Cynthia McKinney (racial profiling?)


This is fun right?
Jihad Cindy strikes again

An Interesting read, about this Race Baiting A$$HAT!

(all Underlines are Links )
By Debbie Schlussel

For those of us who've been following Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) a/k/a "Jihad Cindy" (not to be confused with Jihad Cindy #2, Cindy Sheehan), her assault on a Capitol Police officer (she punched him) is no surprise. Nor is her race-card playing. It's par for the course.

To revisit my 2001 column on Jihad Cindy:

McKinney has a strong record of hating America. During the recent U.N. World Conference Against Racism, she joined the Arab world . . . and Third World republics in attacking the U.S. While there (and overseas--the conference was in Africa), in pushing for slavery reparations, McKinney said the White House is "just full of latent racists."
Bill Clinton was in the White House then, FYI.

Click on the Linky for more
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Super Genius
Capitol Police Chief Denies Racism Charge
U. S. Capitol Police Chief Terrance Gainer said Wednesday that Rep. Cynthia McKinney turned an officer's failure to recognize her into a criminal matter when she failed to stop at his request, and then struck him.

"He reached out and grabbed her and she turned around and hit him," Gainer said on CNN. "Even the high and the haughty should be able to stop and say, 'I'm a congressman' and then everybody moves on."
Ed Zachary!


This is fun right?
More on this A$$hat

First the Video (Linky)from Fox & Friends where she's pummelled by Brian Kilmeade

Underlines are Links

Drudge points us to this UPI story

WASHINGTON, March 30 (UPI) -- For the fifth time since 1993, U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga., had a run-in with Washington security personnel when an officer failed to recognize her

It wasn't as simple as not recognizing her, she didn't follow protocol for displaying her ID and the officer simply tried to stop her to get her to go through the metal detector, since he didn't know who she was (again, because she didn't identify herself properly). Her response was to punch the cop who was doing his job.


In 1993, Capitol Police posted a photo of McKinney on an office wall so officers could remember who she was after she complained. Then in 1995, she complained again about being stopped.

In 1996 and 1998, she complained that White House security officials did not give her the same treatment as other members of Congress, at one time mistaking her 23-year-old white aide for her. McKinney is black.

And how did the racist McKinney handle it?

"I am absolutely sick and tired of having to have my appearance at the White House validated by white people," she said at the time. who was the President at the time?

A$$hat McKinney lives in the same fairyland as Charlie Sheen, she advanced the theory that Bush had advanced warning of the 9/11 attacks.

"We know there were numerous warnings of the events to come on September 11. What did this administration know and when did it know it, about the events of September 11? Who else knew, and why did they not warn the innocent people of New York who were needlessly murdered? … What do they have to hide?"


This is fun right?
Heard this on Rush the other day, and finally found transcripts from Wolf Blitzers show:

MCKINNEY: Well, you know, that goes to the heart of the press conference that we had today. And I want to thank you for covering the other press conference that we had on Friday with Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte.
But today we had black elected officials from the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus at the time when Coretta Scott King's body lay in state at the Georgia State Capitol. The Georgia Legislative Black Caucus was not allowed into the building to perform a part of the procession. Why? They can't even answer the question except that the security at the Georgia Capitol did not recognize them as dually- elected members able to carry out the mandate of the people who sent them to the legislature.

And as a result of police action that was -- we can't even understand why the members of the Georgia Legislative Black Caucus were disrespected -- that's what they said today -- and forced to look at the body of Coretta Scott King from the third floor of the state Capitol.

The bottom line on this is that it doesn't matter if you're in the United States Capitol or the Georgia Capitol, the issue is racial profiling.

Blitzer goes to comercial, but when they come back, this starts (John Kerry would be proud):

BLITZER: We got a statement from Lou Cannon, the president of the D.C. Chapter of the Fraternal Order of Police. It was in the "Atlanta Journal-Constitution."
He says, "There was no excessive force here. If she's trying to turn this into a racial issue, people should ask, 'Why is she doing this?' This is an insult to all police officers."

This is an extremely serious charge you're making, Congresswoman.


BLITZER: Well, let -- let's let the congresswoman respond. And then I will let you in, James.


MCKINNEY: Well, I haven't made a charge. I just asked you to do a little bit of research.

BLITZER: No, no, no, but...


BLITZER: ... you were talking earlier about racial profiling, and that there was racism involved in stopping you for questioning because you weren't wearing your congressional pin.

MCKINNEY: Now, Wolf, you know I didn't say that, so, don't twist my words (lol see above).

BLITZER: Well, tell us what you said.

MCKINNEY: Don't even begin to twist my words.

BLITZER: Tell us what you said.

MCKINNEY: And whatever it is that I said is already on the tape. So, you can replay the tape (or read the transcripts).

Now, I think it's probably a good time now for you to bring in my attorneys. You have had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Myart, but you haven't yet spoken with Mike Raffauf.


Super Genius
Another quote from the transcript:
MCKINNEY: I understand the question and I understand that while this is in this process there's certain questions that I can't ask, and they're better responded to by the attorneys. But what I can say is that this idea that the security of members of Congress is contingent on either a piece of jewelry or the way they wear their hair is -- I just don't understand.

