Climate Hypocrisy


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Greenpeace gives up on recycling plastic

Recycling almost everything is an uneconomic scam, but that hasn’t stopped many localities from enforcing recycling mandates, and employing lots of people to sort through garbage and spend large sums on trying to find another use for the materials. At great expense to taxpayers.

But finally, Greenpeace has realized that recycling plastic makes no sense. In City Journal, John Tierney writes:

Took them too many years to realize the cost of recycling wasn't worth the effort.


PREMO Member

Greta Thunberg Gets (Even More) Radical: 'There Is No Going Back to Normal'

Nineteen-year-old climate activist Greta Thunberg is at it again, scolding world leaders, predicting imminent doom for the planet and mankind, and shaming people who use too much energy. This time, however, she’s taking a more radical tone, calling for fundamental change in the way humans lead our lives.

On Sunday, while promoting her new tome, “The Climate Book,” a collection of essays by over 100 climate experts at the London Literature Festival at the Southbank Centre, she said:

My name is Greta Thunberg, I’m a climate activist from Sweden and I want to use my platform to share the truth about the climate crisis, to tell the full story.
…I created the Climate Book. With over 100 contributors, it aims to tell the full story of the crisis we face. And I started it about two years ago when we were in the beginning of the pandemic, our societies were undergoing massive changes with the purpose of keeping people safe.
At that time, many people were already talking about going [makes quotation marks with her fingers] “back to normal.” But we are never going back to normal again.

Oh great. I kind of liked the way things were before the pandemic, but maybe that’s just me. She continued:

Because “normal” was already a crisis. What we refer to as normal is an extreme system built on the exploitation of people and planets. It is a system defined by colonialism, imperialism, oppression, and genocide by the so-called Global North to accumulate wealth that still shapes our current world order.

Wait, I thought this was a speech about climate change, not a massive condemnation of the entire history of mankind and capitalism.

She also says the quiet part out loud about the world’s COVID response: it wasn’t about safety at all, it was about creating a New World Order:

During the Covid-19 pandemic, governments around the world launched unprecedented financial rescue packages. These recovery plans were described as huge opportunities to set humanity on a brand-new course for a more sustainable economic paradigm. They were called “our last change to avert a climate disaster,” as the enormous size of the investments would make it impossible for us to undo the consequences in the future.

She loses even more credibility when she seems to endorse radical, destructive protests by nutty climate activists. From the Unherd:

Asked to comment on recent protest actions by Just Stop Oil activists which saw them throw soup at Vincent van Gogh’s ‘Sunflowers’ at London’s National Gallery, Thunberg said, “People are trying to find new methods because we realize that what we have been doing up until now has not done the trick. It’s only reasonable to expect these kinds of different actions.”

Her speech and the question-and-answer session go on for over an hour and a half, and the fawning interviewer and the adoring crowd seemed to eat it up. The problem with Greta Thunberg, however, is that she spends a lot of time complaining, shaming, and blaming, but offers little in the way of actual solutions. Her speech is more of a Marxist harangue than anything else.


Just sneakin' around....

Has she taken a close look at herself? All of her fine clothes are a result of capitalism. The microphone she talks into. The vehicles that got her there. The aircraft and support systems that jet her across the world. The social media she relies on to get her message out.

Walking hypocrite.


PREMO Member
Walking hypocrite.

Oh Yeah that multi-million sail boat she too was a green fiasco

the crew had to sail the boat one way to either pick up or drop off Greta ... a crew that has to be flow in ... as well as building the monstrosity was hugely NOT Green


PREMO Member

More on the Mysterious Email About Hollywood’s Backdoor Funding of Government Climate Litigation

CLW readers know that New Jersey recently joined the wave of “climate” litigants claiming that energy companies caused global warming, to the plaintiffs’ detriment, and seeking to extract hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars (each) and also influence or even change federal policy, effectively imposing an agenda repeatedly rejected by a majority of the country.

These suits began as nuisance actions which, after some setbacks in court, transmogrified into mostly “consumer fraud” claims. Similarly, after finding out the hard way that the federal courts offer no succor for these claims, the message became a fevered insistence that the suits were in reality a series of unrelated coincidental purely state law matters, with which the federal courts should not bother themselves despite the obviously coordinated, national campaign and designs on circumventing the proper democratic process for adopting policy.

