Chopticon teacher on a week +++cruise???


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AFT Public Affairs

My best friend is a teacher in pg county and she has been at the same shool for 18 years and she is just now about to hit the 40 thousand mark (next raise). She has to deliver newspapers on tuesday and thursday nights to make ends meet.


New Member
My best friend is a teacher in pg county and she has been at the same shool for 18 years and she is just now about to hit the 40 thousand mark (next raise). She has to deliver newspapers on tuesday and thursday nights to make ends meet.
Something is definitely wrong there.... :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Something is definitely wrong there.... :shrug:

I would agree with you, but it is a true fact. She started off when they were grossly underpaid, and the raises that she got were very minimal. She truly loves her job and the satisfaction of what she does. She loves the way she the makes a difference in the kids lives. She knows she is underpaid, but she loves working with the kids so much. She works with kindergarten children, and if she was working with high school or jr high kids, she probably would have been long gone, but she truly loves working with the kids and has forgone some of life luxurys so she could continue teaching.... namely owning her own home, and she probably will never be able to with her salary, but its a sacrifice she makes beause she loves working with the kids.


New Member
195 working days
1,365 hours
$37,125 a year for 1st year teaching(Mike's #' is almost exact for one county in Md)

that's $27.20 an hour...

someone please check my math
I get...

9 months x 22 days per month = 198 days per yr.

198 days x 8 hrs = 1584 hrs
$37,125/1584hrs = $23.43 an hr. (Starting Salary)
$48,734.00 per yr. if they worked 12 mths

$52,330/1584hrs = $33.04 an hr. (State avg.)
$68,723.00 per yr. if they worked 12 mths


New Member
All of you are way of the original post,she is mad becuase a teacher took a week off and she does'nt know why so she is mad.So I put to all of you with this posters thinking no women can teach that is pregnant?


New Member
All of you are way of the original post,she is mad becuase a teacher took a week off and she does'nt know why so she is mad.So I put to all of you with this posters thinking no women can teach that is pregnant?

Threads never stay on topic here.


New Member
Low work hours. I've never known a teacher working low work hours.

They also do not work the 40 hour, 52 work week, that (average) Joe employee works either.

They may work longer, at times, but then so does Joe employee. BUT they also have summer OFF, Winter & Spring break OFF, Holidays OFF, smow days OFF(once again Joe worker takes these from Vacation).

(average) Joe employee works 2080 hours a year (with 2 weeks of vacation), compare this to the Average Teacher who works 500 hours less.

I'm in no way implying their job isnt thankless, but its a far cry to say that Adults who go into the field by their own choice are underpaid or overworked.


New Member
the bolded parts.

Just because teachers aren't physically in the building doesn't mean they aren't working.

Students get homework. Teachers have to grade all that homework and classwork and they sure as heck don't do it while they're teaching class.

They do some during their free period (if they aren't doing something else (they usually have to)) and the rest is done at home.

During summers (as was said, they spend the month before and after class starts for students in the building) they plan the next year, take courses as is mandated by the BOE, and numerous other things that believe it or not are also job related.

And? Average Joe employee has the same requirements placed upon him, by his or her employer. The only difference is they do not have a summer off, to study for or work towards updating or gaining their certifications


New Member
190 days a week? Most work during summer school. They also work some days that kids are off.

Summer school is a CHOICE, that teachers take upon themselves for a second job and/or second employment. It is not a part of their Full Time employment.


Well-Known Member
My best friend is a teacher in pg county and she has been at the same shool for 18 years and she is just now about to hit the 40 thousand mark (next raise). She has to deliver newspapers on tuesday and thursday nights to make ends meet.

I think that figure is way off, if she has been at the BOE for 18 years she is proably around 50-55 thousand. They give good raises just about every year.:whistle:


New Member
well I'm not 100% on any med/retirements, but the job security is the same as any place and is nothing super special.

As for having off days when kids have off, that is completely false. Many times they are for parent/teacher conferences (2-4 times a year) and even if they are 'off' doesn't mean they aren't grading papers and going over lesson plans. They don't have the joyous summers you seem to envision. Less work in the summer? Yes. No work in summer? No

Wait a minute, the kids and teachers were off Monday, 2 weeks ago, for Martin Luther King day. That Friday before the kids were off again because Teachers had a "work" (i think it was called "profesional" day). This is a routine occurance throughout the year (A "professional" day occuring around a Holiday) St Mary's School Calendar

Those days are the days they hold the parent conferences, as well as during the normal hours of the school operation.

As for a joyous summer, the Last day for Teachers is June 13th, the day after the kids get out (the 12th).

The Teachers report to school August 16th, 6 days before the students. A Teacher has 1 week less vacation (one day after the kids get off, and 6 days before the kids report back) than my Child.

That entire time that a teacher is free to do whatever, Average Joe employee is working his daily grind. It is the teachers choice to work Summer School or some other form of employment, but then he/she could also spend those 2 1/2 months picking belly button lint


New Member
I know for a fact that teachers were starting out at 35k 4 years ago. As an english teacher at Thomas Stone-that was what was offered. The state average might be higher but again it is an average. I think it is rude to post-but salaries are actually posted online for what a teacher makes in Charles County. If you happen to look it up:from years 3-5 there are no payraises in the BS scale. Most people in the corp. side would not stand for that.

Earlier in the postings someone referred to school being year round and the respose was :yahoo: cheaper daycare. With that attitude, no wonder the teacher went on a cruise during the school year.


Well-Known Member
I had a friend who used to teach summer school and I think she made $150.00 per day for 1/2 at school.
I think some good points for you to take out of this are:
  • Teachers are allowed to take vacation days. They're workers doing a job, and should be afforded similar benefits (like vacation) as any other worker.
  • Teachers do not owe your child anything but trying to do their job the best they can, just like any other employee on any other job
  • Teachers get paid a decent (not CEO of a Fortune 500 company, not 7-11 clerk) pay for their work. Because, they're workers, just like most everybody else
  • Teaching is a hard job requiring a lot of self-sacrifice and extra work. Just like most salaried professionals
You can't really complain that a teacher takes a vacation.


Well-Known Member
:yahoo: cheaper daycare. With that attitude, no wonder the teacher went on a cruise during the school year.

It was a joke. But, I really do not see anything wrong with year round school. It will be great for the childrens' education.


New Member
How much do teachers make per day for SUMMER SCHOOL? Is that number $150.00 for each day of summer school correct? I would be curious to know if this is true. That seems like ALOT of money for a half days pay!!!:drool: