Cowboys get smacked down!


Dancing Up A Storm
Re: What do I think? I think it is time...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
...for song.

What shall we sing? Hmmm...

I know!


:biggrin: Larry! Larry! LARRY! Bask in the semi-glowing gloat for now, my friend. Your throat will become numb, your arms aching with all the leading of the singing, and what will you have in the end? A third rate football team that occupied the cellar of the NFC East for over half of the season, and a team that has Hoggettes for mascots.

If that's not something to cheer for, I don't know what is!:biggrin:

ps: keep your eye on what dealings Danny boy might do in the off-season! Gee, I wonder what kinda package deal the new Phillipino team might offer! Monkey brains and football? Hmmm?



Dancing Up A Storm
Sneaking up on the Gude(minus one)

Originally posted by Ken King
Hey Penn,

I was only going to get you there and then become a spectator. If you and anyone else feels like cross dressing that is up to you.


If it happens I will be the one in the ball cap with the medic bag.

Oh, that's really neat Ken! Your're now going to relegate yourself to spectator status, sit on the fence, as it were?

That is highly odious, Ken! :biggrin:

You would not possibly call ahead with detailed times and such, would you?

penn :frown: This is not looking so good. Sorry otter, game called on account of a personal foul - backfield in motion!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member

Hey Bud, I said right from the get go that I wanted to see you try and do it. Never did I indicate that I thought I would participate in the effort. All I offered was to give you directions on how to get there.

And hell no I wouldn't "eat cheese" and let him know when you had it on for. I think the surprise of catching you in the act would be worth the trip to his house (and then to the hospital). Larry is a big boy and I wouldn't want to tangle with him. Not that I can't handle myself fairly well (to be read that I fight dirty and for real when I have to).


Dancing Up A Storm
Blue and Silver Star Scheme halted . .

Originally posted by Ken King

And hell no I wouldn't "eat cheese" and let him know when you had it on for. I think the surprise of catching you in the act would be worth the trip to his house (and then to the hospital). Larry is a big boy and I wouldn't want to tangle with him. Not that I can't handle myself fairly well (to be read that I fight dirty and for real when I have to).

It's a JOKE, Ken, but if you all haven't picked up on it just yet, then I feel I must let you know: I don't think it would be the wisest stunt to pull, ie,. going to someone's home and painting a star on their house. For one thing, someone in the neighborhood
might not see the humor in it at all. Second, a passing patrol car probably wouldn't get a kick out of it either. So if any of you ninnies even thought I would entertain such a sophomoric idea, forget it. Now, if I could find a Dallas Cowboy pennant, the kind you wave at football games. . . . . . .J/K!


Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Blue and Silver Star Scheme halted . .

Originally posted by penncam
It's a JOKE, Ken, but if you all haven't picked up on it just yet, then I feel I must let you know: I don't think it would be the wisest stunt to pull, ie,. going to someone's home and painting a star on their house. For one thing, someone in the neighborhood
might not see the humor in it at all. Second, a passing patrol car probably wouldn't get a kick out of it either. So if any of you ninnies even thought I would entertain such a sophomoric idea, forget it. Now, if I could find a Dallas Cowboy pennant, the kind you wave at football games. . . . . . .J/K!


Of course I realize it's a joke.

Back to the point. Use spray paint, it's quicker and you might be able to blind him if he comes after you. Then you could break him down with a couple of kicks to the knees and paint the Cowboy star on his body.


Anyone remember the cage match discussions of the old days? :lmao:


Dancing Up A Storm
I don't Need to get Black and Blue, not my favorite colors. . . .

Originally posted by Ken King
Of course I realize it's a joke.

Back to the point. Use spray paint, it's quicker and you might be able to blind him if he comes after you. Then you could break him down with a couple of kicks to the knees and paint the Cowboy star on his body.

