Child neglect?


New Member
Im not kidding :shrug:

A 9 year old is plenty old enough to use a cell phone or get help if there is something wrong. I see no issue with it. For God's sake the store is like 20 ft away. Kids that age used to watch the farm while their parents went to town...are kids these days really less capable of surviving for a few minutes while their parents run into the store? When I was nine I was a mother's helper to a neighbor of mine, and her daughter was around that age..I watched her while she ran down the street to grab the mail or visited a neighbor to borrow something...we even (god forbid) sat int he car while she ran in and out of places running errands. We read books and knew not to opent he door for anyone but her. Miraculously we survived. Not to mention I was already a latch key kid by then myself in the morning and evening. we aren't talking about an infant here.

The store might be close, but one would never be able to view the kids from the car nor not really know how long they wold have to stand in line, etc. 2 year olds are very impulsive and unpredictable, and I don't think a 9 year old would be able to handle certain situations

I will only leave my oldest in the vehicle if I can see him, and even then I leave my cell, lock the doors, etc. I left the 2 of them in the car when I ran into WAWA yesterday to grab a pack of gum. My vehicle was right in front of the store, and I was only going to the register. My youngest was out of his seat and in the drivers seat within a matter of seconds
It really does seem ridiculous at how much things are in grocery stores. The one thing I can never get over the price of is trash bags. Don't ask me why but I shake my head every time I look at the prices.

Have you seen the price of diapers? I have such a hard time spending that much money on something that is just going to get shiit on. (Literally) :banghead:


Well-Known Member
Bubba will be two this month... I would not leave him in a car with my nine-year-old niece regardless of how responsible she is. At nine years old, you are not capable of physically protecting yourself, let alone another child. (Yes, I know some kids take martial arts...etc)

And no 9 year old can whip a grown adult's ass. I have plenty of experience with watching 9 year olds do TWD. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Im not kidding :shrug:

A 9 year old is plenty old enough to use a cell phone or get help if there is something wrong. I see no issue with it. For God's sake the store is like 20 ft away. Kids that age used to watch the farm while their parents went to town...are kids these days really less capable of surviving for a few minutes while their parents run into the store? When I was nine I was a mother's helper to a neighbor of mine, and her daughter was around that age..I watched her while she ran down the street to grab the mail or visited a neighbor to borrow something...we even (god forbid) sat int he car while she ran in and out of places running errands. We read books and knew not to opent he door for anyone but her. Miraculously we survived. Not to mention I was already a latch key kid by then myself in the morning and evening. we aren't talking about an infant here.

Clearly you are smarter than others, and your children will most likely be as well.

My mom used to leave me and my 2 years younger cousin in the car all them time when we were little. We are both still alive and I recall no adventures.

Here's the thing:

We are such a dumbed down society that we assess capabilities based on the LCD. Parents coddl....uh, I mean protect their children to the point of incapacitation, and no - today's youngsters cannot be trusted to have half a brain and be as capable as we were back then.
Have you seen the price of diapers? I have such a hard time spending that much money on something that is just going to get shiit on. (Literally) :banghead:
That's why I skipped sizes 1 and 2 and started off with size 3 which the box said could hold up to 20 pounds before you had to change it...:yay:


Have you seen the price of diapers? I have such a hard time spending that much money on something that is just going to get shiit on. (Literally) :banghead:

When mine was in diapers, I used to get the Walmart brand. Pampers would break him out, Huggies sucked azz, and Luvs he'd pee right out of.

But he hasn't been in diapers in 3 years now, so I have no idea how much they run now. Good thing summer is coming...just let him pee outside. :lol:


my war
I thought if you cracked the window and left them a bowl of water it was perfectly fine to leave them in the car.


New Member
IMO, Just because you CAN do something, "yeah, look at my toddler in the car all alone", doesn't make it a WISE decision.
maryland should make sending your kids to school, having stay home with you, and doors that can unlock illegal, for the sake of the children :sarcasm:

You're hilarious :sarcasm:

Clearly you are smarter than others, and your children will most likely be as well.

