CNN Hot Takes and Mis-Information


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‘Anti-Science BS’: Brianna Keilar Declares Fox News Guilty Of ‘The Ultimate Moral Crime’ On COVID

Keilar first responded by saying that while she understood the frustrations that Weiss and Maher were expressing, she wasn’t sure that they were being directed in the correct way.

“Sure would be nice if COVID were done with us too. Done with hospitals, done with the doctors and the nurses who are stretched to their breaking points in many cases. We are not, though, done. We’re not back to normal. And that is because so many people are still actively choosing not to be vaccinated,” Keilar said. “So I get her outrage. I’m not sure I get the direction of it.”

Keilar then turned her ire on Fox News, criticizing the network for allowing popular host Tucker Carlson to host “clowns” like Alex Berenson, who argued that no one should be getting the mRNA vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna.

“It is completely clear now that the vaccines don’t really work at all against Omicron. In these highly vaccinated and highly boosted countries, rates of infection are incredibly high. And rates of serious disease and death are also rising. The mRNA COVID vaccines need to be withdrawn from the market now. No one should get them. No one should get boosted, no one should get double boosted. They are a dangerous and ineffective product at this point,” Berenson said.


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Jim Acosta: Virginia Is ‘A Soviet-Style Police State’ Under Gov. Youngkin

Acosta accused Youngkin of “pitting citizen against citizen” immediately after playing a clip of the governor promising to remove “inherently divisive teaching practices out of the schools.” Acosta seemed outraged by removing the racially polarizing CRT curriculum from taxpayer-funded schools — the chief campaign promise made by Youngkin and Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears — which Acosta said violates “the traditional conservative tenets of liberty, anti-censorship and freedom.”

Acosta also slammed Youngkin for setting up a process for parents to complain if public school teachers violate the law by teaching racially divisive concepts, such as claiming all members of one race inherently oppress all members of other races. Acosta likened the measure to the Texas Heartbeat law, a pro-life protection that allows citizens to sue abortionists who perform an abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, usually around the sixth week of pregnancy. “How concerned should we be, about these laws that seem to be catching on of, citizens ratting each other out?” he asked Jong-Fast, adding they encourage “canceling your neighbor across the street or next door.”

A search of CNN transcripts did not uncover a single instance in which Acosta condemned Democrats who encouraged citizens to report their neighbors for violating COVID-19 lockdown orders. “You know the old expression about snitches. Well, in this case, snitches get rewards,” said Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (D) in March 2020. “We want to thank you for turning folks in and making sure we are all safe.” (Emphases added.) Such measures were often imposed by gubernatorial or mayoral executive decrees, without any voter input.

For her part, Jong-Fast agreed with Acosta’s sentiments that Youngkin “pretended to be this kind of non-Trumpy Trump. And then, as soon as he got in there, he started taking away masking in Virginia public schools. He started with these teacher hotlines, where you can rat out your teacher.”
“I mean, he’s really gone full Ron DeSantis, right away,” she stated.

She forecast that, in the future, “Blue states and Red states are going to be very, very different, because these Red states have no incentive to stop being Trumpy. They’re just going to race and become Trumpier and Trumpier.”

Understand Kiddies, Freedom = Trumpy Dictatorship


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Stelter Blames ‘White Identity Politics’

“Let’s be honest, Fox wants a fight. Rightwing radio and TV wants a fight,” Stelter said. “They need a fight over the Supreme Court. They are already starting a fight that’s rooted in white identity politics. All of Fox’s prime time shows are outraged that Biden has committed to nominating a justice who is black and female.”

Stelter showed clips of Fox News hosts Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham — who said that Biden’s promise to nominate a black female to the exclusion of all other demographics was in itself divisive, not to mention racist and sexist. Stelter then claimed that the Fox News hosts were the problem, and that their comments were intentionally fueling a state of “permanent political warfare.”


“Does it matter to @brianstelter that 76% of Americans just told a leading pollster they oppose limiting Supreme Court hires to 6% of the population (based on immutable characteristics)?” Zaid Jilani added, referencing an ABC/IPSOS poll that said a commanding majority of Americans believed Biden should make his Supreme Court choice by considering all possible nominees rather than adhering to his campaign promise for the sake of doing so. “Why is everything always about Fox News? Why not report these things accurately?”


