Cowboys get smacked down!


My Sweetest Boy
Re: Quick Redskins Question

Originally posted by yakky doodle
Who are the redskins up against in the playoffs this weekend?

I believe it's the same teams the Cowgir..boys are up against.


Dancing Up A Storm
Quick Redskins Question

Originally posted by cattitude
I believe it's the same teams the Cowgir..boys are up against.

:biggrin: Catt!! Where you been, girl? I'd have figured you would be all over this thread. Instead, nary a peep 'til now!
I haven't heard many "Hail to the Deadskins" refrains coming from your direction, only from that Gude character, but I do think he is just singing out of force of habit and he's probably getting hoarse by now.:biggrin: Hey Larry, what's up, dude?



My Sweetest Boy
Re: Quick Redskins Question

Originally posted by penncam
:biggrin: Catt!! Where you been, girl? I'd have figured you would be all over this thread. Instead, nary a peep 'til now!

Oh....just biding my time, darlin...just biding my time........

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You mean...

...the 3rd place NFC East Redskins, not the FOURTH place (because they LOST last week) Dallas Cowboys?

Well, sadly, my heros are in repose this weekend, savoring sweet victory for awhile, while the sordid Texas tale has gone to the fishes...for Tuna.

...andthenwesang...."...Hail, Victory, Braves on the War (not Tuna) Path..."

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: You mean...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...the 3rd place NFC East Redskins, not the FOURTH place (because they LOST last week) Dallas Cowboys?

Well, sadly, my heros are in repose this weekend, savoring sweet victory for awhile, while the sordid Texas tale has gone to the fishes...for Tuna.

...andthenwesang...."...Hail, Victory, Braves on the War (not Tuna) Path..."

The Dallas Criminals would still have been in the cellar had they managed to beat the Skins last week. Next year with Parcell do you think they will climb higher then a 5 game winning season that they have become so comfortable with the past three yeasr in a row?


Dancing Up A Storm
Quick Exit Redskins

Originally posted by cattitude
Oh....just biding my time, darlin...just biding my time........

Oh, hi Catt!:biggrin: I just had a vision of you sitting at your desk methodically drumming your fingernails on the desktop, and that sly little grin on your face! Am I close?

:cheers: penn

PS: Did you see what Larry posted on this thread? The complete history of the Redskin fight song! For our very own consumption;
Gee, what a peach of a guy! However, I think he may have come down with that "sick puppy" disease.


My Sweetest Boy
Re: Quick Exit Redskins

Originally posted by penncam
Oh, hi Catt!:biggrin: I just had a vision of you sitting at your desk methodically drumming your fingernails on the desktop, and that sly little grin on your face! Am I close?

:cheers: penn

PS: Did you see what Larry posted on this thread? The complete history of the Redskin fight song! For our very own consumption;
Gee, what a peach of a guy! However, I think he may have come down with that "sick puppy" disease.

Dear Richard Cranium: Yeah, you're close, but I'll get back to you Monday morning and everyone knows my affection for sick puppies. I happen to love Larry..never met him, but I LOVE him!


Hail to the Redskins....Hail Victory....

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Fishing around...


Based on Parcells record, I expect the Cowboys to go 8-8 with TWO heartbreaking losses to the SKINS and make the playoffs the following year as a wildcard only to be sent packing with a third loss to...THE REDSKINS.

The 'Boys will wake each morning after hearing a sound, ringing in their throbbing will be a familiar sound, haunting...

it goes just a little like this...

(tap, tap)



Dancing Up A Storm
Re: Fishing around...

Originally posted by Larry Gude

Based on Parcells record, I expect the Cowboys to go 8-8 with TWO heartbreaking losses to the SKINS and make the playoffs the following year as a wildcard only to be sent packing with a third loss to...THE REDSKINS.

The 'Boys will wake each morning after hearing a sound, ringing in their throbbing will be a familiar sound, haunting...

it goes just a little like this...

(tap, tap)


:razz2: Gosh, did somebody say "wishful thinking"? Larry, are you forgetting the fact(s) that even in their wretched state as a football team, the Cowboys were able to beat the 'skins 2 out of 3 times this(excuse me) last year?
Do you think that they're going to be weaker next season, with Parcells at the helm?
I'm afraid Coach Steve is going to remain Spurious, and the team is going to lose 2 more decisions to the Cowboys; read and weep!

:boo: penn

Larry Gude

Strung Out
S-p-e-l-l-i-n-g it out for...

...Amercas team.

The Cowboys WILL be better next year which will make getting the smack laid down on them, TWICE, all the more painful.

The thing that seems to have gone un-noticed is that the CURSE has been broken. The Genie is out of the bottle.

After losing, what, ten straight, it is OVER. Every single one of those games the Skins were the better team and the 'Boys won by some backhanded trick, cheating, sleight of hand or outright gift from the Redskins.

...which leads us to the musical part of our post...

(ahem) HAIL to the Redskins! Hail, VICTORY...(which is Latin for "Die! You gravy sucking PIGS!!!!")...Braahhvvves on the WARRRPATH....


