Court: Man Can Sue Over Surprise Pregnancy


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
I want to see a TV show version, including a murder victim and a marital affair (for sure), maybe some transgender surgery and that would be more up my alley! :razz:

I can only render the story about a 4 as it stands.. lacks intelligence in dreadful proportions.

Human semen carriers/self insemenators Doctors/self-representing lawyers...

If my head weren't full of snot - not semen - I would go on... I've destroyed enough brain cells, not soldiers, coming up with this to share...

And, my mouth is empty....

And Larry, another receipt of proof could be....

"Ah, dahlink... So Heavenly, From your mouth, to God's ears, I mean, my hands...."


This Space for Rent
morganj614 said:
:ahem: No matter what, the fact of herpes and other diseases that could land upon his manhood would dick-tate the use of a condom...As for getting pregnant through oral, now that you know, wrap the burrito.

So, you wrap it up everytime you blow someone? As for the last part, its moronic. There is a reason its not called consumation until the actual act.


New Member
FromTexas said:
So, you wrap it up everytime you blow someone? As for the last part, its moronic. There is a reason its not called consumation until the actual act.
It's up to him to wrap it for oral, I swallow and I am also


New Member
FromTexas said:
So, what you are saying, is that its the man's responsibility to be responsible since you can't be. :yay:

I think a man should take some responsibility since it is a 2 person deal. I use condoms and if a man won't wear one then no sex..just the way it has to be for single and this day and age...SO men have no responsibilty in sex or reproduction?

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
morganj614 said:
I think a man should take some responsibility since it is a 2 person deal. I use condoms and if a man won't wear one then no sex..just the way it has to be for single and this day and age...SO men have no responsibilty in sex or reproduction?
I guy could always carry a specimen cup and demand it back disposing of it as he sees fit. :killingme


New Member
IF a man chooses not to take responsibilty then whatever happens,happens and he should not object..nor should she..Reproduction is not all the womans responsibilty since it does take 2 to make it happen..BUT knowing we ARE the more responsible gender is why women take B.C. pills and we do not leave that up to a man...If he wants more control then he needs to exercise that option and take responsibility.


This Space for Rent
morganj614 said:
I think a man should take some responsibility since it is a 2 person deal. I use condoms and if a man won't wear one then no sex..just the way it has to be for single and this day and age...SO men have no responsibilty in sex or reproduction?

Stop trying to divert. You are saying there is responsibility for a child from oral sex. We aren't talking about regular intercourse. On top of that, you suggest a man has to be the one to initiate condom usage. Sounds like you could just as easily keep condoms and take responsibility, as well.


This Space for Rent
morganj614 said:
IF a man chooses not to take responsibilty then whatever happens,happens and he should not object..nor should she..Reproduction is not all the womans responsibilty since it does take 2 to make it happen..BUT knowing we ARE the more responsible gender is why women take B.C. pills and we do not leave that up to a man...If he wants more control then he needs to exercise that option and take responsibility.

There is no responsibility on the mans part when a woman keeps sperm from oral and gets it put in her to have a child later. That you can't comprehend the malice in this does you no justice. Also, you claim women are more responsible? Gee, I guess thats why Pete and other men on this board also are single parents like a lot of women. I also guess thats why you put the responsibilit on the man for bringing condoms... since you are so responsible you can't play it safe and keep some in a drawer for your own protection. I bet you also make him put a condom on his tongue when he performs oral for you. I mean, you are worried about his safety, too, right? I mean you are MORE responsible.


New Member
FromTexas said:
Stop trying to divert. You are saying there is responsibility for a child from oral sex. We aren't talking about regular intercourse. On top of that, you suggest a man has to be the one to initiate condom usage. Sounds like you could just as easily keep condoms and take responsibility, as well.
I do keep condoms and read my other post. I am not able to get pregnant but I take responsibility for myself and sex and disease. I know we are talking about a supposed oral pregnancy...#1. I don't know how she could keep that sperm vital. I want more info. #2..He should have worn a condom for oral sex and taken responsibility if pregnancy this way was a possibility. Just like if she could get pregnant the regular way and he decided not to wear a condom..oops...It is still a 2 way street. NO matter the way she got pregnant, he is still half the equation and has half the responsibility.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
morganj614 said:
But the article said it was a gift... :killingme
The article said that the woman and her lawyer believed it to be a gift, the man probably thought of it as a high protein snack and expected consumption or trashing by the lass. Why shouldn't a man could consider it a loan and demand it back upon completion of service if it is not consumed? Think of it as a doggybag and by doing so he is protecting himself from unscrupulous acts such as what this woman did. :biggrin:

BTW I'm out of karma or I would be hitting you up with some, there is some funny stuff in this thread.


This Space for Rent
morganj614 said:
NO matter the way she got pregnant, he is still half the equation and has half the responsibility.

Not if there is no reasonable expectation of PREGNANCY! :2+2=4:

From your point of view, she could have found a guy that was passed out, extracted some semen, put it in herself, and had a baby ... AND HE WOULD STILL BE HALF RESPONSIBLE!

So, do you think its a womans right to decide if she wants to abort?


New Member
Ken King said:
The article said that the woman and her lawyer believed it to be a gift, the man probably thought of it as a high protein snack and expected consumption or trashing by the lass. Why shouldn't a man could consider it a loan and demand it back upon completion of service if it is not consumed? Think of it as a doggybag and by doing so he is protecting himself from unscrupulous acts such as what this woman did. :biggrin:

BTW I'm out of karma or I would be hitting you up with some, there is some funny stuff in this thread.
This is the funniest/weirdest thread in a long

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Hypothetical situation – say a guy is having a go with two women and one orally gratifies him and then the ladies get into an oral act with one another resulting in one becoming pregnant. Would the man be subject to child support in this scenario? :confused:


New Member
FromTexas said:
Not if there is no reasonable expectation of PREGNANCY! :2+2=4:

From your point of view, she could have found a guy that was passed out, extracted some semen, put it in herself, and had a baby ... AND HE WOULD STILL BE HALF RESPONSIBLE!

So, do you think its a womans right to decide if she wants to abort?

Don't distract from the topic..LOL...And if a guy found a woman passed out and decided to inseminate her is it her responsibility to keep that baby?


This Space for Rent
Ken King said:
Hypothetical situation – say a guy is having a go with two women and one orally gratifies him and then the ladies get into an oral act with one another resulting in one becoming pregnant. Would the man be subject to child support in this scenario? :confused:

Your lawyer told you not to discuss that until the case was resolved. :nono: