CRE Are you ready for this?


New Member
How much do Jersey Walls cost? CRE has put them in place at the beaches, I guess preventing access to the cliffs? What a waste of money, you can climb right over them. The people that want to walk will just climb right over it.


New Member
POACRE Cannot Block the Bay Beach Access

I will certainly climb over them! POACRE can post all the signs they want but POACRE does NOT own and the bayview property owners do not have riparian rights of the beach bordering the bay... NO ONE DOES OR CAN. It is public land. POACRE and we as CRE property owners do own the beach area at driftwood and seahorse beach... but not any area along the bay. CRE worries about lawsuits if people climb on or get hurt on the cliffs.... but POACRE has no right to tell anyone they can't go there and walk on the sand along the bay. So, if security tells you you can't go past the barrier, tell em to stick it.

How much do Jersey Walls cost? CRE has put them in place at the beaches, I guess preventing access to the cliffs? What a waste of money, you can climb right over them. The people that want to walk will just climb right over it.


New Member
I'd really like some clarification on paving of the roads in CRE. I live on Hemlock Rd, just up from Lake Lariat (going towards the PO entrance), and a road just off my road, called Cedar Lane, was paved about a year ago. This 'lane' has two houses on it, and it dead-ends (despite what 'google maps' shows). I've not linked before, but here goes: Google Maps

I wondered whether the folks that lived on that road actually got together and paid to have it done..? I even walked down there last fall and was going to ask, but neither owner answered/seemed to be home.

I guess my question is: where is - or is there - a list that states which roads will be paved? Maybe located at the admin office? I'm curious, especially since as I said this particular road only had two homes on it, and it was paved about a year ago.
And to clarify: I do pay my dues and all, and I never have 'expected' my road to be paved, but I am curious as to how/why this one road received paving.

From my recollection... Cedar was paved because they could not keep it from deteriorating any other way.... I do not believe the members who live on Cedar paid extra to have it done....

As for the list.... you can ask at the office... or you could probably get a copy from one of the Commissioners.... they all have a copy.... it might be interesting to see how they react to your questions.... Hemlock is not on the list.... to the best of my recollection....

Primary... main roads
Secondary.... roads that connect roads to the Primary Roads

I will certainly climb over them! POACRE can post all the signs they want but POACRE does NOT own and the bayview property owners do not have riparian rights of the beach bordering the bay... NO ONE DOES OR CAN. It is public land. POACRE and we as CRE property owners do own the beach area at driftwood and seahorse beach... but not any area along the bay. CRE worries about lawsuits if people climb on or get hurt on the cliffs.... but POACRE has no right to tell anyone they can't go there and walk on the sand along the bay. So, if security tells you you can't go past the barrier, tell em to stick it.

The cliffs are unstable... for your own safety I could suggest that you be very careful on that stretch of the beach.... and technically... you are correct... you do own the property either as a POACRE membership or a State citizen...

I won't go on that stretch of beach... it only took a few minutes for the last death to occur...:coffee:

Question... if I ran for the Board again... would anyone vote for me? or should I just stay in the forums?
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New Member
I will certainly climb over them! POACRE can post all the signs they want but POACRE does NOT own and the bayview property owners do not have riparian rights of the beach bordering the bay... NO ONE DOES OR CAN. It is public land. POACRE and we as CRE property owners do own the beach area at driftwood and seahorse beach... but not any area along the bay. CRE worries about lawsuits if people climb on or get hurt on the cliffs.... but POACRE has no right to tell anyone they can't go there and walk on the sand along the bay. So, if security tells you you can't go past the barrier, tell em to stick it.

For the most part I agree with your assessment, which if someone wants to, they can climb over the Jersey walls or go around the signs they will. If someone where to get hit by, let’s say a pre-historic whale's head falling out of the cliff, CRE can claim that they tried to keep people from walking down there. So when said person that got hit tries to sue, they can show they made an attempt to warn beach goers of an unsafe area. IMO if you’re dumb enough to think it is safe to walk down there, go ahead. Iv'e lived in the Ranch for 5 years and the cliffs are falling fast. This puts anyone below them in danger. This is a known fact recorded in many publications from news papers to other documents. Common sense should also be used that if there are trees and other debris at the bottom of the cliffs, they had to come from somewhere, normally things fall DOWN. The cost of Jersey walls is low compared to the costs of law suits. Be warned, it’s not safe to walk down there.
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New Member
From my recollection... Cedar was paved because they could not keep it from deteriorating any other way.... I do not believe the members who live on Cedar paid extra to have it done....

As for the list.... you can ask at the office... or you could probably get a copy from one of the Commissioners.... they all have a copy.... it might be interesting to see how they react to your questions.... Hemlock is not on the list.... to the best of my recollection....