Dancing Up A Storm
S-p-e-l-l-i-n-g it out for Hailstones and Hemmoroids

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...Amercas team.

The thing that seems to have gone un-noticed is that the CURSE has been broken. The Genie is out of the bottle.

After losing, what, ten straight, it is OVER. Every single one of those games the Skins were the better team and the 'Boys won by some backhanded trick, cheating, sleight of hand or outright gift from the Redskins.

...which leads us to the musical part of our post...

(ahem) HAIL to the Redskins! Hail, VICTORY...(which is Latin for "Die! You gravy sucking PIGS!!!!")...Braahhvvves on the WARRRPATH....

:loser: :loser: Now you are really losin' it! Don't you know that myth about the Genie in the Lamp is just that! A fairy tale?!?!
What you might have missed is that I am a honest -to-goodness NY Giant fan, and I'm not partial to either team. But if you think the Cowgirls haven't got the 'Skins number, you're living in a fantasy world. That last game in DC was only a fluke!
Once you get a team like the garnet and gold Manila Folders down, you keep on stompin' them! The Cowboys are going to do just that! They know darn well who the pathetic patsys are in the NFC East, and they also know what color their uniforms are! (gee, if you forgot- they're garnet and gold) It's gonna be like a heard of steers running through town, and they're not going to take any prisoners!

:biggrin: "Keep 'em rollin', rollin' rollin' . . . . ." Yeehaa!

Larry Gude

Strung Out
You'd made your poor...

...personal preferences quite clear: The New Jersey Football Giants.

Don't worry, you'll not be forgotten about in next years traveling Whoop ### Show.

You will be sitting around commiserating with Dallass fans, poking at the dying embers of what could have been until the Injuns come a scalpin'...morose, sullen, reduced like Philly to Beating up Santa...then it will hit y'all:

Hey! We stink because we ain't got no song!

"Hail, to the Giantcows! Hail, New Jois-see..."


It goes like this:



My Sweetest Boy

I'm wit 'cha Larry! Just not as eloquent as you. If I said what I was really thinking, I would be in the cornfield by now.



Dancing Up A Storm
OMG! We have a conspiritor!

Originally posted by cattitude

I'm wit 'cha Larry! Just not as eloquent as you. If I said what I was really thinking, I would be in the cornfield by now.


:neener: :yikes: :loser: Look what the Catt drug in! Gee, I am truly sorry that you all are gonna be so dissapointed during the upcoming season! I will think about you and mourn your losses to the Cowgirls and the NY Football Giants. But you know, take heart; at least you'll both know your team will have gotten beat by a better football squad!

:biggrin: penn

Larry Gude

Strung Out
There is only... much smack I can talk about the New Yawk Football Giants.

They are in the playoffs.

AND I had Toomer in my Fantasy league. 60 points in the Championship game. I won it ALL.


Dancing Up A Storm
There is only...

Originally posted by Larry Gude much smack I can talk about the New Yawk Football Giants.

They are in the playoffs.

AND I had Toomer in my Fantasy league. 60 points in the Championship game. I won it ALL.

:cool: I am glad, actually "damned gay skippy" happy that you have finally come around and seen the light. You got Toomer because there probably weren't any Redskin players included on the rosters ! Sorry bunch of :loser:s' . J/K!!
How about that rookie Jeremy Shockey the Giants have on their roster? He is going to be something in the coming years, if he stays healthy.
Back on the other subject for a moment; I don't suppose Parcells is going to get a warm reception in either Giant or Redskin's RFK stadiums. Ditto in Foxboro or Shea stadiums, either!
And yes, you've finally acknowledged the GIANTS are in the playoffs! I think they are "peaking" at the right moment - even ESPN has them picked to beat the 49ers, we shall see..........



Football season!
I went to high school with tiki and ronde barber, so I have followed their careers which has led me to following the giants a little bit (as well as tampa).. I think Shockey will be a good one as soon as he realizes the blocks and catches he makes is what they are paying him to do.. So quit the talking, quit the dancing, just play ball


My Sweetest Boy
Re: There is only...

Originally posted by penncam :And yes, you've finally acknowledged the GIANTS are in the playoffs! I think they are "peaking" at the right moment - even ESPN has them picked to beat the 49ers, we shall see..........

Oh, my dear Penn...
that would be "were" in the playoffs!!!! Yep, my mouth ain't shut now, baby!!!:neener: :neener:

And that rookie Shockey...what a class act or is that class a$$?? :smooch:


Dancing Up A Storm
The Roosters crowed too soon. . . .

Originally posted by cattitude
Oh, my dear Penn...
that would be "were" in the playoffs!!!! Yep, my mouth ain't shut now, baby!!!:neener: :neener:

And that rookie Shockey...what a class act or is that class a$$?? :smooch:
:ohwell: Looks like the Giants got way too cocky after building up a 24 point lead. Their defense sucked in the second half, and they were still playing the "in your face" game - talking the talk, without being able to walk the walk! It came back and bit them.
The ending was particularly stupid; why didn't they just kick a field goal and be done with it?? There are/were a lot of questions being asked on that flight home last night, I'll bet.

:banghead: penn
PS: Catt::smooch: