Commuter Times/Distances


New Member
Okay, I've been holding out but here it goes. My commute to work is from Great Mills to Washington Reagan Airport, then catch a flight to Miami. Usually leave at 3-4am and get there about 9-10am. Return, usually catch the 7:15pm and get home about midnight. Luckily I do this 3-4 times a month on the average.


Chainsaw Slayer said:
I have a 1.2 mile trip. It usually takes about 3 minutes somtimes 5 if traffic is real bad.

you suck .......... :lmao:


AA996 said:
Okay, I've been holding out but here it goes. My commute to work is from Great Mills to Washington Reagan Airport, then catch a flight to Miami. Usually leave at 3-4am and get there about 9-10am. Return, usually catch the 7:15pm and get home about midnight. Luckily I do this 3-4 times a month on the average.

gee nice commute .......... :snacks:

do you get FF Miles with that ......... :lmao:


Thor said:
Well not really I could make 75K working on base or make over 6 figures working in DC. It's not just a little difference in pay.
Latest figures show there are 33 people making 75k or above on base. It's disgusting.


wish i could get a job like that .......... :whistle: I'd Gladly commute againist the flow in Waldorf / Hughsville to not have to cross a damn bridge to get to a decent paying job with HEALTHCARE .......... :jameo:

hell I'd take less than that ........... :lmao:

as long as the bennies were in line


New Member
That's why I took the job with the State of Maryland. The pay sucks but the benefits are good. My father-in-law made me sit down and do the math before I politely refused the position. Once I add in the matching contributions, the health care offset and leave (personal, sick, annual), it does add up. BUT, it still doesn't put "money" in my pocket which is what I'm used to having....


New Member
AA996 said:
Okay, I've been holding out but here it goes. My commute to work is from Great Mills to Washington Reagan Airport, then catch a flight to Miami. Usually leave at 3-4am and get there about 9-10am. Return, usually catch the 7:15pm and get home about midnight. Luckily I do this 3-4 times a month on the average.

So what do you do the rest of the month? Do you fly to other places?


New Member
Yes, my trips start and end in Miami. I have to get to/from there on my own time. I fly from Miami to Central America, the Caribbean, and the northern part of South America.

It beats working for a living! :lmao:


Should be Huntin
johnjrval424 said:
Maybe tomorrow I will give Rt. 2 another try and see if it still takes me over an hour. I pass through about 7:00 am and it seems to be very slow that way. I'll still bail out onto Birdsville to get to 50 since I ultimately need to be on Rowe Blvd. for work.

Just curious - someone asked what everyone drove to work - how many fuel-conserving vehicles do we have out here?

As I mentioned earlier, I drive a minivan (V6). I get about 21-22 mpg.
2007 Chevy Silverado Pickup

Roughly $500 a month in fuel


Happy Camper
johnjrval424 said:
Just curious - someone asked what everyone drove to work - how many fuel-conserving vehicles do we have out here?
As I mentioned earlier, I drive a minivan (V6). I get about 21-22 mpg.

I drive a V6 Ford Fusion and get around 27 MPG. On my "short" 4-day week, it only takes one tank. On my 5-day week, usually have to fill up Thursday evening. Of course, I don't let the tank get below 1/4 because you never know when you will get stuck in a traffic jam...


Should be Huntin
I used to drive economical cars. I had a Ford Festiva for a while, then I got a Toyota Echo. If I drafted and took it easy I could average 50 mpg in that car. Then I went and got the Magnum with the Hemi, then went to a Cobalt, then to a Subaru, now I am in a company truck


Hail to the Redskins!
Mazda 3 - gets pretty good gas mileage, usually about 27 mpg on my commute usually but i still spend close to $400 a month in gas


Can you ping me now? Good
flyingdog said:
:yeahthat: And why don't we count? Because we got it figured out? Husband is 2 miles: 7 minutes door to desk. Used to be over an hour with a bus and a train. I concur in the statement that the amount of money made does not outweigh the cost of loosing time with family and living life. I am blessed though: my company is out of DC so I am paid DC rates. I encourage everyone to do a bang up job at work and then ask to work remotely, if not but a few days a week. It's the bomb.

Agreed I paid my dues driving to Silver Spring everyday for 7 years and now I get paid the same for doing the same job from home remotely! It works out for both the employee and employer. They save money by me working from home. I save from not driving, not as cranky everyday and my stress is gone.

To me with this scenario they get a more productive employee :coffee:


New Member
20 minutes, I live in Calvert and work in Calvert.

johnjrval424 said:
I'm just curious - what is everyone's commute time/distance? I didn't realize just how long some people do drive to get to work. I have seen people at the Park-n-Ride at Rt. 2 at 5:00 am! Gosh - what time do you have to be at work and what time do you finish?

I commute from Prince Frederick to Annapolis - 48 miles one way - using Rt. 4 to 301 to 50.


Lovin' Life
Magnum said:
2007 Chevy Silverado Pickup

Roughly $500 a month in fuel

I drive a Honda CRV because of the miles I drive. I could probably get better than 25 MPG if I didn't do 70 up the road every day. I'm just flowing with the traffice! Any slower and the people try to run you over. The first reason I got it was because it was rated #1 for safety in the small SUV class and since I drive on the beltway I wanted a vehicle that was safe.