Child neglect?


Well-Known Member
See I started a thread awhile back to this it REALLY more dangerous today..are are we just more paranoid and anxiety ridden?

I don't think it is more dangerous. I think we are an anxiety fueled culture that thrives on and seeks out anxiety. Look how many people we have in the US who cannot function in their everyday life without a chemical to quell their ever constant anxiety. Over things that have little or no basis in reality. You know what has been shown to be even more effective than drugs on anxiety? CBT..which boils down to learning how to not let irrational thoughts control your actions and emotions.

Want to compare crime rates and population to that of all those years ago?


New Member
Yes because the act of letting a child sit in a car by themself consitutes as "living"... The world is a different place than it was even when I was a child. Kids can go out and play, with adult supervision.

Chit happens... and people always think it won't happen to them or their children. I realize I am a little more neurotic that most but when it comes to my kids, I have good reason. When I was 13, one of my friends was kidnapped and murdered just days after I moved. Christina Marie Williams - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is not illogical fear... it is precaution and discretion.

:yeahthat: :huggy: sorry about your friend WR. You and I are on the same page.
See I started a thread awhile back to this it REALLY more dangerous today..are are we just more paranoid and anxiety ridden?

I don't think it is more dangerous. I think we are an anxiety fueled culture that thrives on and seeks out anxiety. Look how many people we have in the US who cannot function in their everyday life without a chemical to quell their ever constant anxiety. Over things that have little or no basis in reality. You know what has been shown to be even more effective than drugs on anxiety? CBT..which boils down to learning how to not let irrational thoughts control your actions and emotions.

:duh: OMG with the philisophical hippie bullchit.


my war
See I started a thread awhile back to this it REALLY more dangerous today..are are we just more paranoid and anxiety ridden?

I don't think it is more dangerous. I think we are an anxiety fueled culture that thrives on and seeks out anxiety. Look how many people we have in the US who cannot function in their everyday life without a chemical to quell their ever constant anxiety. Over things that have little or no basis in reality. You know what has been shown to be even more effective than drugs on anxiety? CBT..which boils down to learning how to not let irrational thoughts control your actions and emotions.

Plus media is ten times the beast it was 25 years ago. It was happening, just not widely reported.


Well-Known Member
I was a latch key kid at 7. I survived. :shrug:

That being said, I'm not leaving my 7 year old home alone. I'll re-evaluate in several years. :killingme

My friend won't leave her soon to be 18 year old home alone. :jet: Seriously. And she's a good kid. Never drank, never did drugs, straight A student in all college prep classes and taking college courses at CSM. Doesn't have a boyfriend. Won't leave her home alone. That's extreme parenting, to me anyway. She does however allow her to drive herself to college classes, only because she works and can't take her.


In all seriousness, do you know how many 18 year olds remain so sheltered that they seriously are not capable of handling themselves at college? I'm being dead serious... most folks seem to think their kids will wake up at 18 and suddenly be self-aware and street smart.

I don't understand how parent expect this clarity at 18 to happen when the said 18 year old has never even done a load of laundry. :shrug:


my war
My friend won't leave her soon to be 18 year old home alone. :jet: Seriously. And she's a good kid. Never drank, never did drugs, straight A student in all college prep classes and taking college courses at CSM. Doesn't have a boyfriend. Won't leave her home alone. That's extreme parenting, to me anyway. She does however allow her to drive herself to college classes, only because she works and can't take her.

Future mamakookoo.


Well-Known Member
Yes because the act of letting a child sit in a car by themself consitutes as "living"... The world is a different place than it was even when I was a child. Kids can go out and play, with adult supervision.

Chit happens... and people always think it won't happen to them or their children. I realize I am a little more neurotic that most but when it comes to my kids, I have good reason. When I was 13, one of my friends was kidnapped and murdered just days after I moved. Christina Marie Williams - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is not illogical fear... it is precaution and discretion.


I read the article. It sounds like her murder was never solved. I hope one day the people responsible are found. That's horrible. Sorry about your friend.


Obama destroyed America
See I started a thread awhile back to this it REALLY more dangerous today..are are we just more paranoid and anxiety ridden?

I don't think it is more dangerous. I think we are an anxiety fueled culture that thrives on and seeks out anxiety. Look how many people we have in the US who cannot function in their everyday life without a chemical to quell their ever constant anxiety. Over things that have little or no basis in reality. You know what has been shown to be even more effective than drugs on anxiety? CBT..which boils down to learning how to not let irrational thoughts control your actions and emotions.
Yes it really is more dangerous. I may be telling my age here but I remember when there wasn't much more than cornfields around.

235 was a 2 lane highway as was 4 as was 5.
Leonardtown was the big city.
Hardees was the first fast food place above Lex. Park.
The Park was huge because it had a K-mart, a McDonalds and the Belvedere.
Wildewood didn't exist.
None of those shopping centers along 235 existed.
The population was a fraction of what it is now.
You had one or two deputies to patrol the ENTIRE county.
Leonardtown had two cops we called "Town Clowns" and after 10:pm, they were off duty.

yes, it is GREATLY different now than it was then.
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Well-Known Member
Future mamakookoo.

I hope not. But seriously. We were going to go somewhere Friday night, and she wouldn't go because you have to be 18 to get in and she couldn't bring her daughter.

So far she's lucky. The daughter actually likes her mother helicoptering around her. They are best friends. Seriously. They go every where together. I just hope one day she doesn't go ape shiat and everything back fire.