Primary... main roads
Secondary.... roads that connect roads to the Primary Roads

The cliffs are unstable... for your own safety I could suggest that you be very careful on that stretch of the beach.... and technically... you are correct... you do own the property either as a POACRE membership or a State citizen...

I won't go on that stretch of beach... it only took a few minutes for the last death to occur...:coffee:

Question... if I ran for the Board again... would anyone vote for me? or should I just stay in the forums?

Please, I don't know you but I'm willing listen, to see if you’re worth voting in.


New Member
For the most part I agree with your assessment, which if someone wants to, they can climb over the Jersey walls or go around the signs they will. If someone where to get hit by, let’s say a pre-historic whale's head falling out of the cliff, CRE can claim that they tried to keep people from walking down there. So when said person that got hit tries to sue, they can show they made an attempt to warn beach goers of an unsafe area. IMO if you’re dumb enough to think it is safe to walk down there, go ahead. Iv'e lived in the Ranch for 5 years and the cliffs are falling fast. This puts anyone below them in danger. This is a known fact recorded in many publications from news papers to other documents. Common sense should also be used that if there are trees and other debris at the bottom of the cliffs, they had to come from somewhere, normally things fall DOWN. The cost of Jersey walls is low compared to the costs of law suits. Be warned, it’s not safe to walk down there.

It is not anymore dangerous than driving on route 4. If you are aware of your surroundings anything dangerous can be avoided. I've walked the beaches of Calvert County for 20 years. I know what to look and listen for. It is obvious when the cliffs are about to fall and you can be well out of the way before it happens.


New Member
I just heard that they intend to bring a ballot question again to raise the dues.... in this economy....

I also heard that they didn't intend to allow us to vote up or down.... just how much up!

I also heard that one of the amounts is an increase of the CPI over the past 10 years!


You're telling us there isn't a cap on the amount CRE can increase dues each year? I find that very hard to believe, but if it is true, maybe it's time the members forced a ballot issue to change the by-laws!

haven't paid my dues yet that were due last year, and i'm getting foreclosed on(more than likely) so they aren't getting money this year either! the association is a huge joke!!!

I applaud you for setting up the private forum... but it's a "private" forum and in my opinion we need to do this very publically.... even the idea of another website would have to be attached to the open forum here.... in my opinion....

The last time we defeated the "powers" increase in fees... we had to stand on the corners at the entrance and pass out flyers....

Even now... we have to be members in good standing to vote and defeat the rate increase.....

I wouldn't mind a straight up or down CPI increase question.... but this is not up or down... this is how much.... and a lot of people are facing foreclosure or loss of employment.... what is wrong with this picture????

This should be done loud and in public.... I guess it's time to get in the newspapers again too....

If the vote is on changing the fees formula in the covenants, the "member in good standing" issue goes away. The covenants provide that "property owners" vote, NOT JUST ASSOCIATION MEMBERS IN GOOD STANDING! And to top it off, those covenants still have Park Chesapeake and the Soundings named as voting members.

Simply put, the covenants are useless and need to be vacated and re-voted.

I thank you for this forum.

It will continue to serve as an organizational and information sharing medium. However, SOMD does not have the capacity to handle the rather large documents that everyone needs to see in order to make an informed decision. That means that a dedicated website be created as a place for
downloadable data.

I also agree that the exchange of information must be transparent and open giving all the same information at the same time in the same way. That is difficult here.

A movement for a series of townhall type meetings is warranted, but there simply isn't any place outside CRE large enough to hold all that SHOULD attend. I don't think its a movement yet. Just a few advance disgruntled persons. The real movement won't come around until people start getting their bills.

There is also a whole lot of homework that needs to be done by anyone that would like a leadership role in this effort. They need to start now. You just don't go around pointing fingers and crying "shame and blame" without knowing just what you are complaing about (outside your own home).

It's not up to me to build a new board although I thank you for the compliment! It is up to the members to get more informed about who they want to run and who they elect.

The problem I have seen over the years is that the teller committee charged with finding people to run rely on the same people from previous years and then those recommended by them because they find it difficult to get anyone else. In doing so, the new elected boards tend to repeat things over and over. I don't know if I had a Teller Committee to speak of. I was so upset at having missed the covenant vote, I guess you could say I could have cared less at that point.


Just thought this would make a nice review.... Have you mailed or delivered your ballots yet?


Active Member
Who'd vote Slappy for Prez?

So far from what I've seen of your posts, I would but only if you weren't one of the ones that ran on a platform of making statements and once elected, doing the opposite as others have done in the past..

No slam intended here, but until I knew who you actually were... I'm not about to vote someone in that wasn't able to put their friends and groups interests aside when it is suppose to be about the entire community as a whole.... So, if you'd run on that platform before, you would not get a vote from me... I've seen what goes on and know who they are...



