Creepy Uncle Joe - I'm not buying her statement


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Gropin' Joe may have other problems; this may come back to haunt him:

According to John Solomon of The Hill, then-Vice President Biden strong armed Ukraine into firing its chief prosecutor who, at the time, was investigating a company that employed Biden’s son, Hunter. Biden himself confesses to the strong arming part. Indeed, in 2018 he boasted about it:

Two years after leaving office, Joe Biden couldn’t resist the temptation last year to brag to an audience of foreign policy specialists about the time as vice president that he strong-armed Ukraine into firing its top prosecutor.


Maybe NBD as it is Ukraine, but it is troubling. Especially the bragging....

Joe has a problem. His gaffes, cuddle-bunny antics, and bullying are just the symptoms.

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Well-Known Member
I have said from the beginning that Joe Biden is just a guy that likes to touch people, not a perv.,
I haven't seen anyone in her being particularly critical of the man.

What this shows is just how common and nasty the democrat party is that they would toss one of their own in this sh*t

Is it any wonder they purchased the Russian Dossier against one who isn't one of theirs.?
No trick is too dirty. The motto for the Dem party;; dirty deeds done dirt cheap.
One correction, he likes to touch women. I have never seen him do these things to a man or boy like he does to a woman or girl.


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Gropin' Joe may have other problems; this may come back to haunt him.


Maybe NBD as it is Ukraine, but it is troubling. Especially the bragging....

Joe has a problem. His gaffes, cuddle-bunny antics, and bullying are just the symptoms.

Here's more from: PJMedia's Daily Blog. Turns out this may, in fact, be a BIG deal. Take a look, at least, at the last few lines....


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Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
The Hill is now reporting two more women have come fwd with their Biden stories of inappropriate touching.

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Main Streeter
Gropin' Joe may have other problems; this may come back to haunt him:


Maybe NBD as it is Ukraine, but it is troubling. Especially the bragging....

Joe has a problem. His gaffes, cuddle-bunny antics, and bullying are just the symptoms.

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Wow. Biden is starting to sound a lot like out incumbent president.

There must be a lot of people who are afraid of him running for pres.

It's not like this is his first venture into national politics.

He's been out there since the early 70's and now this stuff comes out.


Well-Known Member
Wow. Biden is starting to sound a lot like out incumbent president.

There must be a lot of people who are afraid of him running for pres.

It's not like this is his first venture into national politics.

He's been out there since the early 70's and now this stuff comes out.
It seems the people who don't want him for President are those on his own side.
The Democrats remind me a bit of the Romans who killed Caesar.
Everybody has their knife out for Joe.

Ya know sometimes when your tour of duty is done it's best just to fade away.
Turn the lights out and just leave .


Well-Known Member
Wow. Biden is starting to sound a lot like out incumbent president.

Can you be more specific? Biden was bragging about using the power of his office to help his family instead of for the good of the American people or the United States; how is that like our incumbent president?

There must be a lot of people who are afraid of him running for pres.

Agreed. A lot of people don't want him to be the face of defending the incompetent and anti-American policies put into effect during his time as VP. He also was very strong in his defense of things Trump is trying to do back when it was Democrats who are trying to do it, so that doesn't help the Democrat message much, either. Really not a good thing for Democrats at all for him to run.

Great for Republicans, not so great for Democrats.

It's not like this is his first venture into national politics.

He's been out there since the early 70's and now this stuff comes out.

Yeah, up until now no one has ever mentioned any problems with him.

Except for his verbal gaffes.

And his physical gaffes.

And his policy gaffes.

And his mistakes on things like Iraq, and Bork, and plagiarism, and Afghanistan, and Turkey, and Benghazi, and Syria, Amtrack….I'm actually searching for something Biden was right about, and I can't find it :lmao:


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Aunt Nan tells Gropin' Joe "to pretend you have a cold."

Yup, true. True, true!

Link: ‘Pretend you have a cold’: Pelosi advises Biden on women

As former Vice President Joe Biden’s camp scrambles to contain any political damage over his past behavior with women, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has some words of advice: Keep your distance.

“Join the straight-arm club,” Pelosi said at a breakfast hour Washington event on Tuesday.

In other words, keep your handshakes at arms’ length and don’t be touchy-feely.

“Just pretend you have a cold and I have a cold,” Pelosi said.

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Well-Known Member
According to the Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault Prevention and Reporting training that the government makes me take what Joe does is bad.

Maybe he simply has not been trained, so its not his fault?


Power with Control
According to the Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault Prevention and Reporting training that the government makes me take what Joe does is bad.

Maybe he simply has not been trained, so its not his fault?

He had a staffer take the training for him.
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Happy Creepy Ass Cracka
At least he wasn't grabbing her in the p*ssy like someone else we know.

Actually, the person you are impugning didn't actually say he had grabbed her by the pussy. He said all you had to do is grab her by the pussy.

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Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Gropin' Joe channels Michael Jackson (0:38 & at end):

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