CRE Board


New Member

I would think that the Board would/could/should pass a resolution
(yes, you can do that under the present setup and Roberts Rules)
to make the new POACRE site accessible to and by the public, if
for no other reason, than just plain "good public relations" and the
proof that POACRE is on the up-and-up and has nothing to hide as
has been alleged here and elsewhere by several different individuals.

You are supposed to be the VP, and supposedly there are members
who ran and were 'elected' on the platform of "open communications"
with members and the public. Therefore, I would think that you all
outnumber the ones like Becky Tice who would rather restrict and

Now is the time to make good on those "campaign promises" and this
one would cost ZERO DOLLARS AND ZERO CENTS! You should let the
original site owner resume his endevour (which was a NO COST ITEM
to POACRE) and shut down the POACRE site on the basis of budget
trimming of unnecessary/frivilous expense. Not to mention freedom
of opinion and communications.

Looks like the more things change, the more they stay the same.

Last night there was a working board meeting where the October membership newsletter (official newsletter required by bylaws) be prepared. I did make point, as did others, that this is the newsletter of most importance to get membership involvement. Meaning, if POACRE only tells the members what is going on, and tells them what each committee and such are doing, where does that leave the involvement or encouragement of such from the membership. This newsletter should be relatively short, but with topics for open discussion at the membership meeting on relative items which POACRE needs support, guidance and input from the members.

Otherwise this is the same old, same old, with BOD blaming members for not being involved, and members thinking (or assuming) the BOD doesn't want, need or welcome their involvement. Everyone has something to offer and that needs to be communicated and welcomed.

As far as the neighborhood (RUT) newsletter that should be forth coming as well. But since it doesn't lead to an official meeting, it could serve as a means of information and question and answer media.

Just my thoughts.


New Member
As for persons not on the deed, there was some form to fill out years ago to accomodate such a situation, especially as Maryland is a common property state for spouses. It is worth looking into.
and email

Will answer what I can, and am more than willing to bring to the BOD. I see many suggested most would and do prefer to complain....I find in all aspects that this is not true. But people need an open honest invitation to do for our community. I don't have to like their suggestion, but it may be one not thought of before, not tried before, in need of trying again to overcome roadblocks or maybe just something to bring the community together.


New Member
The Treasurer of CRE can dispell any rumors or here-say about what is going on with CRE funds (and maybe the accounting firm that performs the yearly audit as well as the Finance Committee ) It wasn't this board that moved the money. Looks like an agenda item for one of the board meetings where questions can be asked and back up information provided.

Exactly the point that I am making! The next BOD has to handle all the old "mishandled" business, therefore getting nothing accomplished as the years go on, and on, and on. Everyone just keeps passing the buck! The new board isn't accountable, because it was the old board that voted to move the funds out of state. This sounds all too familiar.

Regarding the home sales, and Realtors in the community.... my neighbors recently sold there home, and had to take a $40,000 cut from what the house appraised at, just to get out of here, because they accepted a job in another state. The realtor recommended, cutting the price, so that they were priced lower than the some of the Foreclosures in the neighborhood.

That is the reality of what we are looking at, just to get out of CRE, if we wanted to. That's why homes in our Community are listed for so long....and just sit there. That is, until the owner decides to rent it, so that they can cover the mortgage, since they have already moved on, and out of CRE if they are lucky enough. So I guess it's okay with everyone, if the owners have to take a financial loss, just to get out.

Now for all those members that don't understand, why they should care about all this....

We can SAVE the Community now, or take the loss later!


New Member
The housing market is in a slump everywhere. People are underselling all over if they want to move on and unfortunately, many don't have the option to sell because they lost their home. I'm not 100% sold on the fact that people move here due to our amenities. (Although the ones we have do need tending to). The area is full of amenities! Great ones at that! It's a transient area. If you can't sell, then some rent. It's keeping the out of state owners who are renting informed. The website and newsletter are critical tools that have to be used to keep the whole community up to date. CRE was a summer spot back in the day. What means of communication was used to keep the small population in the loop? Did it work? Obviously our needs have changed since back then. It just seems like a no brainer to take the time, effort and $$$ necessary to communicate effectively if we ever want to solve any issues.

Perhaps the new board is working on this with the change in websites. Yes, toes were stepped on and thank-you's were forgotten. Let's not let a few without manners hinder the progress of the many with talents the community can really use!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thewave:


Active Member
THANK YOU! Jackie, for keeping your campaign promise of
being accessible and open for communication! You posted
your E-Mail address for all to contact you. That takes guts!
You KNOW you're going to get some bad with the good. But
I hope you DO get some good communication. I KNOW you
will do your best on this Board and TRY to fix some of the
thngs that need attention. It's going to be an uphill battle,
but you WILL make SOME progress. GOOD LUCK!


New Member
CRE in Good Hands

I've had some recent conversation with Mr. Eney and I believe he is open and insightful about strengthening CRE. There is a promise to restore monthly newsletters and I believe that we are in a new day of openness that will encourage member participation (not just complaining).

The housing market in CRE does not seem as affected as other areas. For the decent quality of the neighborhood and schools and nearby recreational areas like Cove Point, Navy Rec Center, Flag Ponds, any house there is a bargain. Property values have increased despite the fact that Southern Calvert County has not seen a lot of job growth.

Compare that to some really crazy areas like Howard County where prices more than doubled and are now sinking (slowly) back to reasonable levels. The listing price of comparable homes in the same school district differ in price as much as $200,000. Around there, it's all about the schools because many schools around Baltimore are just awful. It's simple supply and demand... and the rising prices, higher interest rates, and stricter lending requirements just reduced the prices will either have to Fall or people will not sell their houses.... it's happening everywhere. Builders of new homes in Calvert County are giving all kinds of freebies and lowering prices to sell their homes too.


Has it been 90 days yet

Has the temporary accounting work been completed?
Will Ms. Tice seek her Board position back?
Will she be retained in a permanent accounting position?

Why does Ms. Tice speak in the Recorder as a Director of CRE which she is not?

"We've already given up a lot to retail," said Becky Tice, a member of the board of directors of the Chesapeake Ranch Estates, a private community in Lusby. "To ask us to give up the green to retail is kind of a slap in the face."

Is Ms. Tice the voice for the residents of CRE?

I think the slap in the face may be at the residents of CRE!


Has the temporary accounting work been completed?
Will Ms. Tice seek her Board position back?
Will she be retained in a permanent accounting position?

Why does Ms. Tice speak in the Recorder as a Director of CRE which she is not?

"We've already given up a lot to retail," said Becky Tice, a member of the board of directors of the Chesapeake Ranch Estates, a private community in Lusby. "To ask us to give up the green to retail is kind of a slap in the face."

Is Ms. Tice the voice for the residents of CRE?

I think the slap in the face may be at the residents of CRE!

Yes the 90 days is over. Yes the task of getting the accounts set up on an accrual basis is complete.

No I will not be trying to get back on the Board [unless I run for office in June].

No I did not retain the position on a permanent basis. According to the Board President, I made employees uncomfortable.

The reporter mispoke. I didn't talk to her directly and I think she assumed that I am still on the Board.

I am also in favor of having retail business around the Village Green in Lusby. I am not in favor of having two lanes of traffic running through the Village Green to make it convenient for those who want to jump over to the bank or the Fast Stop from the Food Lion. I said they should use Lusby [Gott] Parkway and go around. I am in favor of having access to the Village Green for emergency vehicles and some parking at the edge of the Village Green for customers of the retail store. I'm working on a letter to the Editor clarifying my position. Also... out of the 40 some people present, only one wanted the two lanes of traffic, and that person admitted he was new to the area and unaware of the Lusby [Gott] Parkway debacle.

No... I do not speak on behalf of CRE or Lusby... only myself... but in this case I was only the most vocal of the whole group and a raise of hands did verify that the vast majority agreed that we don't want to dodge cars when stolling from one end of green to the other.

Thanks for asking....:coffee:
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Thanks for the answers Residentofcre

I agree with you that the paper reported wrongly. In fact I believe the reporter knowingly reported it wrong. She had every opportunity to check her story. She also has been notified that Ms. Tice had resigned her Board position, so I have no Idea what her agenda reporting as she did is. I particularly wanted to point out the bad journalism provided the citizenry of southern maryland by the Recorder in this matter. I would rather see stories that present both sides of the issues and possible alternatives rather than onesided reporting. Quotes of people should be directly from those people and preferably from officials that are actually representing people when they are presented as that.

I have complained to the editor of the Recorder with no response coming back to me.

Again thanks for your response.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you that the paper reported wrongly. In fact I believe the reporter knowingly reported it wrong. She had every opportunity to check her story. She also has been notified that Ms. Tice had resigned her Board position, so I have no Idea what her agenda reporting as she did is. I particularly wanted to point out the bad journalism provided the citizenry of southern maryland by the Recorder in this matter. I would rather see stories that present both sides of the issues and possible alternatives rather than onesided reporting. Quotes of people should be directly from those people and preferably from officials that are actually representing people when they are presented as that.

I have complained to the editor of the Recorder with no response coming back to me.

Again thanks for your response.
Erica likes to take pokes at Becky.


Erica likes to take pokes at Becky.

She knows I'll write in a rebuttle.

She's been very busy lately. Check out all the articles she's writing for the Recorder.

I should write for the Recorder.... watcha think?


Well-Known Member
She knows I'll write in a rebuttle.

She's been very busy lately. Check out all the articles she's writing for the Recorder.