Active Member
:pete: sounds like you've been to the meetings....

Sorry... I think we're working on polar ends again....

:huggy: for the work tho....

People who are having a hard time buying meat for the family are not going to pay HOA dues.....

People who are having a hard time putting bread and milk in the cubbard could care less about the beaches....

Now is not the time to be talking about a rate increase.... But those of you who can afford it will be the only ones voting... so you will get what you want... and you will be able to hand pick another board... way to go...

Keep up the propaganda and rhetoric tho.... it sounds sincere....

Originally Posted by ladyhawk
Assess Project fees
Charge Amenity User fees
Get rid of M&O Fee
Make Campgrounds Public
Make Lake Public
Make Beaches Public
Raise M&O Fee
Reduce Staff
Reduce Staff Benefits
Security Cameras
Sell Common Properties
Street Lighting
Temp Staff
Trash Removal
Walking/Jogging Paths
Water Park

Pave all roads
Get rid of STD - Raise Road fee
Raise road fee
Get rid of ALL road fees

Change Board Officer Term Limits
Change Director Term Limits

Require Credentials
Term Limits

Lobby voters to local polls

Add or remove from the list, eventually we will end up with a list everyone will at least meet halfway on. Looks like I may have to submit them separately to keep things short!

Each item effects our budget in one way or another in Income and Expense..
Consider additional expenses for Higher use!
Consider Pros/Cons of each item.
Lets make sensible and responsible decisions.
Lets be serious about really trying to make the difference.
Consider this project your way to volunteer.

This list was put out some time ago, before I accepted to run for the board again.... It was a number of ideas brought by a number of people over time. It would have been nice to get some input but I never saw much other than yours....

So how do you figure this is propaganda? Funny how when it is something everyone seems to agree on, it becomes your idea? At least I don't take credit for something I didn't do, and I accept the consequences of my actions!

I'm surprised you are attacking me.. I would have thought you would have learned something by now... or maybe you didn't think I'd see this?


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New Member
So far from what I've seen of your posts, I would but only if you weren't one of the ones that ran on a platform of making statements and once elected, doing the opposite as others have done in the past..

No slam intended here, but until I knew who you actually were... I'm not about to vote someone in that wasn't able to put their friends and groups interests aside when it is suppose to be about the entire community as a whole.... So, if you'd run on that platform before, you would not get a vote from me... I've seen what goes on and know who they are...


Who is Slaphappynmd?

Originally Posted by ladyhawk
Assess Project fees
Charge Amenity User fees
Get rid of M&O Fee
Make Campgrounds Public
Make Lake Public
Make Beaches Public
Raise M&O Fee
Reduce Staff
Reduce Staff Benefits
Security Cameras
Sell Common Properties
Street Lighting
Temp Staff
Trash Removal
Walking/Jogging Paths
Water Park

Pave all roads
Get rid [LOWER] of STD and use SHUR
Raise road fee
then Get rid of ALL road fees

Change Board Officer Term Limits [we did this]
Change Director Term Limits

Require Credentials
Term Limits

Lobby voters to local polls

Add or remove from the list, eventually we will end up with a list everyone will at least meet halfway on. Looks like I may have to submit them separately to keep things short!

Each item effects our budget in one way or another in Income and Expense..
Consider additional expenses for Higher use!
Consider Pros/Cons of each item.
Lets make sensible and responsible decisions.
Lets be serious about really trying to make the difference.
Consider this project your way to volunteer.

This list was put out some time ago, before I accepted to run for the board again.... It was a number of ideas brought by a number of people over time. It would have been nice to get some input but I never saw much other than yours....

So how do you figure this is propaganda? Funny how when it is something everyone seems to agree on, it becomes your idea? At least I don't take credit for something I didn't do, and I accept the consequences of my actions!

I'm surprised you are attacking me.. I would have thought you would have learned something by now... or maybe you didn't think I'd see this?



Like I said before June... I'm not attacking you....:duel:

I'm glad you went back and read the previous posts.... that's what I moved it back up for.... a lot of people put a lot of effort into good conversations in this thread.... It shouldn't go away until after the elections... and then the suggestions here should be used to work on....

I recall you thought I was getting along with Exnodak in this thread or another... I wasn't.....

This is just no time to ask for a rate increase.... two years ago... young families were having a hard time making ends meet in an economy going under.... now the economy is in the toilet.... and CRE has done nothing to upgrade or maintain the amenities... and some people have the nerve to come after another vote to raise fees.... How rude....

Debate is good.... King John... not so much....IMHO:gossip:
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in reading the list i see make lake, campground and beaches public. now i have only been living here a year and half but i do like the fact that most of the time the ones there are my neighbors and pay to be there like i do. im not so sure that going public would do any thing but create more problems. jmho needed to get it off me chest. dont go yelling at me or asking what else i would do, i dont have any answers, but those things were one of the reasons i liked the idea of moving into here.


