Climate Nutter Protests


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Shell oil company sues Greenpeace over ‘extremely dangerous’ protest

A Shell spokesperson told Reuters that boarding the vessel was “unlawful and extremely dangerous.

”The right to protest is fundamental and we respect it absolutely. But it must be done safely and lawfully," the spokesperson said.

The protest took place in February, according to CNN. The activists boarded a ship in the Atlantic Ocean and climbed an oil platform that was being transported to the North Sea, where an oil field is expected to produce 45,000 barrels of oil or gas per day.

In a statement, Greenpeace alleged Shell’s legal action is an “intimidation lawsuit” and part of an effort to silence the organization's activists.


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FED UP Lawyer SMOKES Two Climate Protestors For Blocking Highway During Environmental Protests!​



PREMO Member
Had to happen eventually!

Indeed from dragging them out of the street by their ...

Apparently the Climate Protests in Panama have basically shut down the country, costing 80 million dollars a day in losses to businesses

I previously posted an expose on JSO - the founder is a complete loon and it is a death cult


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Shell oil company sues Greenpeace over ‘extremely dangerous’ protest

A Shell spokesperson told Reuters that boarding the vessel was “unlawful and extremely dangerous.

”The right to protest is fundamental and we respect it absolutely. But it must be done safely and lawfully," the spokesperson said.

The protest took place in February, according to CNN. The activists boarded a ship in the Atlantic Ocean and climbed an oil platform that was being transported to the North Sea, where an oil field is expected to produce 45,000 barrels of oil or gas per day.

In a statement, Greenpeace alleged Shell’s legal action is an “intimidation lawsuit” and part of an effort to silence the organization's activists.
I guess vessels are no longer allowed to repel boarders.


Beloved Misanthrope


PREMO Member
An extremist climate group that defaced an exhibit on French impressionist Edgar Degas last spring at the National Gallery of Art plans to lead another series of protests in the metropolitan Washington area beginning Friday. And more illegal actions are in the works, the group says.

The organization, called Declare Emergency, threatened to continue such acts until President Joe Biden does what it demands.

Two members of the organization smeared red and black paint April 27 on a protective box surrounding Degas’ statuette “Little Dancer Aged Fourteen,” sparking an FBI investigation into the climate activist organization.

Now, Declare Emergency says it plans to risk members’ arrests during a week of demonstrations in the D.C. area, including roadblocks and other actions that supposedly symbolize the state of the climate.

In a Nov. 3 media advisory, Declare Emergency said it invited “regular people” who support its campaign to a series of demonstrations in the District of Columbia, suburban Maryland, and Northern Virginia from Friday, Nov. 10, through Saturday, Nov. 18.

Most planned actions will occur on the two weekends, Declare Emergency’s media contact Tim Martin told The Daily Signal, and the group expects arrests.

“Our resistance will continue for the foreseeable future until Biden holds a press conference in front of the entire nation declaring a climate emergency and stating clearly that we only have two to three years to end all fossil fuel production to stay below 2.0 degrees of warming,” the group’s media advisory reads.

It adds: “Mass starvation, mass migration, social collapse, economic ruin, terrorism, wars, rape and slaughter await us if we do not act swiftly, decisively and meaningfully.”

“That’s the strategy,” Martin told The Daily Signal. “We sacrifice by risking arrest to let the public know how serious the situation is. And we all have things we’d rather be doing, but once you learn how bad things are from the climate scientists, you realize that everybody’s ignoring them.”

In fact, the climate change crisis is a manufactured consensus, climate scientist Judith Curry and other critics of what they call climate alarmism argue. Some scientists have an incentive to exaggerate risk to pursue “fame and fortune,” Curry says.



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'Ludicrous': Greta Thunberg's latest rally a 'congregation of the mentally unwell'​



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PREMO Member
An extremist climate group that defaced an exhibit on French impressionist Edgar Degas last spring at the National Gallery of Art plans to lead another series of protests in the metropolitan Washington area beginning Friday. And more illegal actions are in the works, the group says.

The organization, called Declare Emergency, threatened to continue such acts until President Joe Biden does what it demands.

Two members of the organization smeared red and black paint April 27 on a protective box surrounding Degas’ statuette “Little Dancer Aged Fourteen,” sparking an FBI investigation into the climate activist organization.

Now, Declare Emergency says it plans to risk members’ arrests during a week of demonstrations in the D.C. area, including roadblocks and other actions that supposedly symbolize the state of the climate.

In a Nov. 3 media advisory, Declare Emergency said it invited “regular people” who support its campaign to a series of demonstrations in the District of Columbia, suburban Maryland, and Northern Virginia from Friday, Nov. 10, through Saturday, Nov. 18.

Most planned actions will occur on the two weekends, Declare Emergency’s media contact Tim Martin told The Daily Signal, and the group expects arrests.

“Our resistance will continue for the foreseeable future until Biden holds a press conference in front of the entire nation declaring a climate emergency and stating clearly that we only have two to three years to end all fossil fuel production to stay below 2.0 degrees of warming,” the group’s media advisory reads.

It adds: “Mass starvation, mass migration, social collapse, economic ruin, terrorism, wars, rape and slaughter await us if we do not act swiftly, decisively and meaningfully.”

“That’s the strategy,” Martin told The Daily Signal. “We sacrifice by risking arrest to let the public know how serious the situation is. And we all have things we’d rather be doing, but once you learn how bad things are from the climate scientists, you realize that everybody’s ignoring them.”

In fact, the climate change crisis is a manufactured consensus, climate scientist Judith Curry and other critics of what they call climate alarmism argue. Some scientists have an incentive to exaggerate risk to pursue “fame and fortune,” Curry says.

This could get interesting.


PREMO Member

German Police Use 'Pain Grip' on Climate Protesters Blocking Roads, Absolute Hysteria Follows

The cool thing is that you can test this on yourself. Take your left hand and then push your right hand down so that your fingers are pushed further behind your wrist. Go ahead, give it a shot.

Now, did it feel like you were just blasted with buckshot while being burned alive as these protesters are projecting? Or was it just mildly uncomfortable? I'm not suggesting these climate protesters are faking the level of pain they are exhibiting...wait...that's exactly what I'm suggesting. They are putting on a show for the cameras to present themselves as abused victims.

Here's another example from an incident in Berlin.

I watched that video a few times, and I'm pretty sure almost nothing was done to the woman's wrist. The crocodile tears and blood-curdling screams flowed nonetheless because these people are actors as much as they are protesters. In fact, a quick search of "pain grip" leads only to claims made by the radical left-wing group "Just Stop Oil," which leads me to assume they made up the phrase as part of their many propaganda campaigns. In reality, the "pain grip" is just a normal technique used to stop someone from resisting.


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
Learned that hold when I was training in Hap Ki Do 50 years ago.
When I was a security guard 40 years ago, the training Sergeant called it a Come Along Grip.


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Lefties Losing It: Frustrated man gives Just Stop Oil protesters a ‘reality check’​



Power with Control
Effing hero..........1.Make sure the camera is recording, make call. "Police, I'm being held captive and I fear for my safety", whip out bear spray, dose and drag.