Anyone remember the cage match discussions of the old days? :lmao:

:biggrin: MISTER King, you seem to be having a wonderful moment or two here, with the notion of Larry and I going mano-a-mano over a silver and blue star.
I'll bet you love watching WWF Smackdown and WWF Raw, ie., the "cage match discussions of the old days"? Ah, you know they're nothing more than masculine soap operas, right?
However, if that is your bent, well, as they used to say, "keep on a-truckin"! BTW, if you get to Larrys house, and are found to have a couple of cans of silver and blue spray paint in the back of your vehicle, try recalling some moves from Hulk Hogan & company!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: penn

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: I don't Need to get Black and Blue, not my favorite colors. . . .

Originally posted by penncam
:biggrin: MISTER King, you seem to be having a wonderful moment or two here, with the notion of Larry and I going mano-a-mano over a silver and blue star.
I'll bet you love watching WWF Smackdown and WWF Raw, ie., the "cage match discussions of the old days"? Ah, you know they're nothing more than masculine soap operas, right?
However, if that is your bent, well, as they used to say, "keep on a-truckin"! BTW, if you get to Larrys house, and are found to have a couple of cans of silver and blue spray paint in the back of your vehicle, try recalling some moves from Hulk Hogan & company!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: penn
Nope don't watch it at all, never have. BTW isn't it the WWE now since the animal foundation won their suit? Come on old man keep up with the times.

The cage match reference was relating back to when I was a newbie to these forums. It was a lot more intense back then (to put it mildly).


Dancing Up A Storm
I don't Need to get Black and Blue, not my favorite colors. . . .

Originally posted by Ken King
Nope don't watch it at all, never have. BTW isn't it the WWE now since the animal foundation won their suit? Come on old man keep up with the times.

The cage match reference was relating back to when I was a newbie to these forums. It was a lot more intense back then (to put it mildly).

:really: You mean they got down and dirty worse than what I've seen here in the last 5 months? Keep in mind we've had folks call each other out, threatening serious bodily damage, and I can't recall the number of times someone's been refered to as untoward parts of both human and animals !

:cheers: penn


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Re: I don't Need to get Black and Blue, not my favorite colors. . . .

Originally posted by penncam
I'll bet you love watching WWF Smackdown and WWF Raw, ie., the "cage match discussions of the old days"? Ah, you know they're nothing more than masculine soap operas, right?

Now that hits close to home.

I for one watch them almost religiously.
I love the spectacle. It appeals to the child in me. I know it's all choreographed, but the athleticism is fun to watch no less. I tend to second-guess the storyline writers though. The past year the writing has been brutal.

I even buy a few pay-per-views now and then.


Now if I could just find a few buddies to watch it with!

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: I don't Need to get Black and Blue, not my favorite colors. . . .

Originally posted by penncam
:really: You mean they got down and dirty worse than what I've seen here in the last 5 months? Keep in mind we've had folks call each other out, threatening serious bodily damage, and I can't recall the number of times someone's been refered to as untoward parts of both human and animals !

:cheers: penn
Hell yes, it was like the old west when I first got on here. If you weren't a quick draw and good shot you were dead. has tamed down significantly. Or maybe it was just how they responded to me, but it was almost a continuous battle, then the "Feral Cat" thread came about.


Dancing Up A Storm
I know you're serious, but . . . . .

Originally posted by sleuth14
Now that hits close to home.

I for one watch them almost religiously.
I love the spectacle. It appeals to the child in me. I know it's all choreographed, but the athleticism is fun to watch no less. I tend to second-guess the storyline writers though. The past year the writing has been brutal.

I even buy a few pay-per-views now and then.


Now if I could just find a few buddies to watch it with!

:biggrin: I guess what makes me shake my head - "uh, no, I ain't
buying this", is the fact that almost every match I've had the stomach to watch goes like this: One guy beats the living crap out of his opponent, for what seems like 20 minutes, the one guy is on the mat, dying, while the other one is playing to the crowd.
Of course this goes on for maybe 3 or 4 minutes, the guy playing the crowd has his back to the one on the mat, and LOW and BEHOLD, the guy on the mat is REVIVING!
Do I have to play out the rest of the scenario for you? I've seen it so many times, and I have got to wonder about the mentality of the audience in the arena! Yeah, the ones watching at home too!