PREMO Member
Biased CNN Reporter Uses the Word 'Lie' 19 Times in Propaganda Piece About 2020 Election

“Twitter says it has quit taking action against lies about the 2020 election” blares Dale’s headline. The very first sentence reads “Twitter quit taking action to try to limit the spread of lies about the 2020 election, the company said on Friday — a day after another social media platform, YouTube, removed a Republican congressman’s campaign ad because it included a 2020 lie.” It is generally considered poor writing style to use the same word more than once within the same sentence. Even so, Dale uses his pet word yet again in the very next sentence, when he whines that “…Twitter has not been enforcing its ‘civic integrity policy’ in relation to lies about the 2020 election.”

As a literary device, repetition is used to emphasize or persuade the reader that a word or phrase is true. Dale’s piece is positively brainwash-y as it seeks to program readers to recognize any wrongthink that slips past the social media censors as a LIE!

What wrongthink is the righteous fact-checker so concerned about? Any belief, suspicion, or — God forbid — evidence that the 2020 election was less than immaculate. For example, Dale is dismayed that a Republican U.S. Senate candidate, Missouri Rep. Billy Long, whose ad was banned by YouTube, is still permitted to exist on Facebook and television ad space. In the despised ad, Long utters the forbidden phrase “democrats rigged the election.”

To paraphrase a Democrat standard bearer, the truth of Long’s assertion depends on what the meaning of the word “rig” is. Merriam-Webster says it means “to manipulate or control usually by deceptive or dishonest means: rig an election.”


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CNN Hosts Push To Cancel Rogan: ‘Seems Untenable’ That He Could Keep Job, Celebs Lose Roles ‘For Less’

“And you and I both know that compilation right there, which he has admitted to, is authentic, that would be enough to put anybody out of a job,” Acosta said. “To me, it seems untenable to have that kind of video surface, that kind of compilation surface, and keep one’s job.”

Acosta later doubled-down on seemingly pushing for Rogan to lose his job, noting that Rogan’s remarks “would be enough for somebody to lose their job.”

Stelter told Acosta he was “right,” saying, “there are many examples including in Hollywood and entertainment where people have lost their roles for less than this.”


Well-Known Member

CNN Hosts Push To Cancel Rogan: ‘Seems Untenable’ That He Could Keep Job, Celebs Lose Roles ‘For Less’

“And you and I both know that compilation right there, which he has admitted to, is authentic, that would be enough to put anybody out of a job,” Acosta said. “To me, it seems untenable to have that kind of video surface, that kind of compilation surface, and keep one’s job.”

Acosta later doubled-down on seemingly pushing for Rogan to lose his job, noting that Rogan’s remarks “would be enough for somebody to lose their job.”

Stelter told Acosta he was “right,” saying, “there are many examples including in Hollywood and entertainment where people have lost their roles for less than this.”

When these 2 clowns contracts expire the new owner's not going to renew them .


PREMO Member

CNN Medical Expert Says It’s Time To Lift The Mask Mandates — To Preserve ‘Medical Authority’

“Well, I agree with Colorado, with many other local and state’s jurisdictions that are beginning to lift government mandates,” Wen replied. “And I think this is the key: I’m not saying that we should be stopping masking, but rather that this needs to shift from a government requirement to an individual decision.”

“The government can’t keep telling our citizens that this is a five-alarm fire all the time,” she continued, suggesting that the move was at least as much about human behavior as it was about available data. “People are just going to start tuning it out and not pay attention, they’ll be desensitized.”

“And so what needs to happen is we need to end the state of emergency and preserve the ability of public health authorities to reinstitute mandates in the future if we more and more dangerous variants later,” she concluded, effectively arguing that public health authorities would have no power to implement future mandates if they pushed the people too far.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
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Ol' LairBear has a presser at 1pm and he will say it's time to drop the masks in schools. I predict MoCo, Bawlmer (both) PG, ChuckCo (maybe) and Howard to fight it the hardest. Just as long as he doesn't delay it a month like Murphy in NJ is doing.


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CNN Medical Expert Actually Says It Out Loud: 'The Science Has Changed'

Keep in mind the science behind cloth and paper masks not being effective in preventing COVID-19 infections have been settled for some time, as only N95 or something similar has any kind of effect. The science hasn't changed, rather the acceptance of the science from some of those who love restrictions is changing as more and more people are able to go on with their lives. Oh yeah, and the midterms are coming up.


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PREMO Member
Ol' LairBear has a presser at 1pm and he will say it's time to drop the masks in schools. I predict MoCo, Bawlmer (both) PG, ChuckCo (maybe) and Howard to fight it the hardest. Just as long as he doesn't delay it a month like Murphy in NJ is doing.
They'll take Larry to court to keep it enforced.