

you really love your strawmen dont you.

what i am 100% sure of is that the story says the kids were not injured.

again, the evidence indicates that the 9yo was capable

Cali Transplant

Have boat will travel
I thought crime was down from the 1960s/1970s? So why is this an automatic "horrible" thing?

I was a latchkey kid from the age of 8 also. We had to watch the gory "Mr. Stranger" movies in grade school, and learned that Mr. Policeman is your friend.

Are kidnappings so much more prevalent today? Or are we over-influenced by the hystericals?
I have come up with a solution... :smile:

I is so smort :nerd:

How about we all raise our own children how we want to raise our own children... live and let live... :biggrin:
Agree to disagree... Plant a ####ing tree for ####'s sake :cds:


Mother of the Napkin Bandit


Lem Putt
And yet people drive drunk all the time without mishap. Or do you think every single drunk driver gets pulled over or causes an accident?

I think that driving drunk puts people at risk, and that we should continue reasonable steps to deter that, including arresting them when caught. Just like leaving a 2 YO unattended in a car for an extended shopping trip puts the child at risk and reasonable steps should be taken to deter that.

If this is a first offense, you know damn well that it will never see the inside of a coutroom. What it does do is document a pattern of behavior. If it continues the prosecutor will be able to see the first arrest and recognize a pattern that would warrant prosecution.

But I suspect that there is still more to this story, like the mom had a history with these issues, or she was beligerent, or she did something else to raise it from the simple "I didn't know it wasn't okay" and make the cop feel that the charge was warranted. I really don't believe that the cops are so underworked that they sit around thinking of ways to screw with people.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
But do you think that drunk driving should be illegal?

I think killing or injuring someone while drunk driving should be illegal. Outlawing things because they're potentially hazardous pretty much includes everything anyone does ever.


Lem Putt
I think killing or injuring someone while drunk driving should be illegal. Outlawing things because they're potentially hazardous pretty much includes everything anyone does ever.

So someone driving in a blackout who doesn't kill or injure someone should walk? Really? Hit all the parked cars, signs, trees, you want, but if nobody gets hurt it's all okay.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I think that driving drunk puts people at risk

Getting out of bed in the morning puts you at risk. And even then, many people die in their sleep, so sleeping puts you at risk.

Eating puts you at risk.

Breathing puts you at risk.

Trying to be born puts you at risk.

There is nothing - no thing - that you will ever do in your life that doesn't put you at risk of death or injury.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
So someone driving in a blackout who doesn't kill or injure someone should walk? Really? Hit all the parked cars, signs, trees, you want, but if nobody gets hurt it's all okay.


Now you're over the edge because you know you're wrong and merely acting on hysterical emotion but are not willing to admit it.

My work here is done.