Crying it out


What's it 2 U
Last week I tried the method of pick up/put down. That's where you put them down drowsy, let him cry for a certain amount of minutes, pick them up, and as soon as they stop crying, put them right back down. Repeat as much as necessary.

Well that method was a DISASTER. He screamed harder each time I put him back down. After about 5 or 6 times of this, I had to pick him up and rock him. It took 10 minutes for him to stop crying. It was horrible for both of us.

He's 4 months tomorrow which Ferber suggests is the earliest to start CIO. I'm going to talk to his pediatrician about it on Friday, but I know he'll suggest CIO.

I think I'm ready to let him CIO, but not screaming, and that's what he does.

We never let him learn to fall asleep on his own. Horrible mistake. :bawl:

Ahh, live and learn. All babies are different and I firmly believe some babies are just more needy than others. I have three and each of them were different. Baby one would fall asleep on her own, in her own bed, but by 3 or 4 am she wanted to be in the bed with me. When she could walk on her own, she would get up at that same time and come crawl in the bed with me every night no matter how many times I walked her back to her room. Baby two was a HOLY TERROR. I can't remember a night she slept in her own crib. No matter what I tried, she would not let me put down and she would not sleep on her own. She would scream and scream. It was he!! trying to get a pacifier away from her, too. I remember one Christmas she left it at my uncles. I was determined that this was the time to get her off of it. Well that child cried for 2.5 hours straight. I finally said the he!! with this and went to Target and bought her 4 more! :lmao: She is still head-strong to this day. Baby three was a jewel. He went to sleep in his own bed from day one and even on those days I would try hold him, he wouldn't have any part of it. We would lay him down fully awake and he would go to sleep, no crying. When he started talking, he would talk and sing himself to sleep every night. My friends would sit in my living laughing while he went on and on for 30 mins or so entertaining himself. Then all of a sudden it would get quite and he would be sound asleep. And he loved his crib. Even though he is very active and is a climber, he would never climb in and out of his crib. When he turned two I took the side off to make it into a toddler bed and he got mad with me. I had to put it back on. It was like his own little space.

So just do what feels right for you and your baby, because regardless of what any doctor or book says, you are the expert when it comes to your children.
Baby three was a jewel. He went to sleep in his own bed from day one and even on those days I would try hold him, he wouldn't have any part of it. We would lay him down fully awake and he would go to sleep, no crying. When he started talking, he would talk and sing himself to sleep every night. My friends would sit in my living laughing while he went on and on for 30 mins or so entertaining himself. Then all of a sudden it would get quite and he would be sound asleep. And he loved his crib. Even though he is very active and is a climber, he would never climb in and out of his crib. When he turned two I took the side off to make it into a toddler bed and he got mad with me. I had to put it back on. It was like his own little space.
This morning at 6:30, he decided he wanted to eat. It's been a while since I've had to feed him during the night or that early in the a.m.

Anyway, after I fed him, I put him back in his bed while he was awake. Over the weekend, he discovered how to do raspberries. So this morning after I put him back down, he did raspberries for a few minutes and then silence. I couldn't believe it! I guess he was too tired to fuss.


What's it 2 U
This morning at 6:30, he decided he wanted to eat. It's been a while since I've had to feed him during the night or that early in the a.m.

Anyway, after I fed him, I put him back in his bed while he was awake. Over the weekend, he discovered how to do raspberries. So this morning after I put him back down, he did raspberries for a few minutes and then silence. I couldn't believe it! I guess he was too tired to fuss.

That's progress! :yahoo:


What's it 2 U
I think both Catt and I said it, but it is worth repeating -- you are the expert with your baby. Listen to your gut and go with it. You won't hurt him and if you mess up, trust me it won't be the last time. Shoot it is a miracle with today's standards that my babies survived and are healthy. All my kids were eating cereal by 6 wks, some more than others. :lmao: They were eating baby food by 4 months and they all slept on their stomachs with blankets.

Another thing -- if your doctor says start the baby on fruits before veggies -- nod politely, but don't listen. If you do this, it will be very hard to get them to eat their veggies.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I need a backbone, don't I?

Eh - you'll be fine. There's nothing wrong with wanting to cuddle your baby. My ex used to say that babies don't want to go to sleep, they want to *be* asleep. That's why they get all discombobulated and bawl their heads off.
Eh - you'll be fine. There's nothing wrong with wanting to cuddle your baby. My ex used to say that babies don't want to go to sleep, they want to *be* asleep. That's why they get all discombobulated and bawl their heads off.
I think that's what his problem is now. His nap wasn't long enough and he's cranky.

Nanny Pam

Let him scream. Check on him, make sure he's not choking, etc. But LET HIM SCREAM. I know it's horrible but if you don't, you are going to want to kill yourself when he's two and ruling the roost.

I'm not trying to be mean. My offer still stands as it did early on. If you can't stand to hear him scream, call me, I'll come over and you can go sit outside and I'll make sure he's fine. It may take a week or so, but I guarantee you, you will win.

Speedy, I agree with Catt. It will take all your strength.....but you have to let him cry, scream, whatever he does.....just hang in there. :huggy:
Take Catt up on her generous offer, and get out for a ride or a walk or something. If you have friends that support you through these times, take advantage of their generosity.
Do you have a DVD player? Baby Mozart, Bach, whatever....those worked wonders for one of my grand-daughters. :yay: Just keep it on "repeat" so it plays very softly, all night long. not pick up your baby every time he cries.


Perhaps the answer lies in the animal kingdom. Have you tried licking his face when he cries?


Free to Fly
I've always sworn a lot of babies have sensors in their diapers or at least mine sure did and my grandchildren seem to! The minute they touch down in their cribs their eyes and mouths fly open even though they were snoring five minutes before that. I have always hated to hear them scream and have their baby tantrums too but sometimes when I have known there was nothing else wrong with them and they were so tirecd they couldn't even stand themselves I have just had to let them go for it, It really is hard to tough it out but after making sure they are alright it was all I could really do. Wait until you have to keep carrying them back to bed because they can get out of it!


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga
PREMO Member
Let him scream. Check on him, make sure he's not choking, etc. But LET HIM SCREAM. I know it's horrible but if you don't, you are going to want to kill yourself when he's two and ruling the roost.

I'm not trying to be mean. My offer still stands as it did early on. If you can't stand to hear him scream, call me, I'll come over and you can go sit outside and I'll make sure he's fine. It may take a week or so, but I guarantee you, you will win.

:yeahthat: Even at this stage they can manipulate. You can tell that by the intensity of the yelping even though you've checked on him & everything is "fine". Today it's screaming - in a couple of years...oy!