Commuter Times/Distances


aka Mrs. Giant
67 miles one way equals an average ride of an hour and a half to two hours. I figure since I have to factor in things like traffic into my commute, I have an average of 4 hours a day on the road which averages out to around a thousand hours a year commuting.


Active Member
johnjrval424 said:
Does anyone buy into the theory that it is a waste of time/energy to commute long distances in order to make more money? In other words, you could make considerably less closer to home and not incur the commute costs - not mention have more time with family/friends, etc.

I don't totally buy it because the overall cost of just living here is incredible. You could make less money but you couldn't afford to live in this area.

Its a matter of priorities in my opiion, I live in Mechanicsville and work in Lexington Park, In my line of work I could drive north and all around the beltway I could make easy 10k more a year, But time with my family is way more important.


Well-Known Member
Charlotte Hall to Arlington about 50 miles and 90 minutes to 2 hours. I've thought about working at the base but the pay cut and lack of diversity would be killers for me. Since our kids are grown, the commute is a little less of a problem. I was lucky enough to work for a reasonable organization when they were young so I never missed too many games or school events. :yay:

Sweet 16

johnjrval424 said:
Does anyone buy into the theory that it is a waste of time/energy to commute long distances in order to make more money? In other words, you could make considerably less closer to home and not incur the commute costs - not mention have more time with family/friends, etc.
Yes and no. Yes, I do agree that A LOT of time and energy is wasted. No, because regardless if my commute is 10 minutes or 2 hours, my mortgage payment and all other expenses (except gas) would still be the same so I couldn't afford to take a significant pay cut to work close to home. Luckily, I can work from home 2 or 3 days a week, so I only have to endure 8-12 hours commuting instead of 20+ (63 mi. one-way).


johnjrval424 said:
I'm just curious - what is everyone's commute time/distance? I didn't realize just how long some people do drive to get to work. I have seen people at the Park-n-Ride at Rt. 2 at 5:00 am! Gosh - what time do you have to be at work and what time do you finish?

I commute from Prince Frederick to Annapolis - 48 miles one way - using Rt. 4 to 301 to 50.

I go from Lusby to Alexandria, VA Mon-Fri and it takes about 1hr 15 mins. I leave for work at 3:40am to get to work by 5am. I get off at 1:30pm and get home around 2:45pm to avoid any rush hour traffic. It's about 65 miles one day using Rt 4 to the Beltway.


New Member
CRoyal said:
what kinda car for those long hauls?

1987 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham with XM. This summer was extra nice because my A/C was broken. I have to stop about every 100 miles to fill up the oil and check the gas.


Active Member
johnjrval424 said:
Does anyone buy into the theory that it is a waste of time/energy to commute long distances in order to make more money?

Well not really I could make 75K working on base or make over 6 figures working in DC. It's not just a little difference in pay.


Main Streeter
Thor said:
Well not really I could make 75K working on base or make over 6 figures working in DC. It's not just a little difference in pay.

That’s a big difference in pay but have you factored in the value of your time spent commuting plus physical and mental stress associated with long commutes?


Active Member
awpitt said:
That’s a big difference in pay but have you factored in the value of your time spent commuting plus physical and mental stress associated with long commutes?

I listen to books on CD while commuting so it's not really that stressful.


New Member
belvak said:
Geez! Thought I had it bad, but after reading some of these posts, it's not so bad. I leave Mechanicsville about 5:20 a.m. and drive to Suitland (Census). Usually at work by 6:10 or so (straight up 5). Coming home, do the zig zag and come out at Gallant Green. Takes about 55 minutes, but no stop and go! Overall, about a 70 mile round-trip.

I have the same commute, except I do the gallent green way on the way to work, and Rt 5 home. I work 6:30-3:00, and get home at 4:00. I carpool, so I don't have to spend as much on gas. ;)


Should be Huntin
I take little naps when driving home :lmao: Hit the back roads to stay awake, cut through Clinton/Ft Washington and Accokeek as soon as get off the beltway.

270-495-5-misc backroads-228-227-misc backroads-6-home :jameo:


Lovin' Life
I communte from White Sands to College Park every day and it takes me 1 hour 15 minutes as long as there isn't any accidents. I have been doing this for 17 years now. There is no way that I could afford to take a job closer to home and take a pay cut. It would be different if it was $10,000 or under but for me it would seem to be at least $20,000. I have tried to get on base but finally gave up. I don't have DOD experience or a security clearance which most require on base. I even tried the Calvert County Board of Education but there you start at entry level no matter how much experience you have if you've never worked for them before. What crap!


New Member
09-09-2007 01:09 PM Doing it becuase you can't handle it...
Obviously, you can't either since you don't sign your name :biteme:

Looks like you can't spell I'll just consider the source :lalala:


New Member
Kain99 said:
I've been considering this for 6 months. Extremely hard to walk away from a lucrative career path. Almost makes me feel like I should just trash the resume. I am extremely torn.

I did it 9 years ago. I left a good paying job in Upper Marlboro. I took what I was paying in childcare out of my check and found a job that would pay me the difference. I now have a job that gives me the summers off. The up side is I get to raise my own children.


New Member
Maybe tomorrow I will give Rt. 2 another try and see if it still takes me over an hour. I pass through about 7:00 am and it seems to be very slow that way. I'll still bail out onto Birdsville to get to 50 since I ultimately need to be on Rowe Blvd. for work.

Just curious - someone asked what everyone drove to work - how many fuel-conserving vehicles do we have out here?

As I mentioned earlier, I drive a minivan (V6). I get about 21-22 mpg.


New Member
johnjrval424 said:
Just curious - someone asked what everyone drove to work - how many fuel-conserving vehicles do we have out here?

As I mentioned earlier, I drive a minivan (V6). I get about 21-22 mpg.

I drive a Mother Ship,

AKA...a Ford Windstar


I was going hr to an hr 30 min in @ 5am ( depending on the coffee stop @ Sheetz ) and 2 - 4 hrs going home

from Fort Washington MD to Leesburg / Ashburn VA everyday .......

the dumb thing is I could leave Fri Morning @ 730 and get in to the office b4 9 .......

but because my commute sucked as much I was usually in at 700 ish scanning through server logs and overnight Alert Emails ..... and not leaving till after 1900 @ the end b4 I got caned because the company was tanking .... actually the last 6 weeks were cool since I was in at 630 - 700 they started letting me go @ 1430 ....... since I was no longer the only IT Guy besides the owner :doh: should have been my 1st clue - a promotion to Tier 2 support and then out the door ......... :buttkick:

that was 500 miles a week or an Oil Change every 6 :jameo:

about $ 300 a month in gas ....... till I bought my 95 Saturn then I was getting around 32 ish ..... still had to fill up twice a week ........ beat that 3rd fill on Fridays though ............
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