New Jersey, too, hired the California law firm Sher Edling, LLP, to handle its case, a firm recently revealed to have received millions of dollars in “charitable grants” to support “healthy communities” and other buzzwords not exactly reporting what, emails show, the money actually was going for — these climate lawsuits.


PREMO Member
While the inflation rate is currently recorded at just over 8 percent, our bill increased by 100 percent. In double-checking the breakdown, half of the new bill was due to environmental fees.

While the Inflation Reduction Act was advertised as a form of benevolent relief to the American people, it was filled with social justice initiatives driven by left-wing party preferences and green theories, which have yet to prove helpful to anyone but the bureaucrats collecting more and more tax money, or “fees.”

One such section was vaguely detailed back in August through a White House fact sheet about how the Inflation Reduction Act helps advance “environmental justice.” Under the section regarding improving clean transit technologies, the administration noted that “addressing diesel emissions” is a priority. Just how this will be addressed is not indicated, but given the recent diesel shortage, and the new slew of “environmental fees” being added to waste bills, one can easily deduce that this will manifest in some form of taxation.

So, now thanks to the new attack on diesel which has at least in part led to the ongoing shortage, my family cannot even afford to recycle. I called to have that service removed, and it’s reducing our waste bill by 25 percent. It’s a frustrating prospect because I’m more concerned about plastic pollution than carbon emissions, and price increases still abound, but honestly, I’ve also been contemplating ending our garbage service altogether and just burning our trash or burying it in the backyard to save money.



PREMO Member

New gas-powered car ban unpopular in Washington state, poll CI

Critical milestone or not, more people are opposed to a ban on the sale of new gas-powered vehicles in Washington than in support of it, according to an online poll of 875 adults – including 589 likely voters – conducted by SurveyUSA that was released Tuesday.

Of those polled, 48% of respondents said they opposed or somewhat opposed Inslee’s announcement, with 38% saying they supported or somewhat supported the decision. Another 14% of respondents said they were unsure how they felt about the ban.

The poll was sponsored by the Seattle Times, KING 5, the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public, and Washington State University’s Murrow College of Communications.

Inslee’s decision to emulate California when it comes to phasing out gas-powered vehicles has been in the works for the last few years.


PREMO Member

John Kerry Spills the Beans at U.N.’s COP27 Meeting: They Want to Replace Capitalism with a New Economic System

Kerry said in a speech before the panel:

“We have an enormous challenge before us to bring to scale new technologies and to harness the deeply capable capacity of private sector entrepreneurs in order to bring them to the table because without it, no government has enough money… we need everybody behind this.”

King Charles has made similar statements, that we need nations to pool their resources and raise a trillion dollars to combat climate change.

Kerry further promoted the WEF’s launch of its First Movers Coalition, which he said was “needed to create demand signals in the market where they didn’t exist, which takes boldness, it takes courage from these executives who have made the decision to be a part of this.”

So there you have it. These globalists are on a mission to destroy not only the individual freedom that millions of Westerners have enjoyed in the Post-World War II era, but they also plan to destroy the market capitalism that led to a prosperous middle class. As long as the middle class is prosperous, it remains independent and capable of critical thinking. Wipe out their wealth and you wipe out their ability to think independently and make their own decisions.

Kerry admitted this was the goal in his COP27 speech when he said “we need to create demand signals in the market where they didn’t exist.” They want to artificially create demand where none exists for electric cars, fake meat grown in labs, replacing animal protein with crickets and other insects, solar and wind power in place of reliable coal and oil.

That’s not how capitalism works. But that’s what they’re going to try to force upon the world through ESGs and a Chinese point system that punishes those businesses and individuals who refuse to go along with the new system of government and corporate coercion.


So by purposely drying up the food supply, paying farmers not to produce, forcing them to drastically reduce the use of fertilizers, making them cull their herds of livestock and replace that protein in the human diet with crickets and other insects, this is somehow going to be more “sustainable” and feed more people? This is the World Economic Forum/United Nations agenda that Pope Francis promotes, so don’t believe him when he says he’s for a more equitable, sustainable, peaceful world.

This pope is a deceiver. John Kerry is a deceiver. They talk about climate change in a context that makes people think they’re trying to benefit humanity. But when you lift the veneer of rhetorical altruism, what you find is an extremely anti-human line of policies that support the greater U.N. depopulation agenda.