Climate Nutter Protests


PREMO Member

Supran said that these weren't his tweets but they were "retweets."

Kennedy then dropped the hammer, asking if he often retweeted things he didn't support?

Then Supran said he didn't say he didn't support the tweet, he just didn't tweet it.

Whoops. Not exactly a great response when you're left scrambling to differentiate between a tweet and a retweet. When you're retweeting such a group, yes, people are going to be wondering what the heck is going on in your head. That's not going to fly well.

Supran didn't like this questioning at all and tried to volley back, claiming that "this form of character assassination is characteristic of the propaganda techniques of the fossil fuel (inaudible)."

But he did retweet them and didn't even say here that he didn't support them. So how is that "character assassination" or doesn't he want to stand by what he tweets and retweets?

Then Kennedy just ended him with a final line since his time was up, "Are you going to call me a sick f**k?"

Oh, my. Now that's a way to punctuate your point with an exclamation point!


Well-Known Member
I read a quote somewhere, where the gist of it was - "you cannot effect change, unless you can persuade".

Antagonizing people to change their minds is at best a nuisance - at worst, terrorism.

Most of the time, trying to change American's minds with violence is like doing the same to a hornet's nest.


PREMO Member

Climate Scientists Says HUMANS MUST BE CULLED To Stop Global Warming, PANICS Then DELETES TWEET​



PREMO Member
don't ya just love how these authoritarian nutters decide for EVERYONE ELSE what is required



PREMO Member
Fascinatingly Scary

I'd drive that 2 miles to the grocery store ... no way I'd drive that on 210 @ 55 mph


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Perfect size.

After the driver gets crushed to death in an accident with a squirrel, they can bury him in it.