CNN Hot Takes and Mis-Information


the poor dad
CNN Medical Expert Doubles Down That Cloth Masks Were Never Appropriate For COVID-19

CNN’s medical expert Dr. Leana Wen doubled down on her recent comments that cloth masks are nothing more “decorative” face-coverings and essentially useless against the coronavirus. On Tuesday morning, Wen highlighted the clip and implored Americans to wear medical-grade masks to slow the spread of COVID-19.

“Cloth masks are not appropriate for this pandemic,” Wen told CNN’s John Berman on Christmas Eve. “It’s not appropriate for Omicron, it was not appropriate for Delta, Alpha, or any of the previous variants either because we’re dealing with something that’s airborne. We’re dealing with a virus that’s extremely contagious.”

“At the very beginning of the pandemic, we didn’t know about masking,” she continued, “And then we didn’t have enough high-quality masks for health care workers and so we were trying to ration those. But then pretty quickly we recognized that COVID is airborne, and also that there are really high-quality masks that protect us from getting COVID.”

However, she encouraged viewers to double mask with “high-quality” masks typically used in a medical setting.
Duh! Most of us on here have been saying this same thing since April 2020.


PREMO Member
CNN Medical Guest Pushes Extreme Action Against People Who Are Unvaccinated

“So, look, first, we’ve got to get the ethical ground back on the side of people doing the right thing, that praise them, that acknowledge that they’re doing the right thing,” Caplan responded. “When I hear people say our first value is autonomy, and liberty, and I don’t want to get vaxed, and I don’t want to do anything to help my neighbor, or help people who are weak or vulnerable, one of the important things we can do is shift the moral ground. We’ve got to start praising people who do the right thing. Not saying, well, there’s a tradeoff of values. Some people are going to help their neighbor[,] orient toward the community, try to protect one another. And then there are going to be jerks who aren’t going to do that.”

So, look, first, we’ve got to get the ethical ground back on the side of people doing the right thing, that praise them, that acknowledge that they’re doing the right thing.
When I hear people say our first value is autonomy, and liberty, and I don’t want to get vaxed, and I don’t want to do anything to help my neighbor, or help people who are weak or vulnerable, one of the important things we can do is shift the moral ground. We’ve got to start praising people who do the right thing. Not saying, well, there’s a tradeoff of values. Some people are going to help their neighbor[,] orient toward the community, try to protect one another. And then there are going to be jerks who aren’t going to do that.
Let’s get the equation straight. And people may be thinking, Well, so what? What difference does it make where we put a moral emphasis? It makes a lot of difference.
Shame, guilt, calling people out when they’re not doing the right thing. I don’t see moral equivalency if you’re not doing the right thing by getting vaccinated, by trying to get tested when you can find the tests, by trying to take precautions when you’re around the weak and the vulnerable.
That’s not — I think about Antonio Brown, the football player who you may remember, John, stripped off his uniform and left in the middle of a game recently. You don’t think of him as a hero. His teammates thought of him as a morally obtuse idiot, because he wasn’t participating — he did the worst thing. He abandoned his team.
And that’s what the unvaccinated, that’s what the people who won’t take precautions. That’s what the unmasked are causing to happen. They’re leaving the team in the middle of the fight for our lives, in the middle of a pandemic. So that’s preliminary.
And then I’ll just add quickly, I think you’ve got to then say we’re going to make life easier for those who vaccinate and tougher for those who won’t do it. More rewards, more freedom, more ability to go to restaurants, go to social events, go to athletic events.
Why we continue to say, well, you know, you vaccinate, you don’t vaccinate, it’s up to you if you want to come to this game. That isn’t the right stance.
CAPLAN: Well, look, I want us to act as a community. I want us to act as a team. When you’re fighting a war, you need all hands on deck.
I don’t want to reject those who still haven’t done the right thing. I’ll condemn them. I’ll shame them. I’m blame them. But I don’t want to exclude them. They’ve got to come around.
We can’t win this war. We’re going to be talking about COVID this time next year if we don’t get more people to do the right thing.
So we can’t write them off. We can penalize them more. We can say, you’re going to pay more on your hospital bill if you weren’t vaccinated. You can’t get life insurance or disability insurance at affordable rates if you aren’t vaccinated. Those companies should not treat us as equals in terms of what the financial burdens are that that disease imposes.
So I can think of a number of ways in which we should say, “Here’s the stick, get on board.”
At the same time, we do need everyone. It’s a war. You’ve got to have all your troops unified if we’re ever going to win it.


What's Next ... you pay more for engaging in x unsafe activities


PREMO Member
CNN Reporter Mocked For Realization That He Just Had About Coronavirus Pandemic

“I’ve noticed something amid this Omicron surge that’s made me reconsider the first 20 months of this pandemic. For months and months, no one I came into contact with admitted they had Covid. Not neighbors. Not co-workers. Not friends. Not acquaintances. No one,” Cillizza tweeted. “Except that, with Omicron surging and lots and lots of people now getting it, I’ve found some of these same people telling me they had it last fall or at the start of the pandemic or whenever. Which is fascinating to me. Because it suggests that they were embarrassed or scared to say they (or their family) had it before.”

