Cowboys get smacked down!


Football season!
Originally posted by yakky doodle
the 'boys were just feeling sympathetic to Green's passing and decided to give it up. after all, both teams are going nowhere after yesteday. :bubble:

As for going nowhere, I assume you mean the playoffs.. But watching the game, you can see two teams going in very opposite directions.. We have a QB that could become a pretty good one, a couple of young running backs who may turn a few heads next year, a defense that can play at a pretty high level when needed.. Grab a couple of nice speedy receivers for the "fun-n-gun" and this could be a pretty good team next year.. Dallas needs a running back (if smith does leave), a QB, an O-line and a d-line, and a coach..

If the skins handle themselves the right way with free agency and the draft, they could be very good next year.

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
If the skins handle themselves the right way with free agency and the draft, they could be very good next year.

:cool: I got some ocean front property in arizona for ya small town. we even have a Bombay Co. in the nearby mall for ya! :bubble:


Nothing to see here
Originally posted by yakky doodle
:cool: I got some ocean front property in arizona for ya small town. we even have a Bombay Co. in the nearby mall for ya! :bubble:

Redskins ain't going no where til they learn to do the little things the ball before the clock runs out, don't move til the ball is snapped, keep their mouths shut instead of taunting, remember that its 11 men on the field, not 12, hold onto the damn ball...

Larry Gude

Strung Out

"...don't let your Cowboys grow up to be babies..."

And, once again..." Hail, to the Redskins!!!!...."


Washington: W
Dallas: L


Big Lose in Big D....lololol



Football season!
To me the skins look a lot like the cowboys did right before they took off many years ago.. Couple of young guys in the backfield, couple of big time boys on defense, new coach with a must win philosophy. I think we are in position to make some great strides next year..


Nothing to see here
Re: Momma...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
"...don't let your Cowboys grow up to be babies..."

They played Waylon/Willie at the stadium yesterday, was surprised at how many joined in on the chorus..of course they didn't play the Gude version, tho..would have been apt..:biggrin:


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Excuses, excuses...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
[B"The Redskins won because they were the better team. Maybe it was only for the day, but, no matter, they WON because they were BETTER on this given alot...over a bunch of GRAVY SUCKING PIGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




....Hail, to the REDSKINS!!!

Hail Dallas? HAIL NO!!!! [/B]

:biteme: :bs: I hate to be the one to burst your bubble Larry, but the only reason the Manila Folders(yea, I heard they're moving to the Phillpines!) won is because they faced a more inept team yesterday.
Are you forgetting all the botched plays, the number of catchable passes dropped, etc.? If it had been the the Giants they had the misfortune of playing against, they would have gotten creamed, and you know it!

I've got your "Hail to the Redskins" right here, buddy!!!!

:biggrin: News Flash: Redskins make it out of the Cellar, at last!!



Football season!
Re: Re: Excuses, excuses...

Originally posted by penncam
Are you forgetting all the botched plays, the number of catchable passes dropped, etc.? If it had been the the Giants they had the misfortune of playing against, they would have gotten creamed, and you know it!


Yep, which shows just how weak and pathetic dallas is :biggrin:


Nothing to see here
Wow, truly are a die-hard, how can you look at yesterday's game and have ANYTHING positive to say about em?? That was the worst performance by a Dallas team I have ever seen..Even the Texans woulda beat them yesterday...oops, they already did...neber mind..


Football season!
Nice stuff to have on your resume..

"Campo, the fifth coach in team history, is the first to leave with a losing record (15-33). He's also the first to never win the division or make the playoffs. "

"Campo was never above .500 in a season, and his teams never won more than two straight games. The Cowboys had only five 10-loss seasons in 40 years before Campo arrived. "

" 'The only regret I have is that we didn't get it done,' said Campo, who has been with the club since 1989."

Well, duh!!


Dancing Up A Storm
And(barf- snicker-snort) he really said this

:rolleyes: Jerry Jones really outdid himself when he graciously stated:
"I want everyone to know that I have nothing but the greatest respect and admiration for Dave Campo"

He said this, he really did! I'm not kidding! With a striaght face to boot!

:biggrin: I have seen our former Pres Willie Jeff offer up a few whoppers, but this . . . . .this was even out of Slick Willie's league!


Larry Gude

Strung Out
Oh, I'm sorry Penn...

...did I miss something? Were you saying something about the Redskins game yesterday?

Washington Redskins 20
dallas cowboys 14

...THAT Redskins game???


"HAIL! To thAAAA REDSKINS!!!!!!!....


Dancing Up A Storm
You call those "teams"?

Originally posted by otter
Wow, truly are a die-hard, how can you look at yesterday's game and have ANYTHING positive to say about em?? That was the worst performance by a Dallas team I have ever seen..Even the Texans woulda beat them yesterday...oops, they already did...neber mind..

Which one? Which group of padded thugs do you refer to? I thought I made it pretty clear that neither of these neandrethalic
bunch of losers get any praise from me.
The only class team :biggrin: in the NFC East is the NY Football Giants! At least when this headcoach makes a prediction; ie., "we will win the last four games of the year, and make the Playoffs", you can believe him. Not so like Steve Spurrious, who publicly stated he'd present the winning gameball to Dan Snyder after the win in Dallas on Thanksgiving Day! (oops!)

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Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Oh, I'm sorry Penn...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...did I miss something? Were you saying something about the Redskins game yesterday?

Washington Redskins 20
dallas cowboys 14

...THAT Redskins game???


"HAIL! To thAAAA REDSKINS!!!!!!!....

:lmao: :lmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :lmao: Larry, stop!! You're killing me, ow! I just banged my knee against the computer desk laughing so hard!! That.........that was SO cute, Larry. You didn't think I'd notice that did you?

Washington Redskins 20
dallas cowboys 14

I think I'm gonna find out where you live and come over and paint a big silver and blue star on your garage door! How'd you like that? All your neighbors would know your "true colors!"

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Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Oh, I'm sorry Penn...

Originally posted by penncam
I think I'm gonna find out where you live and come over and paint a big silver and blue star on your garage door! How'd you like that? All your neighbors would know your "true colors!"


Hey Penn,

I'll give you the directions, and go with you (its about 120 miles from Leonardtown), because I want to see you try and paint the house of this big someb1tch. If it was me I would do a sneak attack rather than risk letting him get a hold of me. Crap, he would probably have you looking like the QB for Dallas yesterday, you know, laid out looking towards the sky.


Dancing Up A Storm
Sneaking up on the Gude

Originally posted by Ken King
Hey Penn,

I'll give you the directions, and go with you (its about 120 miles from Leonardtown), because I want to see you try and paint the house of this big someb1tch. If it was me I would do a sneak attack rather than risk letting him get a hold of me. Crap, he would probably have you looking like the QB for Dallas yesterday, you know, laid out looking towards the sky.

:biggrin: Nah, Ken, I've got stealth on my side! The only bad part about the whole affair is we'd have to dress up in the "Hoggettes" costumes, noses and all; Geez! just got a gasser of an idea! Maybe we can get otter to go along as a third Cross Dresser and between the three of us, we could pull it off!
Whaddaya think?

:razz2: penn

Larry Gude

Strung Out
What do I think? I think it is time...

...for song.

What shall we sing? Hmmm...

I know!


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Sneaking up on the Gude

Originally posted by penncam
:biggrin: Nah, Ken, I've got stealth on my side! The only bad part about the whole affair is we'd have to dress up in the "Hoggettes" costumes, noses and all; Geez! just got a gasser of an idea! Maybe we can get otter to go along as a third Cross Dresser and between the three of us, we could pull it off!
Whaddaya think?

:razz2: penn
Hey Penn,

I was only going to get you there and then become a spectator. If you and anyone else feels like cross dressing that is up to you.


If it happens I will be the one in the ball cap with the medic bag.