Climate Hypocrisy


Just sneakin' around....
I can see how Europeans would favor something like this, since most of their travel is within the continent and the rail system there is very good, for the most part. Travel between countries isn't like the US where cities are thousands of miles apart.

That said... they're missing that government is trying once again to control every aspect of their lives.


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Opposition grows to proposed Chinese battery plant subsidized by Illinois taxpayers

Gotion Incorporated, with reported ties to the Chinese Communist Party, is set to receive more than $7 billion in federal tax credits, and over $500 million in subsidies from Illinois.

During a news conference Monday in Manteno, State Rep. Brad Halbrook, R-Shelbyville, said the tax incentives don’t add up.

“The total subsidies for the plant calculate to an astounding $3 million for each job created,” Halbrook said. “Why are U.S. taxpayers providing $8 billion in economic incentives for the construction of a plant that costs $2 billion to build?”

The plant will produce battery cells and battery packs designed to be used in electric vehicles and large-scale energy storage systems.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker has called the agreement “the most significant new manufacturing investment in Illinois in decades.”


PREMO Member
🔥 On Sunday, the Wall Street Journal ran an op-ed by Alyssia Finley titled, How ‘Preapproved Narratives’ Corrupt Science.”

You don’t say.

The piece begins describing how last month, to his great credit, respected climate scientist and director of Berkeley’s Breakthrough Institute, Patrick Brown, publicly admitted that he’d censored one of his own studies to remove facts tending to disprove the current climate theory, so as to improve his odds of getting published.

Specifically, in an essay for the Free Press, Brown confessed that he’d left out “key aspects other than climate change” from his paper about the cause of California’s wildfires, because the omitted details would “dilute the story that prestigious journals like Nature and its rival, Science, want to tell.”

Nature’s editor, Magdalena Skipper, lied and denied that the journal has any preferred narrative. But she also didn’t invite Brown to add back the omitted data, either.

Next the op-ed cited a September 11th, 2023 paper published in the JAMA Network titled Peer Review and Scientific Publication at a Crossroads. The researchers described a burgeoning crisis in peer review, explaining that the ‘academic papers game’ is getting infested with all kinds of cheating, and wrote:

Many stakeholders try to profit from or influence the scientific literature in ways that do not necessarily serve science or enhance its benefits to society. The number of science journal titles and articles is steadily increasing; many millions of scientists coauthor scientific papers, and perverse reward systems do not help improve the quality of this burgeoning corpus.

In addition, deceptive, rogue actors, such as predatory and pirate publishers, fake reviewers, and paper mills continue to threaten the integrity of peer review and scientific publication.

Even outright fraud may be becoming more common—or may simply be recognized and reported more frequently than before.

This op-ed isn’t the first criticism of the so-called “peer review” process, which some top scientists have long argued has become hopelessly compromised, and captured by pharma interests. The biggest problem, and threat to all our well being, a problem which became painfully obvious during the pandemic, is that government actors dangle grant money in front of unethical whitecoats to obtain fake studies supporting the officials’ preferred policy narratives. Even worse, they all conspire to prevent inconveniently-contradictory papers from ever being published in the first place.

But that’s Science! So shut up! What do you know? I bet you don’t even have a white lab coat.



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Pope Francis rebukes 'irresponsible' US on climate change compared to China, says world's at 'breaking point'

"If we consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact," he wrote.

After taking square aim at the United States, Francis heightened the alarm about the "irreversible" harm to people and the planet already underway and lamented that once again, the world’s poor and most vulnerable are paying the highest price. The pope said, "The necessary transition towards clean energy sources such as wind and solar energy, and the abandonment of fossil fuels, is not progressing at the necessary speed."

The document comes as an update to Pope Francis' landmark 2015 encyclical on the environment titled "Laudato Si," meaning "Praise Be." In that 180-page encyclical, the head of the Catholic Church notably scolded climate change deniers and called for an "ecological conversion" among the faithful.


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Pope Francis rebukes 'irresponsible' US on climate change compared to China, says world's at 'breaking point'

"If we consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact," he wrote.

After taking square aim at the United States, Francis heightened the alarm about the "irreversible" harm to people and the planet already underway and lamented that once again, the world’s poor and most vulnerable are paying the highest price. The pope said, "The necessary transition towards clean energy sources such as wind and solar energy, and the abandonment of fossil fuels, is not progressing at the necessary speed."

The document comes as an update to Pope Francis' landmark 2015 encyclical on the environment titled "Laudato Si," meaning "Praise Be." In that 180-page encyclical, the head of the Catholic Church notably scolded climate change deniers and called for an "ecological conversion" among the faithful.
What's the per capita emissions of vatican city?


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Ultra-Woke Pope Issues Fatwa Against ‘Irresponsible’ Western Lifestyles for Climate Change

The pope — or, rather, whichever committee of handlers dictates his public utterances — had some stern words recently for Westerners and their “irresponsible” lifestyles.

Via CNN (emphasis added):

The pope paid particular attention to the disproportionate responsibility of rich countries for climate change.

