Climate Nutter Protests


Well-Known Member
Chain saws gave me an ideal. Install a bar like on school buses that force kids to stay in sight of the driver. Just stronger and faster, dwarf toss for the sitters.


PREMO Member

Outrageous: Radical Climate Activists DUMP RED POWDER on US Constitution in Rotunda of National Archives – Police Stand Around and Watch

Climate activists just vandalized the display of the US Constitution in the Rotunda of the National Archives in Washington DC. They poured red powder on themselves and the display.

The America-hating lunatics then lectured the people in the rotunda about their global warming nonsense.

It was interesting to see the police walk around them with out much concern. What was that about?

These activists should immediately be shipped to rural Alaska to live out their dream without the horrors of fossil fuels.

Via activist reporter Ford Fischer.


Power with Control

Outrageous: Radical Climate Activists DUMP RED POWDER on US Constitution in Rotunda of National Archives – Police Stand Around and Watch

Climate activists just vandalized the display of the US Constitution in the Rotunda of the National Archives in Washington DC. They poured red powder on themselves and the display.

The America-hating lunatics then lectured the people in the rotunda about their global warming nonsense.

It was interesting to see the police walk around them with out much concern. What was that about?

These activists should immediately be shipped to rural Alaska to live out their dream without the horrors of fossil fuels.

Via activist reporter Ford Fischer.

Why did that one guard wave off someone? Glove up, grab these d-bags and drag them the hell off.


Beloved Misanthrope
Why did that one guard wave off someone? Glove up, grab these d-bags and drag them the hell off.
Sergent ****wad set the precedent January 6

Standard practice should’ve been to shoot one of them in the head.


PREMO Member

WOKE Climate Activists FAFO After CONFRONTING And Trying To FIGHT The WRONG Politician!​



PREMO Member
Cross Country Skier Sent to Congress to Testify on the Environment as a EXPERT cannot describe CO2

[video starts are the relevant time stamp]



PREMO Member

Did the protesters walk there? We sure hope so. Even EVs are bad for the environment. We all need to live in 15-minute cities where everyone can get anything they need within a 15-minute walk.

Extinction Rebellion NYC writes:

Extinction Rebellion protestors interrupted the opening ceremony of the New York International Auto Show this morning, warning that there are "no EVs on a dead planet," and demanding acknowledgement that while the automobile industry sells electric vehicles as a climate solution, they are in fact not a solution at all.
Electric vehicles do not solve the fundamental problems with cars. The construction of electric vehicles is as carbon-intensive, if not more so, than that of conventional cars powered by fossil fuels. More important, cars themselves damage the climate in many ways above and beyond their gas consumption. Cars are constructed out of materials that are very difficult to produce. The excessive steel in cars is incredibly climate-unfriendly to produce. The many superfluous electronics in cars contain rare earth metals and require expensive, shipping-intensive manufacturing processes. The fact that cars are heavier and larger than they need to be means that all cars, including electric ones, are incompatible with a livable future.
XR is not protesting car lovers or driving hobbyists. Those forced to drive because of car-dependent infrastructure are being told that they can help solve climate change by switching to an electric vehicle. The truth is that unchecked car production, no matter the type of propulsion, is pushing us towards extinction.

So drive an EV if you absolutely need a car to live, but you're still killing the planet