:razz2: Give me a break!(No pun intended!) penn
Last edited:


Dancing Up A Storm
Wild and Wooly Days, huh?

Originally posted by Ken King
Hell yes, it was like the old west when I first got on here. If you weren't a quick draw and good shot you were dead. has tamed down significantly. Or maybe it was just how they responded to me, but it was almost a continuous battle, then the "Feral Cat" thread came about.

:biggrin: School me; I wasn't around for the "Feral Cat" thread. If
possible, filter out the most outrageous retorts, but not too
much! Your intelligent vocabulary ought to be up to the task.:razz2:

:cheers: penn


Livin' Like Thanksgivin'
Re: I know you're serious, but . . . . .

Originally posted by penncam
Do I have to play out the rest of the scenario for you? I've seen it so many times, and I have got to wonder about the mentality of the audience in the arena! Yeah, the ones watching at home too!

basically.. you wrapped up about 50% of all matches...
and most matches aren't worth a damn...

but it's the ones you wait for... the classics...

You should have watched last night's "Best of 2002" episode of Raw.

You saw matches like "Rock vs. Hogan"... the classic old lion vs. new lion... which although they weren't athletic because Hogan is getting up there... the nostalgia and the sound of the crowd chanting Hogan's name... then Rock's... then Hogan's again... it was electrifying. The two greatest wrestlers of two different eras going at it. Something I thought I would never see.

Then you had the "Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H" match from Summerslam. Shawn Michaels returning to the ring for the first time in 4 years, after suffering a career-ending back injury. The doctors told him not to come back. They said he could be paralyzed. But he defied the odds and came back to put on a jaw-dropping performance in his first match back... after 4 years! It was amazing seeing the Showstopper... the Heart Break Kid Shawn Michaels, in all his glory that I hadn't seen in years.

That's what it's all about.

If you want to understand the mentality of the audience, which you probably don't, but if you do, don't watch the weekly show. Go out and pick up a highlight tape at the video store. Whether it's the best of 2002 or whatever. You'll see what we wait for.

I know it's all choreographed, but when you realized that these men and women are going out and putting their health, lives, and careers on the line for the soul purpose of entertaining their fans, you have to respect that.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: Wild and Wooly Days, huh?

Originally posted by penncam
:biggrin: School me; I wasn't around for the "Feral Cat" thread. If
possible, filter out the most outrageous retorts, but not too
much! Your intelligent vocabulary ought to be up to the task.:razz2:

:cheers: penn

I think Dee Jay (aka Vraiblonde) has it archived, she might email it to you if you request it. It has been just about two years ago so my memory doesn't hold the most outrageous items. But basically a person asked about how to deal with a feral cat and I said first and foremost to trap it. I then went on to suggest that leaving a pan of ethyl glycol out might do the trick also. For about the next two to three weeks (at least that is what it seemed to me) and if I recall several hundreds of posts I was threatened by numerous people, both on my life and turning me in to authorities. Called about every name in the book and even got inquiries from some clandestine group in Florida claiming to be a news organization (turned out to be PETA pukes).

Hey Vraiblonde, you got a link to this still or can you send Penn anything you have archived.


Dancing Up A Storm
THAT is quite a story!!

:biggrin: Jesus! PETA got into it!?? I guess some people didn't see the humor in it. Attacks on your life? I'm tempted to say " you've got to be kidding", but I suppose you wouldn't have stated
it that way if it weren't so. (Shaking my head)
That is unreal; My Lord! I posted a reply the other day about how maybe PETA could deal with a guy - Chinchillo - for running down a Nun, while under the influence of crack coke! Hope I don't get a backlash!:biggrin:

And yea, vrai, I'd be interested in seeing the archives of the "Feral Cat".:razz2:


BTW, gotta sign off for now. I have to get ready for today's activities; a wedding, afternoon dinner, then party at DiGiovanni's
later in the evening. Happy New Year to everyone!!