Notable responses included:
  • Erick Erickson, radio host: “What is it about CNN and their crew coming to realizations in 2022 that the rest of us realized in 2020? Between this and the story about losing weight improves your chances against COVID, this is really something.”
  • Omri Ceren, national security adviser for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX): “I’m not sure this reads like you think it reads.”
  • Adam Baldwin, actor: “Notice this thread’s a Twitter mnemonic of Paul Haggis’ 25k-word New Yorker Scientology apostasy opus? Clearing your COVIDian thetans can be liberating, Chris. Remember, ‘Silence is Compliance.’”
  • Dylan Housman, reporter: “By ‘we’ you mean elite media figures and politicians. Those groups absolutely did make getting COVID into a moral failing, because it meant you were being reckless. Kind of late to be coming around on this. Also, it’s not weird that you know a lot of people that had COVID before but didn’t tell you. Most people don’t go out and about shouting from the rooftops about their various medical conditions. I don’t post a positive flu test or my latest bloodwork on the insta story.”
  • Virginia Hume, author: “I’m glad this is working its way into people’s conscious minds (though I might wish it had done so sooner). Meanwhile, think it’s worth mentioning: The fact that elites were judging people for getting Covid was absolutely, incandescently obvious to SO many people.”
  • Stephen L. Miller, political commentator: “Wait until you find out who your employer is. My goodness.”
  • Christian Ziegler, Florida GOP: “Stigma? No… It was the shaming by the left… You get COVID and they attacked –> Didn’t wear a mask, didn’t get vax, didn’t social distance, weren’t careful, YOUR fault Now w/Omicron spreading faster, people have pandemic fatigue and polls 📉, the Left easing up on shaming.”
  • Ryan J. Rusak, columnist: “And of your state, your politics and how you live your life. Now, who did that, exactly?”


PREMO Member
Hitler Smears From CNN's Flamethrowers

Brian Stelter tweeted, "Jesse Watters is a logical choice for Fox's 7pm time slot -- the evening schedule is now full of flame throwers -- from Watters through to Greg Gutfeld." Oliver Darcy joined in: "The installment of Watters into the 7pm time slot cements a strategy Fox initiated soon after Trump lost re-election: Even more right-wing commentary, even less news."

Permit me to repeat that Stelter put an "expert" on his "Reliable Sources" show who proclaimed Donald Trump would kill more people than Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong combined. CNN has compared Trump to Hitler so often that it sounds like the Fake History Channel.

The night before the Stelter/Darcy flame-fest, this was the Sunday night schedule on CNN:

First, at 9 p.m.: "Fareed Zakaria's Special Report: The Fight To Save American Democracy." Then at 10 p.m.? "CNN Special Report, 'Trumping Democracy: An American Coup.'" At 11 p.m., another hour: "Attack on Democracy: The Roots of Trump's Insurrection."

Somehow, it's never "flame-throwing" to assert that Trump's echoing Hitler. Zakaria announced, "Donald Trump is not Adolf Hitler. But Weimar's death highlights a danger for all democracies, specifically the way conservative elites, determined to keep the left out of power, align themselves with an anti-democratic demagogue. The story in Germany began with a big lie."


PREMO Member
CNN ‘Reliable Sources’ guest says press covering Biden ‘unfairly’ with ‘snarky attitude’

During a Sunday appearance on CNN's "Reliable Sources," host Brian Stelter asked Lockhart about the media's treatment of the current White House occupant, and how it compares to his predecessor.

"I think the press is failing," Lockhart said plainly. "They’re treating him [Biden] unfairly. First off, there ought to have been a dividend for returning truth and decency to the White House, and we didn’t get that, we didn’t get that at all," he told Stelter. "We’ve kind of returned to the snarky attitude we saw with Trump and in some respects to Obama."

Lockhart said the media have become more concerned with viewership and ratings than informing the public.

"I will give you an example about some of the decisions that get made. I said from the very first briefing the Trump spokespeople lied, they lied every day, every briefing and the majority of those briefings were aired on live television," he told Stelter. "Jen Psaki is in there telling us the truth, she’s telling us what’s going on in the government, what people need to hear, and they’re rarely on live television. So that tells me this is more about entertainment than it is about news. It is more about getting viewers than letting people know what’s going on in the country. And that’s a failure, as far as I’m concerned."


Well-Known Member
CNN ‘Reliable Sources’ guest says press covering Biden ‘unfairly’ with ‘snarky attitude’

During a Sunday appearance on CNN's "Reliable Sources," host Brian Stelter asked Lockhart about the media's treatment of the current White House occupant, and how it compares to his predecessor.