It means, then, that the Congress and the members of Congress are not secure. If the members of the United States Capitol Hill Police who are charged with the responsibility of protecting the members of Congress don't know who they are, then what does that say to us about the kind of security that we have?
I would have responded, "I think you're right. Congress and the members of Congress are not secure because asshats like you don't have to go through security because you think you are too important to walk through a metal detector. Idiot."


Well-Known Member
ylexot said:
Another quote from the transcript:
I would have responded, "I think you're right. Congress and the members of Congress are not secure because asshats like you don't have to go through security because you think you are too important to walk through a metal detector. Idiot."
Right. So the appropriate reaction to this is to ignore them completely - and PUNCH them when they don't comply.

No matter how you spin it - she attacked a man for doing his job.


Dancing Up A Storm
So, has anyone seen the video on Fox tonight - where a reporter was trying to get a response out of Ms. McKinney on the way up the steps to the Capital Building, when he bumped up against a privately hired bodyguard(guess who's?)

The guy says to the reporter: "You do that again, and I'll kick your azz."

It was at the end of Brit Hume's show. I had to laugh! :lmao:


I bowl overhand
Penn said:
So, has anyone seen the video on Fox tonight - where a reporter was trying to get a response out of Ms. McKinney on the way up the steps to the Capital Building, when he bumped up against a privately hired bodyguard(guess who's?)

The guy says to the reporter: "You do that again, and I'll kick your azz."

It was at the end of Brit Hume's show. I had to laugh! :lmao:
Her hired guns probably come from Farrakhan's camp..

Find the reporters body a few months from now..


Dancing Up A Storm
czygvtwkr said:
How much you want to bet she will not be re-elected?
I was thinking the other top democrats are not too happy with her at the moment, because her actions have prevented them from "getting their message out."

Instead of being able to snipe away at the Bush administration, her ugly puss, as well as her daft commentary was all over the news, the last few days.

If anyone ever emulated the democratic method of question dodging before now, she sure did, and she's the winner. Not once or twice, but maybe three times she appeared in news interviews on national television, and performed in the same manner.

The newsies on Fox were simply stunned that a person would consent to do an interview, then stonewall the entire segment.

Maybe the top dems might suggest another polution, er, politician run against her in the next election cycle?

Of course the folks, her constituents, already knew what they were getting when they voted her into office the last time................:shrug:

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Ditton that...

vraiblonde said:
I'll take that bet. Her district was well rid of her and they brought her back.'s not like her act is something new. If anything, she'll win bigger now that she's a victim too.


Would THIS face lie?
Look at Marion Barry... :lmao: Those 2 are like the Energizer Bunny....They just keep going and going....I don't know how people can be so dumb to re-elect people like that....


My 401K is now a 201K

From the front page of her website:
"From theUnited States Constitution, Article 1, Sec. 6::

"The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall in all cases, except treason, felony and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any speech or debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other place."

Now, I'm no Constitution expert, so I googled 'Breach of Peace' & came up with this: "A breach of the peace was a common-law offense, but is presently governed by statute in many states. It is frequently defined as constituting a form of disorderly conduct. Examples include using abusive or obscene language in a public place, resisting a lawful arrest, and trespassing or damaging property when accompanied by violence.

I would say she is guilty of "Breach of Peace" addition to being rude, and a sheit-stirrer.... :drama:


Dancing Up A Storm
SEABREEZE 1957 said:

From the front page of her website:
"From theUnited States Constitution, Article 1, Sec. 6::

"The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compensation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall in all cases, except treason, felony and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any speech or debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other place."

Now, I'm no Constitution expert, so I googled 'Breach of Peace' & came up with this: "A breach of the peace was a common-law offense, but is presently governed by statute in many states. It is frequently defined as constituting a form of disorderly conduct. Examples include using abusive or obscene language in a public place, resisting a lawful arrest, and trespassing or damaging property when accompanied by violence.

I would say she is guilty of "Breach of Peace" addition to being rude, and a sheit-stirrer.... :drama:
Good catch!

Wouldn't it be a hoot if the prosecution attorneys were to use this text as evidence against Ms. McKinney? :roflmao:


My 401K is now a 201K
Penn said:
Good catch!

Wouldn't it be a hoot if the prosecution attorneys were to use this text as evidence against Ms. McKinney? :roflmao:

That would be so ironic....,I really don't understand why she would put that on her website...seems kind of stupid to me (unless I'm interpreting it incorrectly). :confused:

"Regardless of whether Rep. McKinney believed the rationale for the officer grabbing her was just or unjust, her assertion that the Officer "should have" recognized her is unfounded. The House has 535 members currently, assuming each one of these members has 5 staffers (very conservative figure) that makes over 2500+ people walking in and out of the capitol building per day. Now assume that the police force has a rotating force of 1000+ officers guarding Washington, and its surrounding buildings, that makes for near impossibility of identifying people by face, as Rep. McKinney said the Officer should have done. I'm not a mathematician but the sheer volume of people coming in and out, and the sheer volume of Officers makes her claim seem ridiculous to any logical human being. They have pins and ID cards for a reason, and in today's age of terrorism and especially in a city like DC where wackos of all creeds come, the police have to be especially careful." "Posted by: Warren | April 7, 2006 04:29 PM"


Cynthia your crime is not being a black woman in congress, it is being a flaming ####-rag in congress.