I should write for the Recorder.... watcha think?
It seems that the Recorder hired a few "New York Times" style young writers and went from a reliable local paper to a rag. I could handle the 2lbs. of advertising inserts but the 1 or 2 pages of local "opinion" was over the top for me. I cancelled.


New Member
Back to CRE...due to work conflicts I am unable to attend the membership meeting. And it is not a project I can rescheduled (it is another agency) and it pertain greatly to my job...which requires I be there.

However, I do suggest as many members attend as possible. Hopefully all read the newsletter and noted the topics of possible ballot issues which will be coming up. I truly support the municipality and think it is the most purdent way to go. Especially in these economic times...our moneys (taxes) already paid would partly be returned to us for use in OUR community directly...not waiting in line for hopes of returns of little or none.

What ever your opinion, everyone's input is important and can lead to greater discussion (not an argument) and maybe there are opportunities not yet presented..(or presented years ago which now may gain ground).

Saturday, clubhouse at 10 a.m.


New Member
Back to CRE...due to work conflicts I am unable to attend the membership meeting. And it is not a project I can rescheduled (it is another agency) and it pertain greatly to my job...which requires I be there.

However, I do suggest as many members attend as possible. Hopefully all read the newsletter and noted the topics of possible ballot issues which will be coming up. I truly support the municipality and think it is the most purdent way to go. Especially in these economic times...our moneys (taxes) already paid would partly be returned to us for use in OUR community directly...not waiting in line for hopes of returns of little or none.

What ever your opinion, everyone's input is important and can lead to greater discussion (not an argument) and maybe there are opportunities not yet presented..(or presented years ago which now may gain ground).

Saturday, clubhouse at 10 a.m.

How much say do the commissioners get in whether the municipality happens? I can't imagine them letting that tax base go willingly.


How much say do the commissioners get in whether the municipality happens? I can't imagine them letting that tax base go willingly.

They dont want us to become a municipality as then we would have much more control and lose the ability to mismanage us.

Look at our wonderful town center which didnt incorporate any of the communities into access or say about how it would be put together.

Also what was told to us has not been what was built.


Honorary SMIB
There was an attempt a few years to incorporate that area. In my opinion the area was too large and took in too many communities. The Commissioners don't have a whole lot to say as incorporation is covered under MD state law. You need a percentage of registered voters in the proposed area to sign a petition of incorporation, it then goes to a vote of that area. Upside for CRE: now has a tax base and with a per hundred assessment, not the fees which are all over the map. It also has more control of it's services and because of the new tax base more money to operate, which is now deductible on your federal tax return, HOA fees aren't deductible. Another upside would be you could set longer terms for your officials instead of the yearly elections. Downsides: probably higher overall property taxes since you now have a municipal tax and County tax. BUT: the County tax rate is lower in a municipality because of what is called a differential. That is supposed to cover the services the municipality provides and the County no longer does.



I agree the movement failed due to being to large and not well explained in order to gain the signatures of voters needed to put it on the ballot.

A municipality would need to have a business center as well as residential and this would cause a need for additional development.

I think this is one of the reasons that the Lusby Town Center was approved.

I just think the whole thing has been a cluster instead of a well planned community.



Honorary SMIB
I agree the movement failed due to being to large and not well explained in order to gain the signatures of voters needed to put it on the ballot.

A municipality would need to have a business center as well as residential and this would cause a need for additional development.

I think this is one of the reasons that the Lusby Town Center was approved.

I just think the whole thing has been a cluster instead of a well planned community.


Maybe, but here's my take on a "business" district: municipalities aren't taxing for schools so that's off the table. You get the property tax no matter what business is in it, although commercially zoned property is usually assessed at a higher value than residential. But you still get the property tax, and other than a business license fee not much else. Here in North Beach, and CRE would probably be about the same, the vast majority of businesses are owner/operated so they aren't really creating any immediate jobs. It doesn't matter if they do a million $$$$ a day or a dollar, the Town gets very little, maybe 2/10% of sales tax. The Town does get a liquid fuels tax for maintaining the streets (that seems to be an issue in CRE), also state aid for police since we pay the Sheriff's Department for a detachment just to cover the two Towns. Another upside is that generally HOA's aren't eligible for grants where a municipality is. NB has gotten almost $900k in various grants over the last two years, with about a third of that for the beach.

Lusby is not a municipality under state law, it's a "Town Center" under County zoning, similar but a different animal. The County is still the governing body. Another upside: if you're an incorporated municipality you are in charge of your own zoning, density, height limits, desgn standards, etc.
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New Member
I would love to have a couple of municipality forums open to the community. One will not cut it. There needs to be time to encourage participation in asking, researching, not shooting from the hip in responses, and encouraging more and more input.

Again, just my thoughts on the matter. We surely would get more in return for what we lay out in taxes. And businesses are not required. With the density of CRE only that is A LOT of homes/real estate and income tax.