Creepy Uncle Joe - I'm not buying her statement


Well-Known Member
Found on FB this morning.


Well-Known Member
I have no idea if he raped anyone. But that’s not really the question. Do you believe DJT when he says that he kisses women and ‘grabs em by the pussy’ without their consent?
I believe he is just as heavy handed as Biden. Which is the point.
Well, we have visual evidence of Biden, and a guy known for braggadocio says he did some stuff with women's permission, but not a bit of evidence to show that it is true.

Do you suddenly believe Trump when the physical evidence isn't there, or only in this particular case and in all others you believe he is full of himself and bragging beyond what he actually has done? Why is this particular instance different?


Well-Known Member
You know, the more I look at this - the more I really don't like it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not pro-Biden - I thought he was a blow-hard in '88, and again in '91.
THAT has not changed.

But this IS a hit job on him. It's one thing if someone was sexually assaulted years ago, and being too
ashamed to say anything. I have had to deal with this. But we're just talking about hands on shoulders,
face close to yours, touching - it's creepy, but it's the kind of thing you really don't wait ten years
to bring up unless you intend to do it to scuttle someone's public image. It was not brought up at all
in 2008, and some of these happened back then. NOW it comes up?

I realize that it appears in the news because someone in the Democratic Party - maybe a lot of someones -
wants it there. It would be ignored if it was only on the right. So - they're assassinating one of their own.
Still doesn't make it right.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
You know, the more I look at this - the more I really don't like it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not pro-Biden - I thought he was a blow-hard in '88, and again in '91.
THAT has not changed.

But this IS a hit job on him. It's one thing if someone was sexually assaulted years ago, and being too
ashamed to say anything. I have had to deal with this. But we're just talking about hands on shoulders,
face close to yours, touching - it's creepy, but it's the kind of thing you really don't wait ten years
to bring up unless you intend to do it to scuttle someone's public image. It was not brought up at all
in 2008, and some of these happened back then. NOW it comes up?

I realize that it appears in the news because someone in the Democratic Party - maybe a lot of someones -
wants it there. It would be ignored if it was only on the right. So - they're assassinating one of their own.
Still doesn't make it right.


Well-Known Member

I'm not sure where you're going. If it's "revenge" I don't agree with it.
If it's sauce for the goose - yeah, I get it - but I still don't like it. Shouldn't happen then, shouldn't happen now.

The Kavanaugh thing however was FAR more ridiculous than even the Russian collusion story or even the Smollett story.
The idea somehow that a high school student was able to run a rape ring with no evidence, no witnesses and maybe
one not very credible "witness" - and somehow no one knew about it. The BIG thing however - is it's rape, which is
far worse and more egregious than touching someone on the shoulders or smelling their hair, and no passage of time
should erase the severity of it. Occasionally at my place of work, I'd have a superior who was female who might touch my
hand or arm while we were talking, and I'd either let it go and look at them to let them know I don't like that.

Interesting that the news seems to be pointing at "far right trolls" when in all likelihood this is coming from within the
Democratic Party. Some in Biden's camp are suspecting Bernie's people.


Main Streeter
Whose pussy did he grab?
You know, the more I look at this - the more I really don't like it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not pro-Biden - I thought he was a blow-hard in '88, and again in '91.
THAT has not changed.

But this IS a hit job on him. It's one thing if someone was sexually assaulted years ago, and being too
ashamed to say anything. I have had to deal with this. But we're just talking about hands on shoulders,
face close to yours, touching - it's creepy, but it's the kind of thing you really don't wait ten years
to bring up unless you intend to do it to scuttle someone's public image. It was not brought up at all
in 2008, and some of these happened back then. NOW it comes up?

I realize that it appears in the news because someone in the Democratic Party - maybe a lot of someones -
wants it there. It would be ignored if it was only on the right. So - they're assassinating one of their own.
Still doesn't make it right.

Very well said. This is character assassination. It surprises me to see some folks in these forums condone this sort of thing especially after what happened with Kavanaugh. The accusations against him were much more serious but came from people who suddenly decided to come out, years later, because he was nominated for the SCOTUS. Biden has been a senator forever, VPOTUS for eight years, and now thinking of another run for POTUS. And suddenly this stuff starts coming out.


Well-Known Member
I don't remember hearing about this when Joe was running as Obama's VP, but I do remember hearing about it once he was in office (direct comparisons being made to GWB and the awkward Merkel sholder rub). And again during the primaries for the 2016 election.


