CRE Are you ready for this?


Active Member
Ok there's an idea. maybe they can video tape the open sessions. However there may be legal issues involved as to why they don't do this, but I don't know for sure. There is talk of having meetings that include answering questions via the web to better include those who can't attend meetings. But nothing is set in stone, much depends on what happens in the election. There might be a big change or the status quo will remain. So that will decide what will open the lines of communication. Right now this is all rumor and speculation, but it's a great idea if they could pull it off.

AS for the actual video idea, who is going to pay for the equipment? As most complain about there is no money for anything beyond just maintaining everything. Who will pay for the equipment? Who actually runs it? There lots of questions to be answered before this can happen.


Active Member
Ok there's an idea. maybe they can video tape the open sessions. However there may be legal issues involved as to why they don't do this, but I don't know for sure. There is talk of having meetings that include answering questions via the web to better include those who can't attend meetings. But nothing is set in stone, much depends on what happens in the election. There might be a big change or the status quo will remain. So that will decide what will open the lines of communication. Right now this is all rumor and speculation, but it's a great idea if they could pull it off.

AS for the actual video idea, who is going to pay for the equipment? As most complain about there is no money for anything beyond just maintaining everything. Who will pay for the equipment? Who actually runs it? There lots of questions to be answered before this can happen.

Sounds like another current board member trying to set themselves up for a paid position at admin as they've done before.. Starts out with an idea, volunteers to do it then decides they need to be paid to do the job.. Wouldn't be the first time... Sad that people fall for this one so easily...

Then there is always the mess to clean up because someone didn't know what they thought they did...



New Member
What would I need to do?
I want the public meetings of the board to be video taped and posted on the POACRE web site (like youtube) with a comments section. The comments section should not be anonymous and people should only be able to view or comment if they are in good standing.

I want to be able to see the meetings when I am not able to attend. I would also like a public record of the discussion/ sometimes unprofessional attacks that occur in these meetings accessible by the entire community.

Do I need to petition the board or get 100 names?

So if you don't pay your taxes, or you get a citation/ticket and haven't paid your don't get to vote, drive on the roads, call the police/emergency personnel if needed.
If you own in here you are a member...


New Member
Meet Candidates July 12, 1-3 p.m.


CRE Candidate Meeting - Sunday July 12 1-3 pm
Meet some of your candidates Sunday from 1 to 3 p.m.
801 Whispering Pine Circle - Corner of Catalina Drive and Whispering Pine Circle....near the ballfield.

This is not a DISCUSSION, but an opportunity for those interested to ASK YOUR QUESTIONS...and to get ANSWERS.


1 -3 p.m. This Sunday.
Come by, have a hot dog, soda and chips....
Please share the message with your friends and neighbors.

Don't go without voting out of frustration - talk with some candidates to help you make an informed decision.

Meet Jennie, June, Carol


New Member
So if you don't pay your taxes, or you get a citation/ticket and haven't paid your don't get to vote, drive on the roads, call the police/emergency personnel if needed.
If you own in here you are a member...

We have 25% of the current POACRE who does not pay their dues.
We need to increase fees because we are going broke.

I pay my fees. I can afford it. So can anyone who lives in CRE. It is a choice like all bills. You prioritize what has to be paid vs. what can wait. There is a way for everyone to go on a payment plan. That is at least trying to do the right thing.

It is not OK to enter a contract and then when things get tough decide you will not honor the contract without negotiation. When residents don't pay we all loose.

25% feel the CRE can wait. Those 25% no matter how great of a person they are are damaging the community. Just like it is said the community is being damaged by the current board due to reckless spending.

I am not a fan of those that do not pay. It is easy to say I am heartless, but when the new bill comes to the 75% of CRE that does pay there will be allot more heartless people.

Raise the fees, start or increase the STD and see what happens. This place will go broke.

We all own CRE, the ones that pay and the ones that do not. I might as well become one of the ones that do not if I am still a member regardless.


New Member
We have 25% of the current POACRE who does not pay their dues.
We need to increase fees because we are going broke.

I pay my fees. I can afford it. So can anyone who lives in CRE. It is a choice like all bills. You prioritize what has to be paid vs. what can wait. There is a way for everyone to go on a payment plan. That is at least trying to do the right thing.

It is not OK to enter a contract and then when things get tough decide you will not honor the contract without negotiation. When residents don't pay we all loose.

25% feel the CRE can wait. Those 25% no matter how great of a person they are are damaging the community. Just like it is said the community is being damaged by the current board due to reckless spending.

I am not a fan of those that do not pay. It is easy to say I am heartless, but when the new bill comes to the 75% of CRE that does pay there will be allot more heartless people.

Raise the fees, start or increase the STD and see what happens. This place will go broke.

We all own CRE, the ones that pay and the ones that do not. I might as well become one of the ones that do not if I am still a member regardless.

It may just turn those people around. Maybe they don't pay because they don't know any answers to their questions, haven't gotten more than a well you don't pay, we don't tell you. Maybe they would like to work something out and are not aware of simple options. Whichever or any, all owners have the right to know what is, what is planned, what may be planned, and what is being researched.


New Member
I agree that all owners should know what is going on, but lets be real. 10 members are the most that show up to any meetings. I wonder why that is?

I was at the meeting and seconded your nomination for director. That meeting was a disaster. There are so many personal issues floating around with everyone that shows up to the meetings it creates allot of hostility.

I think that most members do not want to deal with that level of animosity.

I want the issues brought out and discussed. I do not want to air all of our dirty laundry to people that are considering moving into the neighborhood. It gives a false impression that there are allot of serious issues in CRE. That is not the case. What is typically discussed is small stuff that does not amount to much for the entire community. It is personality driven arguments that have allot of history.

I have no agendas. I think the current board is doing a great job from a community perspective. I understand the people wanting to run against the current board wants them to be "evil" and "communist" but that is not the case. They are just people and volunteers at that.

I think you and June and Jennie would also do a great job if elected. You will do things that I wont agree with but I am sure the only reason you are running is to improve the community.

All I care about at the end of the day is property value. That is why I wanted to live in an HOA. Any action any board takes to ensure our property values are not decreasing is OK with me.

Start video tapping the meetings and posting them on the web site for comment. We can use special project money and put the GM's staff in charge of setting it up and posting it. The community needs a forum that is more private than SOMD online.

Lets talk about the issues and stop the third party rumors. Let the directors speak to the community directly. I think it will garner a great community response.


Active Member
I agree that all owners should know what is going on, but lets be real. 10 members are the most that show up to any meetings. I wonder why that is?

I was at the meeting and seconded your nomination for director. That meeting was a disaster. There are so many personal issues floating around with everyone that shows up to the meetings it creates allot of hostility.

I think that most members do not want to deal with that level of animosity.

I want the issues brought out and discussed. I do not want to air all of our dirty laundry to people that are considering moving into the neighborhood. It gives a false impression that there are allot of serious issues in CRE. That is not the case. What is typically discussed is small stuff that does not amount to much for the entire community. It is personality driven arguments that have allot of history.

I have no agendas. I think the current board is doing a great job from a community perspective. I understand the people wanting to run against the current board wants them to be "evil" and "communist" but that is not the case. They are just people and volunteers at that.

I think you and June and Jennie would also do a great job if elected. You will do things that I wont agree with but I am sure the only reason you are running is to improve the community.

All I care about at the end of the day is property value. That is why I wanted to live in an HOA. Any action any board takes to ensure our property values are not decreasing is OK with me.

Start video tapping the meetings and posting them on the web site for comment. We can use special project money and put the GM's staff in charge of setting it up and posting it. The community needs a forum that is more private than SOMD online.

Lets talk about the issues and stop the third party rumors. Let the directors speak to the community directly. I think it will garner a great community response.

The problem is that certain members of the current board have changed the wording in our Standards of Conduct to prevent us from speaking. We are not allowed to be in the forums, we are not allowed to speak outside the meeting.... What kind of communication is that? The more restrictive it is, the less information the members will get...

The other problem is the POACRE website does have forum capabilities but they choose not to implement it so where else are we to go.... ??



New Member
From the meeting on June 1

"Officer Reports:
Moon – Stated that an email was received from V. P. Beckman for the record Some discussion followed including an assertion that reading the email into the record would be quashed, due to the author’s absence.
Hammer – reading into the record would be “almost out of order”, as it does not follow the procedure; is out of order, by the nature of the response; would request point of orderto prevent its reading in open session Discussion continued; consensus is that the nature of the communication requires that it
be read in Executive Session
, according to POACRE Bylaws and Robert’s Rules of Order, and that the individual be present. Individual wanted to have it read in open
, which is against procedure, particularly in the absence of that individual.
Shippert – We need to also “not present” the Board’s case, in individual’s absence or in open session.
Eney – Wished to close discussion; outside the rules; as the member is not present to give a report
Shippert – Written officer reports are preferred for easier inclusion in minutes
Schroeter – Report submitted in writing appears below the transcript of the Treasurer’s report (added to comply with June 20, 2009 motion to ‘table pending corrections.’ [This
corrected document also does not correct the Special Meeting motion, as it was amended by consensus and the Treasurer accepted the “read-back”. (based on recording)])’.
“I have a written officer report, “so I will read it into the record. As discussed at the 16 May Board Meeting, Carol Cribbs, the General Manager Debora Huddleston, and me met in the Upper Level Board Room on May 18 at 2:00 PM. The budget presented by staff didn’t include 2009 actuals and we also found that many of the items posted in the
general ledger were incorrect accounts
. General Huddleston agreed to redo the budget using actual year-to-date numbers, and we had to talk our way through that to get to where we wanted to be, or we felt we needed to be. And she has since presented us with a 2010 budget, which I do have and I understand it’s on the agenda at the end of today’s session. However, I respectfully submit that that’s not enough time to talk about this and answer any questions anyone may have; it’s 14 pages long, and so we either need to initiate another meeting to talk about this—its own meeting to talk about this—but I strongly object to trying to tack it on at the end of a very busy schedule. Furthermore, the largest budget overrun…[continues reading from the submitted written report at this

>>Eney – When did that happen?
>>Schroeter – When did what happen?
>>Eney – When did President Eney deny you anything?>>Schroeter – You did in your series of emails when you said there wasn’t enough timeand we didn’t have a quorum to discuss this, because we need to have a quorum in order to call a special meeting to discuss this
>>Eney –The rules are for calling special meetings by the Board—and correct me if I’m wrong—we have to have an appeal from at least five members of the Board to force the
President to call a special meeting. By my count, we had less than three. OK.
>>Schroeter – Well it still was denied. It still was denied.
“And I am just citing this because I want it very well known that every time I bring up the topic of money, no one wants to talk about it. Yes, it’s off topic, but it needs to be discussed, and I object to having it put at the very end of a very large agenda and I object to not being able to sit down with the rest of my board to discuss this very strong and important issue to the community as a whole.”
GM – Explained that the Budget discussion was added to the agenda to allow for adequate time
Rhodes – Explained her position as not one of derision toward the Treasurer
There was further discussion about the “one voice” of the Board of Directors. Discussion degenerated to various other tangents including interpretation of certain emails.
Hammer – Requested that meeting “move on”
Warring – No report
Laird – No report
Rhodes – No report

The problem with this out of context reading is that Ms. Shroeter appears to be out of order and complaining without cause. Or, maybe that is your point?

Without disclosure of the contents of the emails which may support a proper notice with supporting members for placing an item on the agenda, this doesn't support anyone's cause, and only discredits it.

If a Board member has signed the oath of idiocracy, they have aquiesced to a contract to keep that oath. If you want freedom of speech, don't sign it.

If they vote you off the board for not signing, you have a very good federal lawsuit based on civil and constitutional rights. Get a lawyer.

There are no covenants, but if there were the vote to increase fees is not valid because it is a covenant vote and not a bylaws vote.

There are no covenants because they were never transferred to POACRE by the receivers OR the previous owners. The vote and eventual recordation of what we have always believed to be the covenants were fraudulent and are null and void. The original Board committed several counts of fraud and the subsequent Boards have enjoyed the fruit of the fraud.

All anyone has to do to get out of the fees and liability to POACRE is to write a letter of resignation from the POACRE corporation and base the resignation on breach of contract, fraud, and absence of proper authority. The key is to resign, dissolving the contract, before you become delinquent. Without the proper resignation, you are still liable for the fees.


New Member
I agree with the oath, however it does go to far banning Board members from talking. That being said, the board should speak as one clear voice.

This is why it needs to be video tapped.

The community needs to see a well organized professional board. All that is ever spoken of in the forums is the negative. I have seen the board conduct themselves very proffesionally. I have seen very good debates in regards to taking care of the community. I have witnessed people that are giving many hours of there time do a job no one respects.

Someone may intend to do the right thing, but the results are what counts. This goes for the current board as well as the possible new board.

We should get away from this third party commenting. hotcoffee you were not at the meeting, though that is not mentioned in the post. exnodak makes a very good point. Is the conversation in context. In your opinion it may be or you may have given us information that you deem relevant.

Posting those comments do nothing to further the discussion. Unless you want the discussion to be about you and your motivations.

I think you want to do the right thing and get information to the community. The community has to get it themselves or it is tainted by prejudice and bias.

I do not see how anyone would want to be on the board without deep seated hostility and personal agendas. I say this because if you have no ax to grind how could it be worth it?


New Member
The problem with this out of context reading is that Ms. Shroeter appears to be out of order and complaining without cause. Or, maybe that is your point?

Without disclosure of the contents of the emails which may support a proper notice with supporting members for placing an item on the agenda, this doesn't support anyone's cause, and only discredits it.

If a Board member has signed the oath of idiocracy, they have aquiesced to a contract to keep that oath. If you want freedom of speech, don't sign it.

If they vote you off the board for not signing, you have a very good federal lawsuit based on civil and constitutional rights. Get a lawyer.

There are no covenants, but if there were the vote to increase fees is not valid because it is a covenant vote and not a bylaws vote.

There are no covenants because they were never transferred to POACRE by the receivers OR the previous owners. The vote and eventual recordation of what we have always believed to be the covenants were fraudulent and are null and void. The original Board committed several counts of fraud and the subsequent Boards have enjoyed the fruit of the fraud.

All anyone has to do to get out of the fees and liability to POACRE is to write a letter of resignation from the POACRE corporation and base the resignation on breach of contract, fraud, and absence of proper authority. The key is to resign, dissolving the contract, before you become delinquent. Without the proper resignation, you are still liable for the fees.

First of all I would like to address the fact that the post of minutes from POACRE website to this is unnecessary as members can go to that website to view the minutes. Second, I was at the meeting and understand exactly what transpired, those who did not attend cannot understand what happened, nor do they realize that that is not the entire transcript of what took place, only a portion. Now, I am once again put in a position to agree with exnodak, in stating that without reading the numerous emails that transpired as indicated in the conversation, no one but the board really understands where Jennie is coming from. I personally believe that minutes should only report the business of the meeting and definitely not report only a portion of the meeting verbatum. This can cloud issues when someone is put in the position of being able to pick and choose what details to put in minutes.



New Member
The problem with this out of context reading is that Ms. Shroeter appears to be out of order and complaining without cause. Or, maybe that is your point?

Without disclosure of the contents of the emails which may support a proper notice with supporting members for placing an item on the agenda, this doesn't support anyone's cause, and only discredits it.

If a Board member has signed the oath of idiocracy, they have aquiesced to a contract to keep that oath. If you want freedom of speech, don't sign it.

If they vote you off the board for not signing, you have a very good federal lawsuit based on civil and constitutional rights. Get a lawyer.

There are no covenants, but if there were the vote to increase fees is not valid because it is a covenant vote and not a bylaws vote.

There are no covenants because they were never transferred to POACRE by the receivers OR the previous owners. The vote and eventual recordation of what we have always believed to be the covenants were fraudulent and are null and void. The original Board committed several counts of fraud and the subsequent Boards have enjoyed the fruit of the fraud.

All anyone has to do to get out of the fees and liability to POACRE is to write a letter of resignation from the POACRE corporation and base the resignation on breach of contract, fraud, and absence of proper authority. The key is to resign, dissolving the contract, before you become delinquent. Without the proper resignation, you are still liable for the fees.

As far as the covenants being valid, after reading your numerous postings and researching this issue personally, I am still not quite sure where you are coming from on this issue. You showed us the deed which transferred real property from one association to another or the assests of the sale of the business, not the right to enforce covenants, that would be in the sales contract of the agreement and I believe not necessarily recorded on the deed transferring property(assests) of the business. POACRE as did CRC I believe have the right to enforce the covenants which run with the land of the business which would be the Chesapeake Ranch Estates properties. I am not trying to open an old can of worms but still trying to understand where you are coming from. Like I previously stated, I personally have research some of the documents myself.



