Church opens gun range ministry ‘in the name of Jesus Christ


Thought pirate
New American Standard Bible
Again a voice came to him a second time, "What God has cleansed, no longer consider unholy."

Ahhhh, so no reply. So you are a sinner and cannot possibly live literally by the bible, as no one can. Let's face it, the bible is a great book, written by men with some great stories, good parables and great ideas for living life in a good way. Let's leave it at that. Any "laws" are nothing more than the book of laws we have in this country. Rules written down and enforced by those in authority to control chaos.


Ahhhh, so no reply. So you are a sinner and cannot possibly live literally by the bible, as no one can. Let's face it, the bible is a great book, written by men with some great stories, good parables and great ideas for living life in a good way. Let's leave it at that. Any "laws" are nothing more than the book of laws we have in this country. Rules written down and enforced by those in authority to control chaos.

No. There are different dispensations of time. Did anyone have to follow the laws before Moses? Why?
After the cross, there is a different dispensation of time.

having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. - Colossians 2:14

If you aren't a Christian, you are still under the law but I am not.


Thought pirate
So are you saying that anything written in the old testament, i.e. the old laws, were wiped out by the new testament? Seriously, do you have a beard? If no, why not? Your god commaned it as I posted. Do you eat meat? Do you wear blends of clothing? You never answered those?


So are you saying that anything written in the old testament, i.e. the old laws, were wiped out by the new testament? Seriously, do you have a beard? If no, why not? Your god commaned it as I posted. Do you eat meat? Do you wear blends of clothing? You never answered those?

They were fulfilled by Christ for me; just as if I never sinned.


So, then nothing pre-crucifixion in the bible is relevant?

It is relevant.

The law is a school master to bring people to Christ and the law is a mirror to show you that you're not clean.
Why is Jesus going to be King and Lord of Lords? Because man cannot govern himself.


Thought pirate
So now, back to the start of the circle we are talking in. Do you have a beard? Do you eat meat (fat and blood)? Do you wear blended fabrics? The point I'm trying to get you to is do you or do you not believe that the bible HAS to be taken literal or is a book written by men, to control the beliefs of the masses?