Well-Known Member
Very well said. This is character assassination. It surprises me to see some folks in these forums condone this sort of thing especially after what happened with Kavanaugh. The accusations against him were much more serious but came from people who suddenly decided to come out, years later, because he was nominated for the SCOTUS. Biden has been a senator forever, VPOTUS for eight years, and now thinking of another run for POTUS. And suddenly this stuff starts coming out.

Don't misunderstand me though. I've thought he was a blowhard and a total ass since at least '88 and the whole plagiarism thing.
He comes across as your typical politician - I think I remember once upon the campaign trail him referring to the streets of Wilmington and
referring recently to places that had long been gone. He says what he thinks will help him. Whatever they're saying about him, he wasn't going
to get my vote anyway. It's just that it is coming out NOW - AND it is making the rounds in the regular news sources instead of just right wing
sites and news outlets. This strongly suggests to me - it has some support among the left-wing press, so it's probably coming from the Democrats.

Biden had been a Senator since the days of Watergate. He's always been gaffe-prone. I don't care for him or politicians like him, because
I don't think he thinks for himself - except when he makes those gaffes. The touching stuff was out in the right wing media over the past
10 years or so. We all know this. We talked about it, on here. It's not news except - all of a sudden - to the rest of the media world.

Why do YOU suppose?


Main Streeter
Don't misunderstand me though. I've thought he was a blowhard and a total ass since at least '88 and the whole plagiarism thing.
He comes across as your typical politician - I think I remember once upon the campaign trail him referring to the streets of Wilmington and
referring recently to places that had long been gone. He says what he thinks will help him. Whatever they're saying about him, he wasn't going
to get my vote anyway. It's just that it is coming out NOW - AND it is making the rounds in the regular news sources instead of just right wing
sites and news outlets. This strongly suggests to me - it has some support among the left-wing press, so it's probably coming from the Democrats.

Biden had been a Senator since the days of Watergate. He's always been gaffe-prone. I don't care for him or politicians like him, because
I don't think he thinks for himself - except when he makes those gaffes. The touching stuff was out in the right wing media over the past
10 years or so. We all know this. We talked about it, on here. It's not news except - all of a sudden - to the rest of the media world.

Why do YOU suppose?

Because Biden is leading the Dem poles and he hasn't even filed yet so he'll end up being the "Bernie" of 2020. He'll be torpedoed just like the DNC did in 2016 in favor of Hillary.


PREMO Member
This is character assassination. It surprises me to see some folks in these forums condone this sort of thing especially after what happened with Kavanaugh.

Huge difference ... Picture proof of Creepy Uncle Joe Abounds .. accusations against Kavanaugh were meritless


Well-Known Member
I have said from the beginning that Joe Biden is just a guy that likes to touch people, not a perv.,
I haven't seen anyone in her being particularly critical of the man.

What this shows is just how common and nasty the democrat party is that they would toss one of their own in this sh*t

Is it any wonder they purchased the Russian Dossier against one who isn't one of theirs.?
No trick is too dirty. The motto for the Dem party;; dirty deeds done dirt cheap.


Well-Known Member
No, the voting public has made it clear...they do not.
I am not 100% certain of that. Clinton never came close to 50%, Trump either. No one who is known to be or accused of being inappropriate with the opposite sex has ever come close to 50% of the popular vote.

It may be that they do care.


Well-Known Member
I am not 100% certain of that. Clinton never came close to 50%, Trump either. No one who is known to be or accused of being inappropriate with the opposite sex has ever come close to 50% of the popular vote.

It may be that they do care.

But both those guys were/are President, yes?


Well-Known Member
By default. My point is that most people didn't want them to be president, but they didn't want other people to be president even more.

It's a good thing we don't have a popular election then.

The fact is, we've moved beyond anyone caring about someone being "Presidential" (and you can take that anyway you wish).


Well-Known Member
It's a good thing we don't have a popular election then.

Why? Weren't you coming to your point based on voting for president?

The fact is, we've moved beyond anyone caring about someone being "Presidential" (and you can take that anyway you wish).
Except, most people didn't want Bill Clinton or Donald Trump to be president. The fact that they are is inconsequential to the fact that most people did not want them to be.

"Presidential" is in the mind of the voter. Clearly, most don't think either of those men were/are presidential.