Active Member
I agree with the oath, however it does go to far banning Board members from talking. That being said, the board should speak as one clear voice. .............I do not see how anyone would want to be on the board without deep seated hostility and personal agendas. I say this because if you have no ax to grind how could it be worth it?

You ask why would it be worth it if you have no ax to grind...

I guess I do have an axe to grind when I see money being spent elsewhere when the community needs the money in other areas. The Lake still needs the steps finished, the bath house needs to be cleaned and fixed up and are we waiting for another heat wave before we do anything about the algae problem there...? The money was there to do at least two of these things I'm sure....

While I'm at it, I watched as a gentleman drug his boat through the sand to get it into the water down on Driftwood Beach.... It looks like he's been doing it this way for some time... When all that is needed, is a concrete base allowing him to back it in with his truck! There is enough room to put two or three of these types of ramps in... I'm sure the money we had could have paid for those..

I'm sure there are other things that are in need but these are the ones I thought about first because with exception to the lake steps, the others have been on the back burner for a long long time......

I believe our community could come together if agendas did not exist and communication were more open, more disclosure and proper accounting of things would, at the very least get some measure of trust back that has been sadly lacking for a long time. But the only way this change will ever take place is by getting the "right" mix of people, as a majority, at the table to help make it happen.

I have a full time job and I am attending online classes. I barely have time to do it but because I do care and because I am passionate about what I care about, I not only make the time but I will not stand there and let a group of people try to intimidate me with their threats. You were at that meeting, you saw what took place. It was wrong all the way around and I will stand my ground not only for myself but for my neighbors as well... I did not threaten anyone but fought for what I knew was right and will do so again without a second thought.

I don't know if POACRE will ever get what is truly needed in a board, but because I still have faith, I will continue to fight back and at least try.



New Member
First of all I would like to address the fact that the post of minutes from POACRE website to this is unnecessary as members can go to that website to view the minutes. Second, I was at the meeting and understand exactly what transpired, those who did not attend cannot understand what happened, nor do they realize that that is not the entire transcript of what took place, only a portion. Now, I am once again put in a position to agree with exnodak, in stating that without reading the numerous emails that transpired as indicated in the conversation, no one but the board really understands where Jennie is coming from. I personally believe that minutes should only report the business of the meeting and definitely not report only a portion of the meeting verbatum. This can cloud issues when someone is put in the position of being able to pick and choose what details to put in minutes.


I removed my post because I agree that it was a stupid thing to do.... the minutes could not be posted in full ...I don't know how to post the report Jennie was trying to report due to formatting issues in the minutes themselves....

There are, however, members [maybe not in good standing but members none-the-less] who cannot access the website for one reason or another. That's why I bothered to post the section I put in.... but as I said... it was a stupid thing to do... and I took it out....

[darn that human side of me]

It's important to note here that in this forum I have the freedom to post what I think... even if it is stupid and deserves to be retracted... and you might have the freedom to agree or disagree with whatever I say, opening debate.... curtailing that freedom would create a kingdom....

You ask why would it be worth it if you have no ax to grind...

I guess I do have an axe to grind when I see money being spent elsewhere when the community needs the money in other areas. The Lake still needs the steps finished, the bath house needs to be cleaned and fixed up and are we waiting for another heat wave before we do anything about the algae problem there...? The money was there to do at least two of these things I'm sure....

While I'm at it, I watched as a gentleman drug his boat through the sand to get it into the water down on Driftwood Beach.... It looks like he's been doing it this way for some time... When all that is needed, is a concrete base allowing him to back it in with his truck! There is enough room to put two or three of these types of ramps in... I'm sure the money we had could have paid for those..

I'm sure there are other things that are in need but these are the ones I thought about first because with exception to the lake steps, the others have been on the back burner for a long long time......

I believe our community could come together if agendas did not exist and communication were more open, more disclosure and proper accounting of things would, at the very least get some measure of trust back that has been sadly lacking for a long time. But the only way this change will ever take place is by getting the "right" mix of people, as a majority, at the table to help make it happen.

I have a full time job and I am attending online classes. I barely have time to do it but because I do care and because I am passionate about what I care about, I not only make the time but I will not stand there and let a group of people try to intimidate me with their threats. You were at that meeting, you saw what took place. It was wrong all the way around and I will stand my ground not only for myself but for my neighbors as well... I did not threaten anyone but fought for what I knew was right and will do so again without a second thought.

I don't know if POACRE will ever get what is truly needed in a board, but because I still have faith, I will continue to fight back and at least try.


Well said!
Last edited:


New Member
I removed my post because I agree that it was a stupid thing to do.... the minutes could not be posted in full ...I don't know how to post the report Jennie was trying to report due to formatting issues in the minutes themselves....

There are, however, members [maybe not in good standing but members none-the-less] who cannot access the website for one reason or another. That's why I bothered to post the section I put in.... but as I said... it was a stupid thing to do... and I took it out....

[darn that human side of me]

It's important to note here that in this forum I have the freedom to post what I think... even if it is stupid and deserves to be retracted... and you might have the freedom to agree or disagree with whatever I say, opening debate.... curtailing that freedom would create a kingdom....

Well said!

Thank you Hotcoffee. I know I am not the only one who appreciates your correction. It takes an intelligent person to not only recognize when they may have done something stupid but take the steps to correct that stupidity openly.



New Member
Thank you Hotcoffee. I know I am not the only one who appreciates your correction. It takes an intelligent person to not only recognize when they may have done something stupid but take the steps to correct that stupidity openly.



Anyway.... I went to get my decals and cast my ballot today.

The office looks spectacular! The staff [Jeanne] was professional.....



Did you loose you ballot? Check at the office... they usually have plenty of extra copies for just that reason....
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New Member
I agree, Bravo hotcoffee. You do have the right to say whatever you think. Thanks for having the courage to say it and get hammered periodically.

Ladyhawk, I was at the meeting and I totally agree that you were threatened. Now that being said no one on this forum knows what degree we are talking about. I was offended by the unproffesional conduct. I think the majority of the community would have been whether the agree with you or not.

I wish, maybe, I was as passionate about the issues as Ladyhawk. I am not. To me it is just a boat ramp, road or whatever. Things that would be nice but do not effect my life in any way, immediately.


Active Member
I agree, Bravo hotcoffee. You do have the right to say whatever you think. Thanks for having the courage to say it and get hammered periodically.

Ladyhawk, I was at the meeting and I totally agree that you were threatened. Now that being said no one on this forum knows what degree we are talking about. I was offended by the unproffesional conduct. I think the majority of the community would have been whether the agree with you or not.

I wish, maybe, I was as passionate about the issues as Ladyhawk. I am not. To me it is just a boat ramp, road or whatever. Things that would be nice but do not effect my life in any way, immediately.

But these things to effect everybody. They effect our property value in one way or the other. If things are left to deteriorate (sp?) then property value goes down. If things are cleaned and fixed up nicely, your property value either stays up or goes up.... Just a thought here...



Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
The problem is that certain members of the current board have changed the wording in our Standards of Conduct to prevent us from speaking. We are not allowed to be in the forums, we are not allowed to speak outside the meeting.... What kind of communication is that? The more restrictive it is, the less information the members will get...

The other problem is the POACRE website does have forum capabilities but they choose not to implement it so where else are we to go.... ??


Why would you sign it if you don't agree with it?


New Member
I agree, Bravo hotcoffee. You do have the right to say whatever you think. Thanks for having the courage to say it and get hammered periodically.

Ladyhawk, I was at the meeting and I totally agree that you were threatened. Now that being said no one on this forum knows what degree we are talking about. I was offended by the unproffesional conduct. I think the majority of the community would have been whether the agree with you or not.

Thanks for the encouragement....

Sometimes it seems that we are treated as a threat [Me, June, Jennie, Veronica... others on this forum....] but the fact is... if we don't speak up.... no one will move one way or another...

For the next year it would be awesome to formulate a plan... a set of measurable goals.... For instance... when the road is repaired on Thunderbird north of Lariat La... we'll have done something... when the beach gets the play set... when the Lake Building is remodeled to be a viable use to the members....

Without a vocal minority... these issues will only play in our minds... we need to work to get them on paper... with steps to the goals... see the project with some systematic projections and proposed costs.... then figure out where the funding should come from....

OK... I admit... I'm excited about the new year... I just voted for Jennie and voted no to every single thing else... [course I know June & Jackie are un-opposed and didn't need my vote... just my encouragement]