Active Member
in reading the list i see make lake, campground and beaches public. now i have only been living here a year and half but i do like the fact that most of the time the ones there are my neighbors and pay to be there like i do. im not so sure that going public would do any thing but create more problems. jmho needed to get it off me chest. dont go yelling at me or asking what else i would do, i dont have any answers, but those things were one of the reasons i liked the idea of moving into here.

I have no problem with your response! I'm actually glad that you did respond with how you feel. And you are correct in that there would be other issues.
I doubt the income would cover the cost of someone manning the areas on a daily basis. Then those members that come in and are turned away because its full would definately be a problem.. One option I thought about was if we put a user fee out to all, including members (who would pay a seasonal rate).... Maybe this could alleviate the burden to those that don't use it.. But if we did that, we should reduce the M&O fee to everybody... I think if something like this was properly thought out and communicated it should at least be put to vote by the members before anything is done!

I put the list together because I truly want input from others and how they really feel about trying to find resolutions to most of our problems.. Without input from the members, it is left to the board to make decisions. Then when the members don't like the decisions.. the board gets slammed for it. I can understand when things are not communicated... but when we do try to communicate, we could at the very least get some idea (good or bad) with what people want and I'd prefer that!

Thanks for your input on that issue...


Active Member
Who is Slaphappynmd?

Like I said before June... I'm not attacking you....:duel:

I'm glad you went back and read the previous posts.... that's what I moved it back up for.... a lot of people put a lot of effort into good conversations in this thread.... It shouldn't go away until after the elections... and then the suggestions here should be used to work on....

I recall you thought I was getting along with Exnodak in this thread or another... I wasn't.....

This is just no time to ask for a rate increase.... two years ago... young families were having a hard time making ends meet in an economy going under.... now the economy is in the toilet.... and CRE has done nothing to upgrade or maintain the amenities... and some people have the nerve to come after another vote to raise fees.... How rude....

Debate is good.... King John... not so much....IMHO:gossip:

Instead of being upset with you, I guess I should say thank you...

I'm thinking you do this to me because you want me to say why I did something or why I want to do it... And thats fine but...

All you really needed to do was post the list and ask me where and why I came about it instead of playing on my emotional side.... You know how emotional I get with this stuff....



New Member
What would I need to do?
I want the public meetings of the board to be video taped and posted on the POACRE web site (like youtube) with a comments section. The comments section should not be anonymous and people should only be able to view or comment if they are in good standing.

I want to be able to see the meetings when I am not able to attend. I would also like a public record of the discussion/ sometimes unprofessional attacks that occur in these meetings accessible by the entire community.

Do I need to petition the board or get 100 names?


New Member
What would I need to do?
I want the public meetings of the board to be video taped and posted on the POACRE web site (like youtube) with a comments section. The comments section should not be anonymous and people should only be able to view or comment if they are in good standing.

I want to be able to see the meetings when I am not able to attend. I would also like a public record of the discussion/ sometimes unprofessional attacks that occur in these meetings accessible by the entire community.

Do I need to petition the board or get 100 names?

I would suggest both.... try going to the board first... they might decide it's a great idea [I would] and vote it right in... but if the board is not willing to entertain the idea then you have to get the names of 100 members in good standing [get 250 just in case] and then they will have a meeting, decide the wording of the special ballot issue, and bring it to a special ballot of the membership...[which costs about $4000.00]


New Member
What would I need to do?
I want the public meetings of the board to be video taped and posted on the POACRE web site (like youtube) with a comments section. The comments section should not be anonymous and people should only be able to view or comment if they are in good standing.

I want to be able to see the meetings when I am not able to attend. I would also like a public record of the discussion/ sometimes unprofessional attacks that occur in these meetings accessible by the entire community.

Do I need to petition the board or get 100 names?

I don't live in CRE - but we were looking there when house hunting and decided not to JUST because of all the stuff we heard from people about the HOA there.

I think what the person posted above is an excellent idea - that way more people can actually SEE what goes on at the meetings, see what was voted on, etc. You can always make it password protected so that only CRE residents can see the video and then make the password known to the residents in the newsletter or something. But making the meetings more accessable to people is a great idea. I'm sure most people can't make them because of work, kid obligations, or whatever.... and this would be a way that they could see the meetings and maybe become involved in something that really concerns them.

It just sounds like you guys need more residents to get involved one way or another, be it by participating in board things or just by supporting people who are running against dictators...:whistle: Yes there are a few of you that are passionate about CRE but it sounds like you have a large group of residents who just can't make it to the meetings, then have no way of knowing what is going on - which leads to them not knowing what to do about things that come down the pike they are upset about that they could have voted against.