Crying it out


New Member
She/He is just a baby...

This worked for me.

I would comfort my daughter as much as she needed until she was 1 year old. Yes, it was exhausting, but I feel like we are closer because of it. Once she turned 1, I started giving her time to work her frustrations out on her own. Giving her a little more time to her self each time. She's 1 1/2 now and never cries (unless she hurts herself). She falls asleep on her own for naps and bedtime. I feel that we have a close relationship because I was there to help her through when she was too little to do it for herself. Think about it this way, if you're only way to communicate was to cry and no one responded, how would that make you feel? It's ok for a baby to just want to be cuddled. Babies are cuddled inside the womb from the time they are conceived. Then they are pushed out into the cold world and just want to be comforted. Think of all the great memories you'll have and you'll never say to yourself that you should have held your baby more when you had the chance. They're only little once.

This worked for me, but go with what you feel is right in your heart. You'll know the answer that is right for you.


New Member
It depends on the cry. If its the Im spoiled and just want my way cry, then yeah. He cries it out to a certain extent. If he's sick...then no.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
I'd just like to say that crying it out SUCKS.

It WILL get better. Let me tell you what worked for me...

Bug slept downstairs in the living room (off our bedroom) for the first 4 months. I couldn't have her sleep in my room because every small sound she made woke me up.

Once she turned 4 months, she started sleeping in her crib in her room upstairs. She would be fed and have her bath. Then we would go upstairs and I would turn on a CD that I bought on Amazon, Celtic Lullabies, and rock her in the rocker until she fell out. Down to bed she went and the rest of the CD played on... If and when she did wake up, I rubbed her back or picked her up as needed. It didn't take long.

She is now 8 1/2 years old and that very same CD just ended. (We got home quite late after dance and a movie tonight).

BTW... she is still on the same 7pm bedtime schedule during school nights. :yay:
It WILL get better. Let me tell you what worked for me...

Bug slept downstairs in the living room (off our bedroom) for the first 4 months. I couldn't have her sleep in my room because every small sound she made woke me up.

Once she turned 4 months, she started sleeping in her crib in her room upstairs. She would be fed and have her bath. Then we would go upstairs and I would turn on a CD that I bought on Amazon, Celtic Lullabies, and rock her in the rocker until she fell out. Down to bed she went and the rest of the CD played on... If and when she did wake up, I rubbed her back or picked her up as needed. It didn't take long.

She is now 8 1/2 years old and that very same CD just ended. (We got home quite late after dance and a movie tonight).

BTW... she is still on the same 7pm bedtime schedule during school nights. :yay:

We're trying to break his sleep associations. He is 5 months old and was STILL being swaddled. It was the only way he'd sleep through the night - that and me getting up several times a night to pop the paci back in his mouth. This is also the first night he's slept upstairs in his crib.

We're on night #1 of the Ferber method. He has to learn to put himself to sleep. Hearing him cry like that is insanely hard. I wanted to pick him up so bad, but that would defeat the purpose. :bawl:

It's going to be a long night.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
We're trying to break his sleep associations. He is 5 months old and was STILL being swaddled. It was the only way he'd sleep through the night - that and me getting up several times a night to pop the paci back in his mouth. This is also the first night he's slept upstairs in his crib.

We're on night #1 of the Ferber method. He has to learn to put himself to sleep. Hearing him cry like that is insanely hard. I wanted to pick him up so bad, but that would defeat the purpose. :bawl:

It's going to be a long night.

Have you tried propping him on his side, just not so much that he falls on his face? Soothing music?
Have you tried propping him on his side, just not so much that he falls on his face? Soothing music?

He's used to a white noise machine, but that is another sleep association. Getting him to nap is a nightmare. I have to have on the white noise, pacifier, swaddle, and sing to him. Even then it's a 50/50 chance that he'll go to sleep. I'd like to be able to put him down and have him put himself to sleep (self soothe).

I'm afraid of propping him on his side.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
He's used to a white noise machine, but that is another sleep association. Getting him to nap is a nightmare. I have to have on the white noise, pacifier, swaddle, and sing to him. Even then it's a 50/50 chance that he'll go to sleep. I'd like to be able to put him down and have him put himself to sleep (self soothe).

I'm afraid of propping him on his side.

I propped her with a wedge that was made for babies. Can't tell you the name because I no longer have it.

