CNN Hot Takes and Mis-Information


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CNN Calls Trucker Protest 'Sedition' and 'A Threat to Democracy'

How is it the truckers are “blockading democracy”? What does that even mean? Or “blockading our fellow citizens’ daily lives”? Is he equating creating an inconvenience for city residents with blockading their lives? Yikes!

Also, you can only protest if you support the government. Otherwise, you’re an “insurrectionist.”

CNN’s “Inside Politics” discussed the protestors, which had entered its second week, on Monday’s episode. Host John King quickly labeled the Freedom Convoy as “a nationwide insurrection.”
“The state of emergency in place in Ottawa where the police chief says COVID protests are ‘a nationwide insurrection driven by madness.’ Thousands of Canadians, you see the pictures there, protesting vaccine mandates. It started with the so-called ‘Freedom Convoy’ led by truckers protesting a new mandate requiring vaccines in order to enter the country,” King said.
CNN correspondent Paula Newton followed up comparing the convoy to “sedition” and “a threat to democracy.”

Delegitimizing protests as a form of mental illness was a favorite tactic of the Russian Communists during the Cold War. They would institutionalize people simply for disagreeing with the government.

If “insurrection driven by madness” is the government’s justification for a crackdown, it will probably only make the protests larger and louder.


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CNN anchor admits she's 'officially out of ideas' for 'what to do about Joe Rogan'

"Well, I'll admit, I'm out of ideas for what to do about Joe Rogan," CNN anchor Alisyn Camerota said on Wednesday. "I'm officially out of ideas."

"I’m confused by both ‘it’s always been out there, but this is a political hit job.' 'It feels good that it's out, but then also I really need to address this,'" co-anchor Victor Blackwell said, summarizing Rogan's remarks about the controversies. "I mean, it seems like there are at least three different narratives that are coming here."

"Listen, I think that he's saying out loud things that we want people who are caught doing horrible things to say, which is, 'I'm going to do better, I feel ashamed of this, I'm sorry about this.' And so I think that all of that is great," Camerota said. "I think that where there's the misalignment is that, basically he just said, 'How dumb are you if you're taking medical advice from me,' okay? I posed that same question about Joe Rogan. The people who were taking medical advice from him, how dumb are they? But he has this huge platform that does influence, you know, millions of people. So there's a misalignment between this sort of personal responsibility and the size of his platform."


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CNN analyst backtracks after calling for Canadian truckers to have their tires slashed

The truckers' protests brought together thousands of Canadians in the capital city of Ottawa to protest the country's COVID-19 vaccine mandate and other restrictions, which several provinces have now agreed to ease.

Prime Minister, and leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau has yet to meet with the protestors who have described his reaction to their protests as vilifying them.

"People of Ottawa don't deserve to be harassed in their own neighborhoods, don’t deserve to be confronted with the inherent violence of a swastika flying on a street corner or a confederate flag or the insults and jeers just because they're wearing a mask. That's not who Canadians are," Trudeau said Monday in the House of Commons.


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CNN Accuses Joe Rogan of ‘Unleashing’ Genocidal and Insurrectionist Forces

CNN spends an inordinate amount of time trying to destroy its rivals in the media market — whatever they may pretend they do, this is the role that is actually played by both Brian Stelter and Oliver Darcy — so it should not come as a surprise that the network has been among the most vocal critics of the podcaster Joe Rogan, about whom its staff have grown progressively unhinged as the attempt to cancel him has gained steam.

On Wednesday, CNN’s Alisyn Camerota said that she was “out of ideas for what to do about Joe Rogan.” But, alas, the broader network is not. This morning, John Blake published a piece of “analysis” — this is the word CNN uses for opinion pieces it hopes to launder as something else — that links Rogan’s words with the attack on the Capitol on January 6 and the 1994 Rwandan genocide, and accuses him of helping to reverse the progress that has been made in America since 1945.

