Children and nutrition


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Remind me to not take my kid to England, then.

Why :shrug: He was born September 2005, which means I got pregnant December 2004, and I had my breast reduction October 2004. I was told by my surgeon, my GP, and my OB/GYN that breast feeding may or may not be possible, but even if it was that it would not be adviseable.

You had a reduction? :faint:


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
A friend of mine just told me that she lets her child eat ice cream for breakfast, with chocolate sauce and whipped cream. The justification was that it was banana ice cream, so it's like having milk and bananas.

Should I say something to her about this or let it go?

Back to topic. Making food choices at an early age will wreak havok on a child's development! The best thing you could do for your friend is leave a 21 day course of probiotics, as well as enhanced "Live Active" dairy products to clean up the "junk" mommy dearest has allowed her child to clog up in her intestines with all of the processed/unnecessary foods! Next, draft up a list of acceptable food items (this does NOT have to be based around child's liking, but you may want to include a couple to get the ball rolling). Pick up a yoga manual for the child's age with video :yay: :nono: Don't forget the mat! Yoga will help with bloodflow and energy. Finally, send over some tasty waters that child may like to wash the biohazards out of his/her system as child adjusts to fruits and veggies as the new sweets and crunchies! :yay:


Lem Putt
Back to topic. Making food choices at an early age will wreak havok on a child's development! The best thing you could do for your friend is leave a 21 day course of probiotics, as well as enhanced "Live Active" dairy products to clean up the "junk" mommy dearest has allowed her child to clog up in her intestines with all of the processed/unnecessary foods! Next, draft up a list of acceptable food items (this does NOT have to be based around child's liking, but you may want to include a couple to get the ball rolling). Pick up a yoga manual for the child's age with video :yay: :nono: Don't forget the mat! Yoga will help with bloodflow and energy. Finally, send over some tasty waters that child may like to wash the biohazards out of his/her system as child adjusts to fruits and veggies as the new sweets and crunchies! :yay:

Finally, the voice of reason! Yer sew smard! :huggy:


Back to topic. Making food choices at an early age will wreak havok on a child's development! The best thing you could do for your friend is leave a 21 day course of probiotics, as well as enhanced "Live Active" dairy products to clean up the "junk" mommy dearest has allowed her child to clog up in her intestines with all of the processed/unnecessary foods! Next, draft up a list of acceptable food items (this does NOT have to be based around child's liking, but you may want to include a couple to get the ball rolling). Pick up a yoga manual for the child's age with video :yay: :nono: Don't forget the mat! Yoga will help with bloodflow and energy. Finally, send over some tasty waters that child may like to wash the biohazards out of his/her system as child adjusts to fruits and veggies as the new sweets and crunchies! :yay:

Wouldn't a fist full of Flinstone vitamines and a enema do the same thing?


My son is the best behaved almost 3 year old you'll ever meet, of that I guarentee. A "num num" is what he calls Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.

I've read all the parenting books too... he knows when mommy says no it means no, and usually it's enough to stop him in his tracks. There are days, however, I don't feel like fighting with him, days where he's cranky, or I'm cranky, or stressed, or just really not in a great mood, and those are the days I give in to him.



Well-Known Member
Speaking of "bad" parenting...


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