What's it 2 U
Last week I tried the method of pick up/put down. That's where you put them down drowsy, let him cry for a certain amount of minutes, pick them up, and as soon as they stop crying, put them right back down. Repeat as much as necessary.
Well that method was a DISASTER. He screamed harder each time I put him back down. After about 5 or 6 times of this, I had to pick him up and rock him. It took 10 minutes for him to stop crying. It was horrible for both of us.
He's 4 months tomorrow which Ferber suggests is the earliest to start CIO. I'm going to talk to his pediatrician about it on Friday, but I know he'll suggest CIO.
I think I'm ready to let him CIO, but not screaming, and that's what he does.
We never let him learn to fall asleep on his own. Horrible mistake.![]()
Ahh, live and learn. All babies are different and I firmly believe some babies are just more needy than others. I have three and each of them were different. Baby one would fall asleep on her own, in her own bed, but by 3 or 4 am she wanted to be in the bed with me. When she could walk on her own, she would get up at that same time and come crawl in the bed with me every night no matter how many times I walked her back to her room. Baby two was a HOLY TERROR. I can't remember a night she slept in her own crib. No matter what I tried, she would not let me put down and she would not sleep on her own. She would scream and scream. It was he!! trying to get a pacifier away from her, too. I remember one Christmas she left it at my uncles. I was determined that this was the time to get her off of it. Well that child cried for 2.5 hours straight. I finally said the he!! with this and went to Target and bought her 4 more!

So just do what feels right for you and your baby, because regardless of what any doctor or book says, you are the expert when it comes to your children.