She has one of these (I can't find the box) celtic twilight lullabies - Google Product Search

And she also likes this... Google Music: Raffi

Maybe it is babyish to others, but ya know, if it works for your child, so be it... :yay:


New Member
We're trying to break his sleep associations. He is 5 months old and was STILL being swaddled. It was the only way he'd sleep through the night - that and me getting up several times a night to pop the paci back in his mouth. This is also the first night he's slept upstairs in his crib.

We're on night #1 of the Ferber method. He has to learn to put himself to sleep. Hearing him cry like that is insanely hard. I wanted to pick him up so bad, but that would defeat the purpose. :bawl:

It's going to be a long night.

The Ferber method worked for us. My daughter was 8 weeks when i started it. I started it during the day for her naps, and by that night, she was in her crib sleeping 8 hrs. She now puts herself to sleep (she's 3 months old now) for naps and nighttime, and sleeps from 7pm--8am . It is SO WORTH IT. it is hard, but just be consistent and stick with it.


New Member
Speedy, we did the Ferber method with our twins...I want to say by the time they were 4 months old (out of the every 3 hour routine) they were sleeping through the night.

They are 3 now and still are wonderful sleepers.

Our first son...Well every little squeak he made I jumped up and rocked him back to sleep...He still wasn't sleeping through the night at almost 2. And I had newborn twins, so I knew I had to do it differently with them :lmao:.

I hope it is easy for your little one...It will really pay off. Good luck!!! :howdy:
The Ferber method worked for us. My daughter was 8 weeks when i started it. I started it during the day for her naps, and by that night, she was in her crib sleeping 8 hrs. She now puts herself to sleep (she's 3 months old now) for naps and nighttime, and sleeps from 7pm--8am . It is SO WORTH IT. it is hard, but just be consistent and stick with it.

8 Weeks???? Holy crap. Sorry, but that's way too young. Dr. Ferber does not recommend his method until at LEAST 4 months of age.
Speedy, have your tried a radio or one of those crib attachment things that lights up and sings. I know they have a rainforest one with a remote. My kid loved that thing. Now he has a radio in his room and a faux fish tank as his night light and goes to sleep no problem.


My Sweetest Boy
I propped her with a wedge that was made for babies. Can't tell you the name because I no longer have it.

She has one of these (I can't find the box) celtic twilight lullabies - Google Product Search

And she also likes this... Google Music: Raffi

Maybe it is babyish to others, but ya know, if it works for your child, so be it... :yay:

He's five months old...wouldn't he be rollling all over by now?

I dunno, my kids knew not to mess with me. I guess I was a bad mommy. But they slept through the night at 8 and 6 weeks.

It just didn't seem this hard.
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Speedy, have your tried a radio or one of those crib attachment things that lights up and sings. I know they have a rainforest one with a remote. My kid loved that thing. Now he has a radio in his room and a faux fish tank as his night light and goes to sleep no problem.

He has a mobile, but I had to take it down. He loves it for a while, then gets bored with it and starts crying. I want him to learn the crib is a place to sleep. Maybe later on I'll get a crib soother.
He has a mobile, but I had to take it down. He loves it for a while, then gets bored with it and starts crying. I want him to learn the crib is a place to sleep. Maybe later on I'll get a crib soother.

I swear it works. :lol: He would fall right asleep to that thing. He started sleeping through the night about 8 weeks.


Salt Life
I dunno, my kids knew not to mess with me. I guess I was a bad mommy. But they slept through the night at 8 and 6 weeks.
My mom must have been VERY mean - she let me cry at 2 weeks of age and w/in a matter of a few days I was sleeping through the night.

I wonder if this has anything to do with sleep patterns as we get older?
My mom must have been VERY mean - she let me cry at 2 weeks of age and w/in a matter of a few days I was sleeping through the night.

I wonder if this has anything to do with sleep patterns as we get older?

It's not that she was mean, it's just more things are known now about how babies work. I mean, babies at two weeks old are crying for a reason. They are not crying to manipulate. I'm sure my mom let me cry it out at a young age too. Heck, she fed me cereal at two weeks (with a spoon). :faint: :lol:
Raising children sucks :shrug:

But hang in there - it gets better. (I mean, really it gets worse before it gets better. But eventually it will get better. :lol:)

He's been doing really well at night time, except for Friday night of course. But naps are non-existent. He will not nap in his crib for anything.