“If we consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact,” he wrote.

It seems the good pope’s been listening to the “experts” — not the 1600 bona fide ones that recently signed a declaration declaring the “climate change” hoax a manufactured crisis, but rather the ones handpicked and groomed by the multinational corporate state for social engineering purposes in exchange for God-knows-what (money, career opportunities, grants, etc.).

The pope’s recent fatwa against decadent “Western lifestyles” — by which he presumably means conveniences such as personal vehicles, dishwashers, and air conditioning — smacks of Obama’s declaration some years ago, which I have covered elsewhere at PJ Media, that Africans in developing nations should sacrifice any hopes of air conditioning for the sake of climate change. (This was shortly before he purchased a sea-level mansion on Martha’s Vineyard — an odd choice for an individual who professes deep alarm at rising sea levels.)

No word yet on when the pope will start flying coach in lieu of luxurious ferryings aboard “Shepherd One.”


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Pope Francis Urges Action to Address 'Enormous Damage' to Climate

Religion And Faith, Environment, Sustainability, Climate Change, Pope Francis, World, Polarization

AllSides Summary​

In a new letter from Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church urged global action to address the “enormous damage we have caused” to the environment.

Key Quotes: In his letter, Francis writes that it is “no longer possible to doubt” the human origin of climate change. He writes, “Despite all attempts to deny, conceal, gloss over or relativize the issue, the signs of climate change are here and increasingly evident. No one can ignore the fact that in recent years we have witnessed extreme weather phenomena, frequent periods of unusual heat, drought and other cries of protest on the part of the earth that are only a few palpable expressions of a silent disease that affects everyone.” The Pope goes on to single out the United States, writing, “If we consider that emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries, we can state that a broad change in the irresponsible lifestyle connected with the Western model would have a significant long-term impact.”

How the Media Covered It: Coverage across the spectrum focused heavily on Francis’ note singling out the United States. Breitbart (Right bias) reported that the Pope “has thrown the moral authority of the papacy behind the so-called climate crisis” and countered Francis’ letter with a statement from “a group of over 1,600 prominent scientists” refuting the existence of a climate crisis.


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Pope Francis was full of doom and gloom as he warned that the Earth is “collapsing and may be nearing the breaking point” because of climate change. He takes a metaphorical ruler and whacks the knuckles of climate “skeptics” who are preventing the draconian/statist actions that are apparently necessary to cool the planet off. What comes next for the “deniers”? A knock on the door from the Spanish Inquisition.

The pope has given a new voice to the “blame America first” globalists and denounces Americans’ “irresponsible lifestyles” for the ruination of the planet.

What about China? Amazingly, the pope pointedly gives the world’s greatest polluter a free pass. He declares that “emissions per individual in the United States are about two times greater than those of individuals living in China, and about seven times greater than the average of the poorest countries.” This is naked appeasement to a country with some of the worst human rights violations on the planet. President Xi Jinping is loving life right now.

It’s also intentionally lying with twisted statistics. Yes, the U.S. has more emissions and uses more energy than many other nations, but that is because we produce far more output per capita than all other nations except China. It’s the reason the United States is the breadbasket of the world. Africa doesn’t use much energy. And that’s why it is a desperately poor continent. The solution isn’t for the U.S. to consume less energy, but for poor nations to have access to much more energy.



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Supreme Court Rejects GOP States' Challenge to Biden's Rule Estimating Social Cost of Carbon

The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear a lawsuit from Republican-led states challenging the Biden administration's attempt to assign a social cost to carbon—a foundational element to all life.

No explanation was given and the Court merely listed Missouri v. Biden on Tuesday as one of the petitions for writ of certiorari that were denied. The Supreme Court similarly refused earlier this year to hear another challenge to the estimates.


After taking office in 2021, President Joe Biden signed an executive order establishing the "Interagency Working Group on the Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases," which included, among others, leadership from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and Council of Economic Advisors.

Former President Barack Obama initially put the "social cost" at $43 per ton of carbon dioxide emissions. His successor, former President Donald Trump, put the number at $3–$5 and President Biden responded by using a $51 estimate.

"An accurate social cost is essential for agencies to accurately determine the social benefits of reducing greenhouse gas emissions when conducting cost-benefit analyses of regulatory and other actions," the order read.


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Climate Expert Calls ‘Three Strikes’ Against Climate Alarmism

The first myth the groups attacked was the media apocalypse prophesying on “global warming.” They looked at data to determine if September really did have record heat.

Based on NASA satellite data, September 2023 had the highest temperature anomaly (i.e., difference from average) on record. It was 0.9C warmer than the 1991-2020 average.
In contrast, the compilation of actual temperature measurements from surface stations has September only slightly warmer than the average monthly temperature of the past 8 years and 9 months, and far from the warmest month since January 2015.

Which data is more accurate and reliable? “NASA admits the surface stations are. There has still been no global warming since January 2015,” the report insisted. It also stated that “average global temperature” is “not an actual physical metric,” but merely a “flawed notion” used to fuel climate alarmism.

