Climate Hypocrisy


PREMO Member

ABC News: Thanksgiving Dinner ‘Could Soon Become Another Victim’ of Climate Change

The report said rising temperatures “threaten the abundance and quality” of ingredients that make up a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

“As a result, these essential food items could become increasingly scarce and more expensive, potentially forcing families to omit or make substitutions in key recipes on their Thanksgiving menus,” the report said.

The report cited “experts” who said produce is among the foods most affected by climate change, and extreme weather events are affecting the yields of staple Thanksgiving ingredients such as sweet potatoes and cranberries.

One of the experts was Himanshu Gupta, co-founder and CEO of ClimateAi, a climate adaptation platform for food and agricultural supply chains.

“Climate change is a culture crisis,” Gupta told ABC News. “It’s also impacting our traditions and cultures in ways never seen before, and one example of that is Thanksgiving.”

Gupta also blamed climate change for making food more expensive versus inflation.


PREMO Member

Report: CNBC Eliminates Climate Desk, No More Dedicated Staff Covering Climate Change

Rathi cited a LinkedIn post by recently laid-off CNBC “climate innovation and technology” reporter Catherine Clifford, who recounted a conversation she had with her “editor’s boss.”

“As part of wider newsroom headcount reductions, there would no longer be any staff at CNBC dedicated to covering climate, this boss said,” Clifford wrote. ” The climate desk was being dismantled and my position covering climate tech and innovation was being eliminated, this boss told me.”

Parent company NBCUniversal, which is owned by Comcast, recently enacted layoffs across multiple divisions, though it remains unclear if the CNBC cuts were part of those layoffs.

Comcast is feeling the heat as more and more Americans continue to cut the cord, opting for à la carte streaming entertainment options over pricey cable packages. This has meant dwindling revenue for channels like CNBC and MSNBC, which receive a chunk of your monthly cable TV payment, even if you don’t watch them.


PREMO Member

Now Big Brother Wants to Control the Gas Pedal in Your Car

The proposal from the NTSB is to install “intelligent speed assistance” tech in all cars, a system that uses a car’s GPS location and local speed limit postings “to help ensure safe and legal speeds.”

What the NTSB wants is to require systems that “warn” when a driver is speeding, as well as systems that “make it more difficult, but not impossible, to increase the speed of a vehicle” as well as electronic limits on vehicles so they “fully prevent drivers from exceeding the speed limit.”

That description comes from an NTSB announcement which is recommending to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration a requirement for those systems, and a campaign to “educate the public” about its “benefits.”


The NTSB demands include required ISA systems, a plan to “educate” the public, new programs to track repeat speeding offenders, and more.

A report at The Federalist said, “While legal speed limits are capped at 85 mph in the U.S., vehicles are designed to go far faster to allow safe passing and escape in emergency situations. The capacity to go faster also puts less strain on vehicles at lower speeds.”

The NTSB also has begun work on a campaign to require a “kill switch” in new cars, a process that would allow the automatic disabling of a vehicle under certain conditions.


PREMO Member

The Biden Administration’s Electric Vehicle Subsidies Are Becoming Another Solyndra

The Biden Administration’s Electric Vehicle Subsidies Are Becoming Another Solyndra

Proterra, an electric bus and battery company that President Joe Biden touted as a success of his green energy initiative, filed for bankruptcy in August. Last week, it finally sold its embattled battery business at a rock-bottom price as part of the bankruptcy proceeding. The rise and fall of Proterra demonstrates once again that politicians should refrain from betting taxpayers’ money on business ventures to advance their political agenda.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Proterra has sold only 550 electric transit buses since its founding in 2004. Most of the sales were underwritten by government agencies with federal grants. Proterra’s electric buses were plagued with mechanical defects and other performance issues, such as limited range and long charging times. Besides government subsidies, the company only survived as long as it had due to powerful political connections. Former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm, Biden’s energy secretary, served on its board.

Despite all the quality issues of its EV buses, Proterra went public in January 2021 and raised $650 million, more than three times its annual revenue. A month after the company’s IPO, Biden tapped Granholm as his energy secretary. Proterra’s political connection to the Biden administration paid off in many ways.


PREMO Member

Climate change already reducing global GDP

When calculated without taking into account impacts borne by the average person, the global GDP loss was 1.8 percent of GDP - or about $1.5 trillion dollars - in 2022.

"The difference between those two numbers reflects the uneven distribution of impacts, which concentrate in low-income countries and tropical regions that typically have more population and less GDP," the authors said in a statement.

Least developed countries experienced higher population-weighted GDP loss of 8.3%,, with Southeast Asia and Southern Africa particularly affected - losing 14.1% and 11.2% of their GDP respectively.

On the other hand, some developed countries benefited. Thanks to warmer winters Europe saw a nearly five percent net gain in GDP last year.

But such gains are "poised to erode" as hotter summers offset milder winters, warns the report.


PREMO Member

Fossil Fuels and Fly-In Fools

The COP28 presidency passed to the United Arab Emirates in the person of Sultan Al Jaber. His thank you and welcoming opening remarks threw a bit of a bomb into the gathering of climate cultists.

