Child neglect?


Obama destroyed America
Clearly you are smarter than others, and your children will most likely be as well.

My mom used to leave me and my 2 years younger cousin in the car all them time when we were little. We are both still alive and I recall no adventures.

Here's the thing:

We are such a dumbed down society that we assess capabilities based on the LCD. Parents coddl....uh, I mean protect their children to the point of incapacitation, and no - today's youngsters cannot be trusted to have half a brain and be as capable as we were back then.
For perspective, when you and I were kids, the world was a different place than it is today. I grew up in smalltown, USA as I believe you did too.

Now a days, would you agree that this area has changed greatly?

And you're right, LT is a smart cookie and monster will fare fine.


Obama destroyed America
Im not saying leave your kid in the car, what I am saying is..neglect charges? for leaving a nine year old to watch a 2 year old for a little while? While in close proximity to the adults and fully capapble of understanding, dont open the door until I come out? 9 year olds in years past where responsible for a lot more than just one young sibling in much less favorable situations..are 9 year olds dumber these days?
But we don't know how long the kids were in the car. Long enough for someone to notice, call cops, wait for cops.....


Well-Known Member
Im not saying leave your kid in the car, what I am saying is..neglect charges? for leaving a nine year old to watch a 2 year old for a little while? While in close proximity to the adults and fully capapble of understanding, dont open the door until I come out? 9 year olds in years past where responsible for a lot more than just one young sibling in much less favorable situations..are 9 year olds dumber these days?

Yes, because one of those lazy bitches could have either stayed in the car with them or brought them in the store with her. Regardless of how things may have been 30+ years ago, it is now against the law. Sorry, but I love my children enough to not leave them in the car while I do my shopping. What these bitches did was out of pure laziness and the mother should be charged with neglect.
Other folks criticizing your parenting judgement doesn't go away as your child reaches adulthood... I seriously have had some people tell me I was crazy and a bad parent for letting my daughter's 1st choice in a college be in a big city because cities have higher rates of crime.


Well-Known Member
Other folks criticizing your parenting judgement doesn't go away as your child reaches adulthood... I seriously have had some people tell me I was crazy and a bad parent for letting my daughter's 1st choice in a college be in a big city because cities have higher rates of crime.

She'll be an adult. It's not like you're sending a 9 year off to school without adult supervision. :lol:
Yes, because one of those lazy bitches could have either stayed in the car with them or brought them in the store with her. Regardless of how things may have been 30+ years ago, it is now against the law. Sorry, but I love my children enough to not leave them in the car while I do my shopping. What these bitches did was out of pure laziness and the mother should be charged with neglect.
And if I stayed in the f'ing car and you did my shopping and bought f'ing off brand ketchup you would have more than your kid's safety to worry about now wouldn't you?


Well-Known Member
And if I stayed in the f'ing car and you did my shopping and bought f'ing off brand ketchup you would have more than your kid's safety to worry about now wouldn't you?

Ooooooooooooh...I have Heinz coupons. Please stay in the car with my kids. :kiss:


my war
Personally, I would rather you parents keep the little mongrels in the car. They ruin my shopping experience. :coffee:


Other folks criticizing your parenting judgement doesn't go away as your child reaches adulthood... I seriously have had some people tell me I was crazy and a bad parent for letting my daughter's 1st choice in a college be in a big city because cities have higher rates of crime.

Check in 10 years and I bet you'll see that kid still living with their parents.
She'll be an adult. It's not like you're sending a 9 year off to school without adult supervision. :lol:
In all seriousness, do you know how many 18 year olds remain so sheltered that they seriously are not capable of handling themselves at college? I'm being dead serious... most folks seem to think their kids will wake up at 18 and suddenly be self-aware and street smart.
We cannot let illogical fear keep us from letting children LIVE.

Yes because the act of letting a child sit in a car by themself consitutes as "living"... The world is a different place than it was even when I was a child. Kids can go out and play, with adult supervision.

Chit happens... and people always think it won't happen to them or their children. I realize I am a little more neurotic that most but when it comes to my kids, I have good reason. When I was 13, one of my friends was kidnapped and murdered just days after I moved. Christina Marie Williams - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is not illogical fear... it is precaution and discretion.


Well-Known Member
In all seriousness, do you know how many 18 year olds remain so sheltered that they seriously are capable of handling themselves at college? I'm being dead serious... most folks seem to think their kids will wake up at 18 and suddenly be self-aware and street smart.

Yep. I have a 21 year old brother that did not get his drivers license until last year...


Dream Stealer
For perspective, when you and I were kids, the world was a different place than it is today. I grew up in smalltown, USA as I believe you did too.

Now a days, would you agree that this area has changed greatly?

And you're right, LT is a smart cookie and monster will fare fine.

See I started a thread awhile back to this it REALLY more dangerous today..are are we just more paranoid and anxiety ridden?

I don't think it is more dangerous. I think we are an anxiety fueled culture that thrives on and seeks out anxiety. Look how many people we have in the US who cannot function in their everyday life without a chemical to quell their ever constant anxiety. Over things that have little or no basis in reality. You know what has been shown to be even more effective than drugs on anxiety? CBT..which boils down to learning how to not let irrational thoughts control your actions and emotions.