Crazy, Psycho & Stalking....


Im On 1.
Tigerlily said:
Why would you say that. Most importantly why would you lower yourself to chasing some dude around. Get the hint, let go and move the hell on.

people im not talking about me....

im certainly NOT a psycho!!! :lol:
Qurious said:
Im not talking about me just voicing my opinion.

Do you know that song A thin line between love and hate?

And yes I do and there is a big difference.


Qurious said:
So I was listening to radio show that allowed all these men to call in their experiances they had with crazy women stalking them.

The host of the show said it was because the sex was good and now the female is obsessed and doesn't know what to do when the man no longer wants her around.

Whether the sex is good or not does not determine how us women react. If you want to know why your tires are slashed, your phone is ringing off the hook and you see her car parked outside your house at 3 in the morning...think what did you do to bring this behavior on?

Men need to realize us psycho women that are out there have been created by YOUR OWN DOING. Keep it real and be honest with us instead of lying just to get into our pants - THATS WHAT MAKES A WOMAN CRAZY....

Yea, you are nuts. Projecting the blame for some chic going wacko and stalking a dude when the relationship ends, back on the dude is nutso.

Kinda like saying a rape victim had it coming because she dressed sexy. :crazy:
Qurious said:
Men need to realize us psycho women that are out there have been created by YOUR OWN DOING. Keep it real and be honest with us instead of lying just to get into our pants - THATS WHAT MAKES A WOMAN CRAZY....

Did I misunderstand something :confused:


Im On 1.
sweetpea said:

And yes I do and there is a big difference.

How is that a big difference? She almost killed him because of how he treated her.

I find it no different than a man lying and playing his way into a womans pants and then wonders why his truck windows are bashed out!!! :lol:



Qurious said:
How is that a big difference? She almost killed him because of how he treated her.

I find it no different than a man lying and playing his way into a womans pants and then wonders why his truck windows are bashed out!!! :lol:


Perhaps she shouldn't be such a whore and lay down for every swinging Richard that comes along with a song.

Perhaps her knees are cold and she should keep them together more often.

Perhaps she learned at an early age that her body was her best asset.


Im On 1.
rack'm said:
Perhaps she should be such a whore and lay down for every swinging Richard that comes along with a song.

Perhaps her knees are cold and she should keep them together more often.

Perhaps she learned at an early age that her body was her best asset.

what tha?? :confused:


My Sweetest Boy
Remember when you ran away and I got on my knees and begged you not to leave because I'd go berzerk?
Well, you left me anyhow and every day got worse and worse and now you see I've gone completely out of my mind.

And They're coming to take me away Ha Ha
They're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha
the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time, and I'll be happy to see those nice gorillas in white coats
They're coming to take me away ha ha

You thought it was joke and so you laughed when I had said that losing you would make me flip my lid, right? You know you laughed, I heard you laugh, you laughed and laughed and then you left, but now you know I'm utterly out of my mind

And They're coming to take me away Ha Ha
They're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle their thumbs and toes
They're coming to take me away ha ha...

I cooked your food, I cleaned your house, so this is how you paid me back for all my kind unselfish loving deeds. Huh? Well you just wait they'll find you yet, and when they do they'll put you in the ASPCA you mangy mutt.

And They're coming to take me away Ha Ha
They're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha
To the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time and I'll be happy to see those nice men in thier white coats
They're coming to take me away Ha Ha
And They're coming to take me away Ha Ha
They're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha
To the happy home with trees and flowers and chirping birds and basket weavers who sit and smile and twiddle thier thumbs and toes
They're coming to take me away Ha Ha

Your home the one the bank foreclosed, You cried to me Monogamy is the way we both must live or you'll feel hurt. But, I see, I see there's someone new, your anxious poly-pure-bred coat was even gone at our place while I paid the rent, thanks!

And They're coming to take me away Ha Ha
They're coming to take me away ho ho he he ha ha
To the loony bin with all you can eat perscription drugs like torizine, and lithium, and electric shock eels
They're coming to take me away Ha Ha


24/7 Single Dad
Qurious said:
Men need to realize us psycho women that are out there have been created by YOUR OWN DOING. Keep it real and be honest with us instead of lying just to get into our pants - THATS WHAT MAKES A WOMAN CRAZY....
So you're saying that women are easily manipulated and can't form opinions without help or direction from a man.
Based on that, do you think women should be allowed to vote or will some man mesmerize them into voting for a bad person?
Qurious said:
I find it no different than a man lying and playing his way into a womans pants and then wonders why his truck windows are bashed out!!! :lol:

So you think it's okay for her to resort to violence because she is a poor judge of character...:confused:
Qurious said:
How is that a big difference? She almost killed him because of how he treated her.

I find it no different than a man lying and playing his way into a womans pants and then wonders why his truck windows are bashed out!!! :lol:

#1 You're treated how you allow yourself to be treated.

#2 Any normal red blooded american man is gonna take what he can get however he can get it.

Women have a tendency to hear what they want to hear and also like to ask mushy questions when a mans dick is hard knowing damn well they can't give a truthful answer cuz at that moment anything sounds like a good idea.


Qurious said:
what tha?? :confused:

Am I typing too fast for you?? Let me slow down a bit.....

IIIIfffff ssshhheee iiissss tttoooo ssssttttuuupppiiiiddd tttooo ssseee tthhheee pppeeerrrsssooonnn fffooorrrr wwwhhhooo hhheee rrreeeaaalllllllyyy iiissss, ttthhhaaattt'ssss hhhheeerrrr fffaaauuulllttttt.


sweetpea said:
Women have a tendency to hear what they want to hear and also like to ask mushy questions when a mans dick is hard knowing damn well they can't give a truthful answer cuz at that moment anything sounds like a good idea.

Not enough blood to run both heads at the same time. :yay::yay:
rack'm said:
Am I typing too fast for you?? Let me slow down a bit.....

IIIIfffff ssshhheee iiissss tttoooo ssssttttuuupppiiiiddd tttooo ssseee tthhheee pppeeerrrsssooonnn fffooorrrr wwwhhhooo hhheee rrreeeaaalllllllyyy iiissss, ttthhhaaattt'ssss hhhheeerrrr fffaaauuulllttttt.
Good lawd, if she can read that, she is psycho...:roflmao: