Cynthia McKinney (racial profiling?)


New Member
zimmie said:
She claims it's racism as she holds her news conference at Howard University...There are many African American members of Congress. Isn't it time to ask why is she the only one being "picked on".....It the truth be known, she has had more than 30 "incidents" with the police in DC....The Capitol Police has had many unpleasant experiences with her. She has also tried to get into the White House without any identification and the Secret Sevice has a "file" on her too....She's out of control...The democratic leadership needs to step forward and do something about her....

you dont get's the fault of the POLICE again! Don't you know if minorities are accused of anything, it's the POLICE's racism that causes it. We can no longer hold them responsible for anything...

Dont believe me? Ask almost ANYONE in PG county.


New Member
sinwagon said:
Racial profiling (as she is claiming anyway)

She is an idiot. She purposely made this all more difficult that it needed to be.

This country needs to be concerned with our security and not having some minority screaming and throwing up the race card because they failed to follow procedures.

There was no need for her to have acted in the manner she did in the 1st place. All she is doing is putting people on edge worrying about offending somebody. I do not feel that way of thinking is good for anyone and she encourages it.

Mommy must not have given her enough attention as a child.


New Member
beavis said:
you dont get's the fault of the POLICE again! Don't you know if minorities are accused of anything, it's the POLICE's racism that causes it. We can no longer hold them responsible for anything...

Dont believe me? Ask almost ANYONE in PG county.

You know what, alot of people will get upset for this and I am sorry I am not a racist but I am going to say it....QUIT CRYING BLACK PEOPLE! Stop blaming everyone else for your problems and trying to make excuses for the reason in which you were caught doing something ou should not have. Stop looking for a people to hand you jobs, stop blaming others stop reading more into things and blowing things up to be bigger than what they are.

White people and other races, stop being racist, give all people an equal chance regardless of their race. Choose the most qualified, not on the basis of their skin.

If black and white people follow these rules then we will not have anymore problems!

With this woman, I have never laid eyes on her I don't expect that everyone who worked in that building knew who the hell she was.

I'm sorry Racial profiling and Affirmative Action are the same thing....the only difference is that black people do not complain about one because they come out on top!


New Member
Pandora said:
She is an idiot. She purposely made this all more difficult that it needed to be.

i suspect she thinks she's going to rally her base of votors by "taking on da MAN."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
sinwagon said:
Ok, may catch some heat for this but isn't affirmitive action the same thing?
It's not the same thing. Racial profiling is when cops harass a black person and think they're suspicious just because they're black. Like if cops patrolling an upper-class neighborhood stop a black guy driving down the street because they think a black guy doesn't "belong there".

Affirmative action is reverse discrimination - admitting a certain percentage of minorities to a college or giving them jobs to meet a mandated quota of minorities.


New Member
vraiblonde said:
It's not the same thing. Racial profiling is when cops harass a black person and think they're suspicious just because they're black. Like if cops patrolling an upper-class neighborhood stop a black guy driving down the street because they think a black guy doesn't "belong there".

Affirmative action is reverse discrimination - admitting a certain percentage of minorities to a college or giving them jobs to meet a mandated quota of minorities.

Seems like the same thing to me with different results. Profiling a black guy in a neighborhood they feel he should not belong or profiling a black person for a position at a job, college etc. they may not deserve.


Would THIS face lie?
beavis said:
you dont get's the fault of the POLICE again! Don't you know if minorities are accused of anything, it's the POLICE's racism that causes it. We can no longer hold them responsible for anything...

Dont believe me? Ask almost ANYONE in PG county.

OR Charles County.....They have an issue right now.


This is fun right?


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I get the feeling that even Sharpton and the Reverend Jackson are cringing and shaking their heads ruefully at this one.

Farrakhan, on the other hand, may believe she has a point. But then he thinks Bush personally used explosives on the levees in New Orleans deliberately - so.

Someone needs to tell her that she's about to be named the Biggest Horse's Ass of 2006.


New Member
Dupontster said:
No, don't tell her....Let her make a complete ass of herself....

sad part is she probably has Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton in her corner saying "Right on Sista...whitey cant do his job and get away with it..."


24/7 Single Dad
tomchamp said:
I can't wait to hear the cop's side to this story!
What race is the cop? I haven't heard anything about him being white so I'm wondering if he's black.


New Member
aps45819 said:
What race is the cop? I haven't heard anything about him being white so I'm wondering if he's black.

Fox 5 reported he's white.

...of coarse...otherwise how is it a racial thing? :confused:


What did the USCP do wrong? They also were profiling for mentally ill people, right? So they've caught her right there. Move on, nothing to see.



They call me ... Sarcasmo
Why in the world would Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte want to be involved with this, this, person? Belafonte was even quoted as saying that he had no idea of what was going on, but he was there for support.

I think the tallymon may be a few bananas short of a bunch.


New Member
Blacks get everything,,,Race cards, ghetto passes...what does whitey get? blame thats what they get...not fair I tell ya...but rules is rules I guess.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
kom526 said:
Why in the world would Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte want to be involved with this, this, person?
Because they're both race victims (so they say). Belefonte couldn't be more clear about his opinion of whites and blacks who associate with them, and Glover makes a habit of dressing like a thug and trying to flag down taxis so he can scream "racism" when they pass him by.

Notice neither of them are as popular as they once were? 'Tis a pity...