"I think the press is failing," Lockhart said plainly. "They’re treating him [Biden] unfairly. First off, there ought to have been a dividend for returning truth and decency to the White House, and we didn’t get that, we didn’t get that at all," he told Stelter. "We’ve kind of returned to the snarky attitude we saw with Trump and in some respects to Obama."

Lockhart said the media have become more concerned with viewership and ratings than informing the public.

"I will give you an example about some of the decisions that get made. I said from the very first briefing the Trump spokespeople lied, they lied every day, every briefing and the majority of those briefings were aired on live television," he told Stelter. "Jen Psaki is in there telling us the truth, she’s telling us what’s going on in the government, what people need to hear, and they’re rarely on live television. So that tells me this is more about entertainment than it is about news. It is more about getting viewers than letting people know what’s going on in the country. And that’s a failure, as far as I’m concerned."

Is this guy serious. Truth from Jen Psaki? Truth in the White House?

The truth is that we have a mentally ill old man in the White House and a lying idiot as his press secretary.
This guy Lockhart has to be a moron if he believes his statements.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
I will agree to that statement.

Democrat politicians just take advantage of the stupidity of their supporters.

“Drink up, Peasants!”


PREMO Member
CNN Skewers Biden’s Voter Suppression Lies. Yes, CNN.

Transcript via CNN:
BURNETT: On the side of right or the side of racism, that’s what’s being presented. Even the second ranking Democrat in the Senate, Dick Durbin, said Biden ‘went a little too far in his rhetoric’ in that particular comment. And a right versus wrong simplistic view here is a problem. First of all, because more people voted than ever before in the last election.
So to just broadly talk about voter suppression may miss that very crucial point. And take vote by mail as one example. Here’s what Biden said this week criticizing Georgia’s new law.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
It's too late for them to turn.

The mainstream media, CNN and MSNBC need to die out completely and be replaced.

And not with leftovers from those garbage news orgs.


Well-Known Member
I will agree to that statement.

Democrat politicians just take advantage of the stupidity of their supporters.

“Drink up, Peasants!”

He could have simply said, whitey's out to get ya and received applause and praise the lords from that crowd


PREMO Member
Fox News ‘Invented’ Scary Stories About A ‘Senile President’ And CRT ‘Brainwashing Kids’

“Catherine, when we talk about polls showing most Americans think the country is on the wrong track, most Americans are filled with doom and gloom, we need to link it back to the media coverage,” Stelter continued.

“Obviously they’re getting that messaging from the media they consume. That set of headlines that you just scrolled through, I could feel my blood pressure rising just reading those. That’s the goal, right? The goal of this kind of coverage is to freak people out, to cause them to live in fear,” Rampell replied.

Rampell went on to suggest that coverage also focused on promoting the fear of issues that were less likely to be “mortal threats” while downplaying issues that she believed were more serious.

“Ironically a lot of the fearmongering is about the things that are not actually mortal threats and then there is ignoring the things that are mortal threats, you know, COVID isn’t real and climate change isn’t real,” Rampell added. “I would argue that, to me anyway, those things are a little scarier or have been scarier at various points in the past couple years. Instead it’s about the immigrant hoards and a senile president and Critical Race Theory brainwashing your kids, things that are if not just exaggerated, are invented out of whole cloth.”


CNN Myopic As Usual


PREMO Member
Helter-Stelter in a Misinformation Swelter

“I’m hiring 3 people for a new CNN team dedicated to covering misinformation,” CNN Business Managing Editor Alex Koppelman tweeted. “What do we mean by covering misinformation? Really it’s about covering reality: The uses, abuses, and distortions of it, the people twisting it, and the effect that has on all of us. We already do a lot of important work on this; we want to do more.”

Seriously, they were just begging to be laughed at.


“We’re going to learn the various types of misinformation,” King can be seen informing her students in the segment. “They’re called satire, false context, imposter content, manipulated content, and fabricated content.”

“Barbara King wants to arm this eighth-grade class with the tools they will need in a world full of information saturation. And there is a lot to learn,” Stelter tells viewers in a voice-over. “Just imagine trying to make sense of all of this as a teenager.”

“As the web becomes even more of a wild west every day, the students here at PS-207 in Queens, New York, know that they need these lessons,” Stelter said. “The goal is to equip future generations of savvy news consumers.”


PREMO Member
CNN’s viewership dropped off when Jim Acosta’s ‘Democracy in Peril’ special came on

As Twitchy reported, CNN drama queen was given a shot at prime time: He was given the 9 p.m. slot every night for a week for his special, “Democracy in Peril.” But it looks like even the democracy in peril crowd wasn’t interested — viewership dipped as soon as Acosta’s special came on and even went up a bit for Don Lemon.

Acosta’s special drew 511,000 viewers, a drop from lead-in Anderson Cooper’s 712,000 viewers. In the same time slot over on Fox News, Sean Hannity was drawing in nearly 3 million viewers.
