Climate Nutter Protests


PREMO Member

Nine Just Stop Oil activists arrested near London's Heathrow Airport

Airport operations were not disrupted. The arrests were made under Britain's Public Order Act.

"At around 9 a.m., seven Just Stop Oil supporters were arrested at two locations on the perimeter road outside Heathrow. At around 10:50am, the Metropolitan Police confirmed a further two had been arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to disrupt Heathrow," Just Stop Oil said in a statement.

The group is demanding Britain work with other nations to establish a treaty to end extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030.

"Our new government must take swift and meaningful action to end the extraction and burning of oil, gas and coal by 2030, by establishing a legally binding treaty to phase out fossil fuels. Anything less is a death sentence," Sally Davidson, one of the arrested activists, said in a statement.

Metropolitan Police in London said the arrests "prevented significant disruption to the airport and the traveling public."

A Just Stop Oil video posted on its X account showed police arresting the activists.



PREMO Member

Eco Loon Wants to Destroy Your Quality of Life With Communal Kitchens and Washing Clothes BY HAND

Environmentalism is a regressive mentality that seeks to reduce our quality of living -- no really, Bill Nye admitted as much -- and return us to serfdom.

Here's another environmentalist who has apparently embraced the notion of being a 'watermelon': green on the outside but commie red on the inside.

He seriously thinks we need to go back in time. To save the planet, of course:

If our ancestors could see us now, they'd be disappointed. They dreamed of living in a world with the conveniences we have, and here are Leftists pining for the days when Ma took the wash down to the stream to pound it on some rocks.

He tries really, really hard to make washing your clothes by hand sound romantic and noble:

'Communal' -- get used to that word.

How would this have worked in a COVID world?

'You're free to wash your clothes by hand at home, peasant.'

But we have to make sure washing clothing is an equitable chore:



Well-Known Member
Prove it a**hat! Show us how your communist nirvana is working FOR YOU.
Not someone else; show us you and all your family and neighbors making that communal washing, cooking, etc., fairly distributed amongst ALL of your neighborhood.


PREMO Member
Prove it a**hat! Show us how your communist nirvana is working FOR YOU.
Not someone else; show us you and all your family and neighbors making that communal washing, cooking, etc., fairly distributed amongst ALL of your neighborhood.

IKR ... get you and your Eco buddies and set up a community kitchens and washing by hand ....
start a YouTube Channel or vlog to inform everyone how you did this and succeeded


PREMO Member


PREMO Member

Hi there, @0liviajulianna.

Do you like facts? Because I do!

It’s time to give you a schooling.

Since 1851 [when reliable record keeping commenced], Florida has been struck by 110 hurricanes and 39 major hurricanes. Can you point out to me on the map that is shown below which ones were caused or made worse by Florida Republicans in climate denial?

In the 1870s, 12 hurricanes hit Florida. 10 struck each during the 1880s and 1940s. How did that happen if it’s the worst ever now?

Seven of the top 10 strongest hurricanes to make landfall in Florida occurred more than 30-years ago. Six of those hit before 1960. Was that Republicans’ fault, too?…

How did Florida go nearly 11-years without a single hurricane strike between Hurricanes Wilma (2005) and Hermine (2016)? Did DeSantis and the climate-denying Republicans buck the trend and deliberately cause chaos since then?

Natural hazards like hurricanes are not increasing in occurrence or severity. Natural disasters have because there is more “stuff” to destroy now than there was 100-years ago. If you build a house along the coastline, don’t act surprised when a hurricane comes barreling in and knocks it down.

Climate change didn’t do that.

You did by building in a natural hazards zone.

Mother Nature: 1
You: 0

In 2015, Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the UN’s Framework Convention on Climate Change, admitted that the goal of environmental activists was NOT to save the world from ecological calamity, but to DESTROY CAPITALISM, she said very casually.

She even restated that goal ensuring it was not a mistake. "This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution," she said.

She is still at the UN. Her claim makes sense in light of all the false predictions of doom over the past 30 years together with resistance to nuclear energy, which produces zero carbon emissions. But the plan is working. The Western Nations are spending themselves into oblivion.


PREMO Member

Bioethicist S. Matthew Liao: In order to fight "climate change", we should genetically modify humans to be intolerant to meat.

"If we eat less meat, we could significantly reduce our greenhouse gas emissions."

"Now, some people would be willing to eat less meat, but they lack the willpower. Human engineering could help."

"We could artificially induce intolerance to meat, and in this way, we can create an aversion to eating eco-unfriendly food."




PREMO Member
We had to go and look this up because we could not believe our eyes or ears. It turns out that this IS a real TED Talk that Liao gave back in 2017. Interestingly, TED Archives disabled comments for the video on YouTube and we can see why.

It is also of note that the YouTube description describes the TED Talk as Liao using 'humor' to make his point. The audience is indeed laughing, but we see no indication that Liao was kidding, like in a Jonathan Swift-style satire speech.

On the contrary, we also looked through some of his academic publications and this is not the first time he advocated for genetically altering humans. He also made the case -- a human rights case, no less -- for genetically altering people and for selecting children based on their genetic attributes.

Given this history, we do not believe Liao deserves even a shred of the benefit of the doubt for his TED Talk about climate change.