The report went on to analyze and fact-check multiple media claims about the past month’s weather. Did the huge downpour in New York City actually break records, and was it due to climate change? No, the groups said, citing the New York Times’s own records to disprove the claims. Is rainfall across the country becoming “more fearsome” due to global warming, as The New York Times asserted? The problem with that claim is that warmer air doesn’t cause “more intense rainfall,” the groups explained.
Are Alpine glaciers melting at a concerning rate? Perhaps, but it’s not because of man-made “emissions;” the report noted that the Alps were free of ice thousands of years ago, and the current receding has been ongoing for years, prior to modern industrial society.

The report further fact-checked claims around hurricanes, Antarctic ice, emissions and the “hottest summer” propaganda, Norwegian glaciers, and allegedly human-driven global warming. It ends by providing context to an analysis supposedly proving man-driven global warming. If you add in the warming caused by “the series of El Niños,” it’s highly questionable that fossil fuels have warmed Earth “to any discernible extent at all.” In fact, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data showed earlier this year that there hadn’t been global warming for eight years.

The “climate crisis” is an unscientific political crock.


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Climate Alarmists' Absurd Lawsuits Against Oil Companies Predicted to Drive up Consumer Energy Costs

While climate activists hail the ever-growing list of lawsuits against the energy industry, critics caution that the actions are a means by which to enact policies banning and restricting fossil fuels that wouldn't pass legislatures or ballot initiatives.

Critics also warn that if lawsuits are successful, the results will lead to increased energy costs for all Americans.

O.H. Skinner, executive director of the Alliance for Consumers, told Just The News:

They're basically attempting to bankrupt industries that they don't like to make them shut down.

Here's more:

New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Connecticut, Vermont, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and the District of Columbia have also filed similar [to California] suits.
Multnomah County, Oregon, which includes Portland, is one of many local governments suing fossil fuel companies. The Oregon suit accuses the companies of causing damages suffered during a heat dome event, which the suit argues wouldn’t have happened were it not for the carbon dioxide emissions from fossil fuels.
The county is seeking $51 billion for measures to improve healthcare services and infrastructure to protect the county from future weather events.
Many of these suits, Skinner said, exploit public nuisance laws, which are long-standing common law torts that seek to address local concerns and harmful conduct that impacts all members of a community.

Skinner also said the climate cases will be expensive to defend, and like all other corporate costs, the legal fees will be passed to consumers. Skinner also warned that increased costs will also impact thousands of products that are derived from petroleum.

They’re trying to reshape the economy into the image they want using these legal theories, and the losers are everybody who wants to live their lives and buy the things they want to buy. That’s what this is all about. It’s about pushing progressive lifestyle choices on everybody.



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Era of ‘Unquestioned and Unchallenged’ Climate Change Claims Is Over

The reason that climate activists are so upset is that the findings of the new papers—a trio of peer-reviewed studies by astrophysicist Willie Soon and dozens of other scientists from around the world—are casting further doubt on the narrative of man-made global warming.

The papers are also fueling even more public skepticism about the U.N Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which the authors say ignores the facts as well as climate science more generally.

The rhetoric employed by taxpayer-funded scientists with a vested interest in the climate change narrative to attack the new research was profoundly unscientific, multiple scientists told The Epoch Times.

Atmospheric science professor Michael Mann of Pennsylvania State University, for instance, denounced the authors of one of the new papers as “a group of climate denier [clown emoji]” on X.

Mr. Mann, famous for the now-widely ridiculed “hockey stick” graph purporting to show massive man-made warming, also described the editor of the journal Climate as a “denier clown.”

Gareth S. Jones with the UK Met Office ridiculed the new studies as "nonsense," while smearing the journal publisher for supposedly being "popular with the science denial community."


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California Crushes Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania's Peter Brothers Trucking delivers goods all across America. Owner Brian Wanner says Pennsylvania bureaucrats now are driving him out of his home state.

"We have no say," complains Wanner in my new video. "We can't do anything about it."

"No say" because Pennsylvania's new rules don't come from Pennsylvania. They come from California.

"I don't want to be anything like California!" complains Wanner.

Too bad for him and other Pennsylvania truck owners, because Pennsylvania's Environmental Quality Board decided their state will automatically copy California regulations.

California's rules will raise the price of a new truck by about one-third. Trucks that once cost $190,000 will now cost about $260,000.

California regulators said this new air-pollution regulation is needed because the trucks Wanner drives "contribute greatly to ... serious health and welfare problems."

That's ridiculous, says Wanner. "We have come so far in the last 40 years. In 1980, one truck produced as much (pollution) as 60 trucks today."

"So to reduce pollution, we want people to buy new trucks," I point out.

"But if you put these costs on us that we cannot afford, we're going to just run the older trucks!" responds Wanner.

"The regulators don't think about that?" I ask.

"They do not!" Wanner replies. "They do not see the consequences of what they're doing."

Now truckers like Wanner will just buy trucks in neighboring states.