Rogan’s podcast, Blake writes, is “arguably just as dangerous” as a violent mob:

The podcaster Joe Rogan did not join a mob that forced lawmakers to flee for their lives. He never carried a Confederate flag inside the US Capitol rotunda. No one died trying to stop him from using the n-word.
But what Rogan and those that defend him have done since video clips of him using the n-word surfaced on social media is arguably just as dangerous as what a mob did when they stormed the US Capitol on January 6 last year.

Worse yet, his is the sort of show that leads to “atrocities”:

Something else happens that’s even more deadly. When people in positions of power use dehumanizing language to describe other groups, atrocities often follow.
This is not ancient history: Consider what happened less than 30 years ago in Rwanda when some 800,000 civilians were slaughtered in a three-month period in 1994. Hutu extremists targeted both the Tutsi minority, who were a majority of those killed, as well as moderate Hutus.
What triggered the violence in part were the messages that came from people in positions of power in Rwanda. Many, like Rogan, had a public megaphone and an audience.


Well-Known Member
Worse yet, his is the sort of show that leads to “atrocities”:

You'll notice the language only ever implies that Rogan is using language to incite violence - he never says it outright and obviously cannot cite a single phrase in which he DID. This is really the worst kind of journalism. Gives you a history lesson about slaughter in Rwanda - and somehow tries to make the case that Rogan is doing the same. Without a single reference.


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CNN Panel Whines That Dr. Dre, Snoop Didn’t Lecture Halftime Audience Enough

On CNN’s “New Day,” guest panelist C.J. Farley commented on rapper Eminem taking a knee, saying, “I didn’t know what was going on. And if people can’t tell what your protest is about, I don’t know how hard it hits.” He added that he was, “glad if it was a Colin Kaepernick tribute that they did it, because you know, something had to be said or done to acknowledge what was going on.”

The panelists did appreciate the game, with Farley saying it was “exciting.” He also noted that many trailblazers in the black community featured prominently in the show. For example, Mary Mary sang “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” and Micky Guyton performed the National Anthem. But “nobody actually mentioned the guy that really helped inspire protests at the NFL level, and that was Colin Kaepernick,” Farley said.

Guest panelist Mara Schiavocampo continued Farley’s point, saying it was “disappointing that Eminem was the only one who took a knee,” which showed that none of the other performers were “willing to take a position on the unspoken.” She also said it was a good night for hip hop and one of the best halftime performances of all time, but it was “bad day for the movement.”

“The NFL was able to successfully use black performers to distract black audiences from the issues that are important to them without making any meaningful change whatsoever,” Schiavocampo said.

Schiavocampo added that the NFL knows “they have a PR problem. The reason we know they have PR problem is because they did put all of this diversity in front of the camera. Now that’s a good thing… but that is not enough.”


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Voters are blaming Biden for high gas prices because of 'misinformation'

During a "Crude Reality" segment on "CNN Newsroom with Ana Cabrera," the host repeated White House talking points to deflect blame from the current administration’s policies on energy production.

High gas prices have become a top concern for the majority of Americans who were dealing with rising prices of other goods due to inflation. Yet the CNN host told voters they couldn’t blame President Biden.

"Gas prices have hit a record-high again today, $4.25 a gallon, according to AAA, and that's up a staggering 60 cents in just one week. And while there is a lot of understandable anger and frustration over the pain at the pump, there’s also a lot of misinformation going around about who or what is responsible," Cabrera previewed before adding that "no one person or entity is in control of the price of gas."



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CNN's Oliver Darcy Races to Defend NY Times Writer From His Own Comments

We recently covered the tale of Matthew Rosenberg, the New York Times reporter caught on video by Project Veritas slamming the skills of his coworkers and, more importantly, completely debunking the media narrative of the January 6 Capital riot being such a big story. That this contradicted his own coverage of the riot was the most amazing aspect of this exposé.

Well, CNN's Oliver Darcy rides in to defend Rosenberg from…his own words? It is revealing how Darcy has nothing but contempt for PV while pretending The Times has not been an aggressor equally guilty of the actions he condemns.