Dancing Up A Storm
Parcells to Dallas!!

:razz2: It's going to happen; ESPN this morning at 11:25am announced that the Cowboys and Parcells have reached a 4 year, 17.1 million dollar deal. It's supposed to formally announced tomorrow, Thursday, for you hungover types. Oh, if that is true, the days of singing "Hail to the Redskins", could become few and far in between!
You think it's been a run of bad luck that Dallas has been kicking Redskins' a$$ NOW; wait 'til Bill gets a few draft picks, a few smart trades(which he has shown savvy skill), and you hoggette worshippers are gonna turn into weepers! Oh, I'm sorry, you say you already are weeping wusses? Pardon me, my bad. (snick, snick, snick)

penn:biggrin: :lmao: :lmao:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
...for Old DCeeeeeee!!!!!

...oh. Sorry. I miss anything?

First off, Ken King is the main reason this forum could be referred to as "No BS Alley". He is the original sheriff! Don't bring no weak ### #### in here!

I have a reputation of intuition, suspicion and gut feeling guiding my arguments and it's held up in this here crucible pretty well. King is Sergeant Friday; Just the facts. He will tirelessly look stuff up from it's real source, not an opinion page, and make an iron clad case or have the balls to publicly change his mind based on the facts he finds.

That's why he loses patience with so many around here because they will not extend the same courtesy of at least trying to back up an argument. It insults his intelligence.

Our first "discussion" that we ended up wanting to be decided in the "Squared Circle" was about, drum roll... Clinton. I just KNEW he was dirty. Lippo, FBI files, Billy Dale, Chicoms. Ken stands fast for rule of law, innocent until proven guilty. I thought he was being as ### for not seeing what I saw as obvious, he thought I was being an ### for not giving the guy what our system demands; benefit of the doubt.

We started taunting each other with our High School jock records and all and our prowess of being able to take an ### whippin' with the best of 'em. Oh, yeah? Yeah! It was a hoot!

Secondly, it was a "ladder match" not a cage match and, after meeting him, I no more want to tangle with King than a grizzly wants to mess with a wolverine.

Just for the record, my gut was right about Bill!

Ken will tell you OJ was acquitted, fact, but he ain't about to turn his back on the guy, thus wisdom. will be interesting to see what Tuna can do with such an empty cupboard.

Where was I? ... ...ah, yes!

Verse 243

.........HAAAAIIIILLL to thaaaa.............

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
Re: ...for Old DCeeeeeee!!!!!

Originally posted by Larry Gude
Our first "discussion" that we ended up wanting to be decided in the "Squared Circle" was about, drum roll... Clinton. I just KNEW he was dirty. Lippo, FBI files, Billy Dale, Chicoms. Ken stands fast for rule of law, innocent until proven guilty. I thought he was being as ### for not seeing what I saw as obvious, he thought I was being an ### for not giving the guy what our system demands; benefit of the doubt.

We started taunting each other with our High School jock records and all and our prowess of being able to take an ### whippin' with the best of 'em. Oh, yeah? Yeah! It was a hoot!

Secondly, it was a "ladder match" not a cage match and, after meeting him, I no more want to tangle with King than a grizzly wants to mess with a wolverine.
Cage match - ladder match, don't remember but it was going to be bloody. I miss them old days, don't you.

yakky doodle

New Member
Re: Parcells to Dallas!!

Originally posted by penncam
:razz2: It's going to happen; ESPN this morning at 11:25am announced that the Cowboys and Parcells have reached a 4 year, 17.1 million dollar deal. It's supposed to formally announced tomorrow, Thursday, for you hungover types. Oh, if that is true, the days of singing "Hail to the Redskins", could become few and far in between!

I don't get this. I had my daughter to the nail salon with me on Monday night, and I heard it on the news then. :confused: why does it seem like we were the only ones? perhaps the fumes were getting to me and making me have visions of the future. If that's the case, I also saw an aweful lot of head-hanging-down sorry somebody's walking out of FedEx field for the next couple years. :biggrin: