Obama destroyed America
For perspective, when you and I were kids, the world was a different place than it is today. I grew up in smalltown, USA as I believe you did too.Clearly you are smarter than others, and your children will most likely be as well.
My mom used to leave me and my 2 years younger cousin in the car all them time when we were little. We are both still alive and I recall no adventures.
Here's the thing:
We are such a dumbed down society that we assess capabilities based on the LCD. Parents coddl....uh, I mean protect their children to the point of incapacitation, and no - today's youngsters cannot be trusted to have half a brain and be as capable as we were back then.
Now a days, would you agree that this area has changed greatly?
And you're right, LT is a smart cookie and monster will fare fine.