- "The videos caused a stir inside NYT due, in part, to the inappropriate comments Rosenberg made about his fellow reporters. But, according to sources I spoke with, it was seen by many NYT journalists as part of a broader harassment and intimidation campaign Project Veritas has waged against the paper for reporting extensively on the inner-workings of the group."



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‘Americans Just Don’t Buy’ That: CNN Anchor Blasts Biden For Blaming Gas Prices On Russia

During a panel discussion, which included Axios political reporter Hans Nichols, Phillip and Nichols agreed that no matter what good economic news the White House might have to offer — or what excuses they made to explain the bad news — the high prices at the gas pump were unavoidable, and they did not appear to be going anywhere.


“But there’s one number that they can’t really change right now,” he cautioned. “And that is what the placard says at the local gas station.”

Phillip pointed out that the White House had even attempted to label the rise in gas prices as the #PutinPriceHike — even bringing in TikTok influencers to help them spread that particular message — a move that did not seem to take hold in the way that the Biden administration might have liked.

“Look, when I’ve passed gas stations that say ‘blame Putin’ more than they say ‘Let’s go Brandon,’ I’ll know the White House has been successful in messaging,” Nichols replied.

“That is fascinating in its own right,” Phillip agreed, sharing the results of a recent poll that showed the messaging had failed. “Take a look at this Quinnipiac poll. Americans just don’t buy that this is related to the war in Ukraine, and most of it, frankly, is not. 41% say it’s Biden’s policies, just 24% say the war in Ukraine. 24% also say the oil and gas companies are raising prices. But the White House is trying to do both, blame Putin, blame the oil and gas companies, but Americans just don’t agree.”


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Brian Stelter pushes back after guest says CNN is ‘partisan’

CNN’s Brian Stelter appeared taken aback on Sunday when a guest on the Sunday talk show “Reliable Sources” accused the cable network of being “partisan.”

Joshua Kalla, an assistant professor at Yale University, was invited on the air to discuss a recent study he conducted in which Fox News viewers were paid money to watch CNN for seven hours a week during September 2020.

Kalla told Stelter that Fox News wasn’t the only cable news network that was engaging in “partisan coverage filtering.”

“Basically, you’re proving what we’ve sensed for a while,” Stelter told Kalla. “Which is, Fox viewers are in the dark about bad news for the GOP.”

To which Kalla replied: “That’s right. Fox and CNN cover different issues, and Fox News predominantly covers issues that make the GOP look good, and make Democrats look bad.”


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‘Do You Listen To Other People? They Talk Very Differently Than You’

“Very strange. His pattern of communication is so strange,” Rogan said. “It’s like, do you listen to other people? They talk very differently than you. And also, Krystal Ball from ‘Breaking Points’ was making fun of him the other day. She’s like, why does he sit like this? Because you ever notice, he sits like this.”

After making fun of Stelter, Rogan continued, “One of my favorite moments was him with Bari Weiss, where Bari Weiss, ‘How has the world gone crazy?’ And she just rattles off one after another after another. Yeah. When you say silence is violence, when actual violence is violence, the world has gone crazy. The world’s gone mad. And she just rattled all these off.”

On the news that CNN’s new streaming service, CNN+, was closing down, Rogan noted that the network had pumped $300 million into the service.


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Brian Stelter suggests worrying about crime is part of a 'Republican narrative'

GOP strategist Kristen Soltis Anderson joined Stelter to talk about "the disconnect between the press and the public." Stelter referenced the results of the New York Times focus groups, which Soltis Anderson helped conduct.


"When I hear you say they're worried about crime, I kind of hear a Republican narrative," Stelter said. She said swing voters would probably push back against Stelter's claim.

Stelter followed up and said that "right-wing media" covers the issue of crime frequently, saying "maybe that's what I mean." The GOP strategist said in the research she's seen, the priorities of swing voters in the middle of the political aisle look more like Republican priorities.


