Dancing Up A Storm
Part of her motive(s) may be to ensure.....
........that her own party won't marginalize her.
"She and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) no longer speak, not even to exchange greetings when encountering each other in the Capitol hallways, said two House Democratic sources.
Pelosi twice turned down McKinney’s request to regain her seniority after she was defeated and then reelected in 2002 and 2004. McKinney first came to Congress in 1992."
It would appear that(pardon the pun) she's in effect, blackmailing her own party.
........that her own party won't marginalize her.
"She and House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) no longer speak, not even to exchange greetings when encountering each other in the Capitol hallways, said two House Democratic sources.
Pelosi twice turned down McKinney’s request to regain her seniority after she was defeated and then reelected in 2002 and 2004. McKinney first came to Congress in 1992."
It would appear that(pardon the pun) she's in effect, blackmailing her own party.