Well-Known Member
I hope not. But seriously. We were going to go somewhere Friday night, and she wouldn't go because you have to be 18 to get in and she couldn't bring her daughter.

So far she's lucky. The daughter actually likes her mother helicoptering around her. They are best friends. Seriously. They go every where together. I just hope one day she doesn't go ape shiat and everything back fire.

I take it that the daughter wants to remain single for the rest of her life and that the mother doesn't want any grandkids...
No, people were just as crazy back then. But, people were hush hush about it and there was no social media.


whats funny is watching the forum's self described conservatives cry about how this needs to be done for the children, but the same folks cried "nanny state" over the smoking in a car with kids ban.

I missed that. I think not smoking in the car with children should be common sense :yay:

We cannot let illogical fear keep us from letting children LIVE. KIds cant go outside and play anymore, cant walk down the street to a friends house, walk to the park after school, or even walk HOME from school without people having a crazy fear something horrible will happen...and these things used to be the norm. WHat about that woman who allowed her son at, 11 I think, to ride the NY subway to school everyday alone. The woman was EVISCERATED and called every nasty name int he book..when in reality the risk was very low of anything happening to him.

Since the late 1990s, the number of stories about child kidnapping in the news has been on the rise.59 Yet kidnapping constitutes less than 2 percent of all violent crimes in the United States targeted at children under the age of eighteen.60 Moreover, children are far more likely to be abducted by someone they know than by a stranger. In 1997, for example, 40 percent of juvenile kidnappings were perpetrated by a family member, 27 percent by an acquaintance, and 24 percent by a stranger.61 A very small fraction of abductions are what the FBI calls “stereotypical” kidnapping cases involving a child taken overnight and transported over some distance to be kept or killed. Despite these statistics, there has been a rash of stories in the news about stranger kidnappings. Dramatic programs such as NBC's Kidnapped and USA's America's Most Wanted also focus on abduction. These fictional and nonfictional stories may attract viewers, but they can also fuel an exaggerated fear of violence in young children.[/]

Im not saying leave your kid in the car, what I am saying is..neglect charges? for leaving a nine year old to watch a 2 year old for a little while? While in close proximity to the adults and fully capapble of understanding, dont open the door until I come out? 9 year olds in years past where responsible for a lot more than just one young sibling in much less favorable situations..are 9 year olds dumber these days?

I'm not saying don't let your children play outside, walk home from school, etc. Sure the 'risk' for something happening is still their but you can't be there all the time. Letting your children wait in the car is letting them LIVE? This is a circumstance where the parent just didn't feel like dealing with their children in the grocery store. I have a 1 year old, I totally get not wanting to take him out of the carset and tote him in the store, possibly listen to him whine or cry or when he's older (like the 9 year old) have him ask for this or that over and over and overrrr.....still. I'm saying parents shouldn't be so lazy that they can't be bothered to take their children in the store with them.

And no, I don't think 9 year olds are dumber these days, I think some adults are just out of their ####ing minds...the criminals and the negligent parents.

Other folks criticizing your parenting judgement doesn't go away as your child reaches adulthood... I seriously have had some people tell me I was crazy and a bad parent for letting my daughter's 1st choice in a college be in a big city because cities have higher rates of crime.

People will always judge. That said, with your situation, your college aged child was going to college.

And if I stayed in the f'ing car and you did my shopping and bought f'ing off brand ketchup you would have more than your kid's safety to worry about now wouldn't you?

Why not have your responsible friend sit with your child while you did your own shopping? Hmmm riddle me that batman....:lol:
I hope not. But seriously. We were going to go somewhere Friday night, and she wouldn't go because you have to be 18 to get in and she couldn't bring her daughter.

So far she's lucky. The daughter actually likes her mother helicoptering around her. They are best friends. Seriously. They go every where together. I just hope one day she doesn't go ape shiat and everything back fire.

Oh wow.....
Yes it really is more dangerous. I may be telling my age here but I remember when there wasn't much more than cornfields around.

235 was a 2 lane highway as was 4 as was 5.
Leonardtown was the big city.
Hardees was the first fast food place above Lex. Park.
The Park was huge because it had a K-mart, a McDonalds and the Belvedere.
Wildewood didn't exist.
None of those shopping centers along 235 existed.
The population was a fraction of what it is now.
You had one or two deputies to patrol the ENTIRE county.
Leonardtown had two cops we called "Town Clowns" and after 10:pm, they were off duty.

yes, it is GREATLY different now than it was then.
When is the most recent kidnapping and murder of a child...:confused: Names coming to mind for me are Claudia Pikerall, the girl found in the burning car in Charlotte Hall, Stephanie Roper... and all of them are over 30 years ago.


Obama destroyed America
When is the most recent kidnapping and murder of a child...:confused: Names coming to mind for me are Claudia Pikerall, the girl found in the burning car in Charlotte Hall, Stephanie Roper... and all of them are over 30 years ago.
Have you forgotten about the freezer babies in Lusby?

You do make a valid point though, however, 40 years ago our parents could and would be much more lax with us than anyone should be today.
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Well-Known Member
When is the most recent kidnapping and murder of a child...:confused: Names coming to mind for me are Claudia Pikerall, the girl found in the burning car in Charlotte Hall, Stephanie Roper... and all of them are over 30 years ago.

different doesn't necessarily mean more dangerous.