My mom used to leave me and my 2 years younger cousin in the car all them time when we were little. We are both still alive and I recall no adventures.

Here's the thing:

We are such a dumbed down society that we assess capabilities based on the LCD. Parents coddl....uh, I mean protect their children to the point of incapacitation, and no - today's youngsters cannot be trusted to have half a brain and be as capable as we were back then.

Pshhhh that was like 50 years ago, people have gotten hella crazier since then :wink:

If leaving my 2 year old and 9 nine year old unattended in the car while I go shopping is coddling, well hell....guess I'm 'one of those parents'. I'll take it :yay:


Well-Known Member
You're hilarious :sarcasm:

Pshhhh that was like 50 years ago, people have gotten hella crazier since then :wink:

If leaving my 2 year old and 9 nine year old unattended in the car while I go shopping is coddling, well hell....guess I'm 'one of those parents'. I'll take it :yay:

No, people were just as crazy back then. But, people were hush hush about it and there was no social media.


Well-Known Member
You're hilarious :sarcasm:

Pshhhh that was like 50 years ago, people have gotten hella crazier since then :wink:

If leaving my 2 year old and 9 nine year old unattended in the car while I go shopping is coddling, well hell....guess I'm 'one of those parents'. I'll take it :yay:

whats funny is watching the forum's self described conservatives cry about how this needs to be done for the children, but the same folks cried "nanny state" over the smoking in a car with kids ban.


Dream Stealer
Not I..................and thinning the herd? Are you saying that now and then it's okay for a child to be kidnapped or harmed, whatever, because of their parents stupid mistakes? If so, then :smack:

20 feet away?? Children are taken from inside of their own homes, their schools....they're kidnapped while playing 20 feet from their house while their parents are inside cooking dinner. Sure they can use a cell phone, they can also unlock the door and get out and be hit by a car...or worse, as I mentioned. I don't think there's anything wrong with leaving your 9 year old in the house so you can check the mail or get something from the neighbors house, as you said....but this is a little different, I think. I'm sorry, I guess I don't mind being inconvenienced with my children in tote while I do the grocery shopping. It sure beats the possible alternatives :yay:

We cannot let illogical fear keep us from letting children LIVE. KIds cant go outside and play anymore, cant walk down the street to a friends house, walk to the park after school, or even walk HOME from school without people having a crazy fear something horrible will happen...and these things used to be the norm. WHat about that woman who allowed her son at, 11 I think, to ride the NY subway to school everyday alone. The woman was EVISCERATED and called every nasty name int he book..when in reality the risk was very low of anything happening to him.

Since the late 1990s, the number of stories about child kidnapping in the news has been on the rise.59 Yet kidnapping constitutes less than 2 percent of all violent crimes in the United States targeted at children under the age of eighteen.60 Moreover, children are far more likely to be abducted by someone they know than by a stranger. In 1997, for example, 40 percent of juvenile kidnappings were perpetrated by a family member, 27 percent by an acquaintance, and 24 percent by a stranger.61 A very small fraction of abductions are what the FBI calls “stereotypical” kidnapping cases involving a child taken overnight and transported over some distance to be kept or killed. Despite these statistics, there has been a rash of stories in the news about stranger kidnappings. Dramatic programs such as NBC's Kidnapped and USA's America's Most Wanted also focus on abduction. These fictional and nonfictional stories may attract viewers, but they can also fuel an exaggerated fear of violence in young children.[/]

Im not saying leave your kid in the car, what I am saying is..neglect charges? for leaving a nine year old to watch a 2 year old for a little while? While in close proximity to the adults and fully capapble of understanding, dont open the door until I come out? 9 year olds in years past where responsible for a lot more than just one young sibling in much less favorable situations..are 9 year olds dumber these days?