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‘That’s Not True’: CNN’s Jake Tapper Rips Biden Admin For ‘Politicizing The Pandemic’

“It’s amazing this White House tweet is still up,” Tapper told White House senior medical advisor Anthony Fauci. “As you know, that’s not true. There were vaccines available, they may not have been widely available, but it was available. CNN fact checker Daniel Dale points out more than 3 million Americans had been fully vaccinated, more than 18 million had at least one shot by Inauguration Day. I think President Biden had two shots by then.”

“You’re the president’s chief medical advisor, why is the White House politicizing the pandemic by tweeting out that there was no vaccine available until Joe Biden became president? It’s not true, Tapper continued.

Fauci said he had no involvement with the tweet and cannot answer that question. Tapper then pressed that “it is important to have facts” regarding COVID-19 and vaccinations, which Fauci agreed by adding Biden had, in fact, been vaccinated before entering office.

“From pure accuracy, that’s not a correct statement,” Fauci said. “But, I mean, it just went out, I’m sorry. There’s nothing I can do about that, Jake.”


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CNN Anchor Claims Pope Doesn’t Support Pelosi Communion Ban — But That’s Not Quite What He Said

He addressed the issue last September, telling journalists onboard the Papal plane that Catholics who supported abortion were “outside the community” and that the sacrament of Communion was for those who were “in the community,” or not estranged from it.

He argued that pastors should make those decisions themselves — and was careful to note that it was not about condemnation but about caring for them as parishioners. “And what should the pastor do? He shouldn’t go around condemning. And he must also be a pastor with those who are excommunicated, and be so with God’s style, which is closeness, compassion and tenderness.”

His reasoning was that although some people might be temporarily estranged from the Church, they were still “children of God and need our pastoral action.”

He reserved harsher terms for abortion, however, saying that it was “more than a problem: It’s a homicide. No middle terms. Whomever does an abortion, kills.”

He later compared seeking an abortion to “hiring a hitman” to solve a problem, saying that the Church could not accept abortion because that would be akin to accepting “daily homicide.”

Just because the church took no action in the past, this does not prohibit such actions in the future


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Jake Tapper tests positive for COVID at network's D.C. bureau but STAYS to film his show discussing America's millionth death from the virus - leaving coworkers furious

  • Tapper, 53, got his positive test at the network's Washington bureau on Monday, May 9, just ahead of his usual show at 4 p.m.
  • At least two staffers told The Daily Beast he angered colleagues by not going home immediately
  • 'This happened in the same week that the country was mourning the millionth death due to COVID, which Jake covered on his show,' one staffer said
  • Tapper was replaced by Dana Bash on his show on Tuesday, but returned from what appeared to be a home studio on Wednesday


PREMO Member

Yet, in truth, people now have the equivalent of $9,000 less in savings than they did last year. Wage gains have been erased by inflation, and low-income families are being hit particularly hard by price hikes for housing, groceries, utilities, and gasoline. Harwood is asking that you pay no attention to the financial struggles behind the curtain. Just ignore the 70% of people who are saying that inflation and the state of the economy are real issues they are concerned about and the 33% plurality that chooses "inflation" as "the most urgent issue facing the country today" from a list of 11 issues — three times as many people as those choosing the runner-up issue.

Harwood laments that Biden is taking the brunt of the blame because the White House holds press conferences and the Federal Reserve doesn't. The media question the White House, "home to the most visible public official of all," about inflation, "even though … no White House has much power to bring them down."

Perhaps Biden would be better off not promising to get an issue "under control" when he does not have the power to do so.

Harwood claims that "for unhappy voters, 'not much I can do' doesn't cut it." But that's not what Biden did. He claimed he could fix something, which put him on the hook with those "unhappy voters."



Well-Known Member
It would be nice if : When all of this calms down and sane people start coming up with facts we could find a way to keep idiots like this Kayyem lady from making fools of themselves right after a horrible incident.