The president of COP28 talks in the oil-rich United Arab Emirates said Thursday that the “role of fossil fuels” must be included in a deal at the UN’s climate talks. “It is essential that no issue is left off the table,” Sultan Al Jaber, who is also head of the UAE’s national oil and gas company, said at the opening of the two-week conference in Dubai. FRANCE 24’s Valérie Dekimpe reports from Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

It was also excessively awkward, as – at the same time – the sultan was busy denying a published BBC report that he’d used his position as the head of this gathering of Gaia’s lesser angels to make sure a few big oil deals got done on the side. I mean, everyone was going to be in town anyway, weren’t they?

There’s a problem?

The Emirati president-designate for the upcoming United Nations COP28 climate talks forcefully denied Wednesday a report alleging his nation planned to use the summit to strike oil and gas deals.
Sultan al-Jaber, who also leads the massive state-run Abu Dhabi National Oil Co., called the allegations from a BBC report “an attempt to undermine the work of the COP28 presidency” before the talks were set to begin on Thursday. The report cited what it described as “leaked briefing documents” the broadcaster said showed the Emirates planned to discuss oil, gas and renewable energy deals with several nations.
“These allegations are false, not true, incorrect and not accurate,” al-Jaber told a small group of journalists gathered for a news conference that also was aired live. “I promise you never ever did I see these talking points that they refer to or that I ever even used such talking points in my discussions.”
He added: “So please for once, respect who we are, respect what we have achieved over the years and respect the fact that we have been clear open and clean and honest and transparent on how we want to conduct this COP process.”

This is the Arab version of “How dare you!” when they get busted.

But it’s all for show in any event. None of the elitists tut-tutting behind the hands covering their shocked-face mouths could have gotten to Dubai without those very same fossil fuels. I guarantee you, most of the travelers used boatloads more of their carbon allowance in that one trip than many of us will exhaust in a lifetime.


PREMO Member

UN delegates circulate petition to shut down US natural gas production as global climate summit kicks off

According to the letter obtained exclusively by Fox News Digital, Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., is among the lead architects of the effort in addition to Lisa Badum, a member of the German Parliament who is leading her nation's delegation at the summit, and Canadian Sen. Rosa Galvez. Markey, Badum and Galvez sent the letter to other U.S. lawmakers and global representatives ahead of the COP28 climate conference, which kicks off Thursday in Dubai.

"At COP26, the United States — along with 39 governments and institutions — signed the Glasgow Statement, pledging to prioritize the clean energy transition and end new direct public support for the international fossil fuel sector by 2022," the letter states. "This is the very least we can do, considering that even existing production capacities already exceed the limits set by the Paris Agreement."

"Despite this, the United States is hurtling towards a massively harmful expansion of Liquefied Natural Gas infrastructure," it continues. "Regrettably, there exist similar plans in many other countries — including in Germany, the U.S., and Canada."

The letter further argues that while liquefied natural gas (LNG) — natural gas that has been cooled to enable easier transport — was originally looked to as a means to "tackle the consequences of the global energy crisis," additional LNG capacity is "not needed." Climate advocates have long opposed LNG and natural gas production since, when burned for power production, it produces greenhouse gas emissions.

Umm GFYS ..

When India and China come to the table and cut back in CO2 I'll consider this nonsense


Well-Known Member

UN delegates circulate petition to shut down US natural gas production as global climate summit kicks off

According to the letter obtained exclusively by Fox News Digital, Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., is among the lead architects of the effort in addition to Lisa Badum, a member of the German Parliament who is leading her nation's delegation at the summit, and Canadian Sen. Rosa Galvez. Markey, Badum and Galvez sent the letter to other U.S. lawmakers and global representatives ahead of the COP28 climate conference, which kicks off Thursday in Dubai.

"At COP26, the United States — along with 39 governments and institutions — signed the Glasgow Statement, pledging to prioritize the clean energy transition and end new direct public support for the international fossil fuel sector by 2022," the letter states. "This is the very least we can do, considering that even existing production capacities already exceed the limits set by the Paris Agreement."

"Despite this, the United States is hurtling towards a massively harmful expansion of Liquefied Natural Gas infrastructure," it continues. "Regrettably, there exist similar plans in many other countries — including in Germany, the U.S., and Canada."

The letter further argues that while liquefied natural gas (LNG) — natural gas that has been cooled to enable easier transport — was originally looked to as a means to "tackle the consequences of the global energy crisis," additional LNG capacity is "not needed." Climate advocates have long opposed LNG and natural gas production since, when burned for power production, it produces greenhouse gas emissions.

Umm GFYS ..

When India and China come to the table and cut back in CO2 I'll consider this nonsense
When India and China come to the table and cut back in CO2 I'll consider this nonsense...LMAO...Not me its all BS


PREMO Member
When India and China come to the table and cut back in CO2 I'll consider this nonsense...LMAO...Not me its all BS

yeah well true, but knowing India and China will NEVER be required to reduce emissions I'm safe from EVER having to have this climate discussion

The climate movement is all about Marxist take over of the West


Well-Known Member
yeah well true, but knowing India and China will NEVER be required to reduce emissions I'm safe from EVER having to have this climate discussion

The climate movement is all about Marxist take over of the West