You know, it occurred to me earlier that I'm old enough to remember when Anthony "Dick Pic" Wiener had a massive freakout over the 1st iteration of the so-called "First Responders Bill" not passing on the first go around. Naturally, he took to the presser and blamed Republican'ts.
Except that the bill had so much pork in it that even the Democrats wouldn't vote for it. Okay, mainly because the GOP wanted to vote on the various amendments to the bill, while the Dims wanted to rush it through.
If I'm not mistaken, the Demonrats had the clear majority in the House, the Senate, and of course, the People's House was occupied by the Occupier (aka "The Won"), so it's not like they needed the Repubs to even show up for a vote.
I could be wrong about that last, but I'm pretty sure that was the case. It's late, I'm tired, and I don't feel like looking it up.
On House Floor, New York Democrat Blasts Republicans for Using Congressional Procedure as Excuse for Voting Against Bill to Help 9/11 Responders
Speaking of irony:
Before Weiner made his remarks on the floor, Republican Rep. Peter King of New York accused Democrats of being too afraid to vote on controversial amendments and instead staging a "charade" by holding the vote.
Like I said, I'm pretty sure that the Repubs couldn't have stopped the passage of that bill.
I do know that they actually passed the 2nd iteration, which was, in fact, a clean bill. I looked it up at the time, and I'm pretty sure it was 2-4 pages. Something like that.