Daddy's New Roommate


New Member
Dork said:
A few days ago I was visiting a sick relative in the hospital. We strolled down to the library and were going through the children's books when I noticed a book called "My Daddy's New Roommate." It showed this kid with a mom and dad and starts out showing them getting a divorce. Then it shows Dad and another man hugging, kissing, sleeping together and so on. Throughout the book, everyone was smiling and it portrayed this as normal and good. Actually, I think the mom was holding a baby too so that makes two kids that have to go through this.

Thankfully, there was a big trash can in that room. I just wonder how many other kids are being exposed to this garbage without parents knowing.

What if it was "My Mommy's New Roommate"?


slaphappynmd said:
What if it was "My Mommy's New Roommate"?

Then we'd be having a debate of the virtues of 69 as opposed to 'Double-O' positions, instead of throwing around words like bigot and hate.


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
Why is it hate? I don't hunt them, I don't assault them, I don't seek them out to heckle them, I don't stalk them, I don't say anything to them in public or private, I don't avoid them, I treat them no differently, I have never knowingly denied a gay person employment or business, I just refuse to accept it as normal behavior or embrace it. :shrug:
ok, try changing everything that references homosexuality in your post and replace it with something refrencing interracial relationships. See the hate now?


Daddy's New Roommate 08-16-2007 03:23 PM not everyone is as narrowmind as your stupid ass

There are more than you care to admitt, I just dare to say it. :bubble:


Midnightrider said:
ok, try changing everything that references homosexuality in your post and replace it with something refrencing interracial relationships. See the hate now?


New Member
slaphappynmd said:
No time to read all 15 pages, if you'd like to write me a synopsis I won't stop you :). Thanks. :huggy:

There is already a book with the title you mentioned and it has been discussed......

carry on......


Gwendolyn said:
But then why throw it away? He could have just handed the child another book or just passed it by. Kids are easily distracted and the parent making a big deal would be more damaging to the child than just simply saying, "Hey look an Elmo book! Let's go read it!"

You make it seem like the guy got on the loud speaker and threw a book burning party wearing his "I hate Matthew Sheppard" shirt. All this while throwing a perfectly good book ablaze and into a steel drum in the hospital lobby.

Who is to say he wasn't discreet about this? Sometimes you have to give people the benefit of the doubt. Mine is, I think he threw it away because it was a topic that most kids are not ready to deal with... and if they are (sadly) going through it - the hospital was neither the time nor the place for this discussion.

He probably did it to protect his child's innocence and other children who arn't going through such a thing. If there are kids going through this, then its up to the parents to buy their child such reading references or anything else so the child doesn't feel alienated and follow it up with a private discussion. I don't buy your argument that exposing 50 children to this adult content is because 1 may be going through this is a viable answer. The content is adult in nature and belongs on an adult to child level and then discussed - not thrown in with Goldylocks And The Three Bears or Little Red Ridding Hood. I asy let the children stay as young and innocent as long as possible. Yes, I feel badly for those going through this, but at the sake of other children, its the parents responsibilty to discuss this with them, not sit and hope they stumble across a book somewhere in some lobby.


Well-Known Member
Pete said:
Could the theme of the book actually be, "Your daddy is a self centered ass who dumped your mommy because he couldn't supress his desire to engage in perverse behavior with aBlack woman and now he wants to do it in direct view of you and there is nothing you can do about it so suck it up (pardon the pun) and just accept it and if any of your little friends even hint at being disgusted call them a bigot."
do you see the hate now?


New Member
dems4me said:
He probably did it to protect his child's innocence and other children who arn't going through such a thing.

But in complaining and throwing away a book claiming it took away his choice as a parent he took that choice away from anyone who might want to read the book. He did it based on his own moral values while taking away the choice from anyone else.

I find that quite ironic.


Midnightrider said:
do you see the hate now?
That is totally retarded, I didn't say that so substituting random objects into a very specific statement if beyond absurd.

Lets take your example and add something different.

Could the theme of the book actually be, "Your daddy is a self centered ass who dumped your mommy because he couldn't supress his desire to engage in perverse behavior with a Goat and now he wants to do it in direct view of you and there is nothing you can do about it so suck it up (pardon the pun) and just accept it and if any of your little friends even hint at being disgusted call them a bigot."

Or maybe

Could the theme of the book actually be, "Your daddy is a self centered ass who dumped your mommy because he couldn't supress his desire to engage in perverse behavior with a latex inflatable people and now he wants to do it in direct view of you and there is nothing you can do about it so suck it up (pardon the pun) and just accept it and if any of your little friends even hint at being disgusted call them a bigot."


Could the theme of the book actually be, "Your daddy is a self centered ass who dumped your mommy because he couldn't supress his desire to engage in perverse behavior with a woman who wears a leather mask and hits him with a riding crop while her other slaves pee on him and now he wants to do it in direct view of you and there is nothing you can do about it so suck it up (pardon the pun) and just accept it and if any of your little friends even hint at being disgusted call them a bigot."


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Gwendolyn said:
But in complaining and throwing away a book claiming it took away his choice as a parent he took that choice away from anyone who might want to read the book. He did it based on his own moral values while taking away the choice from anyone else.
Well, I highly doubt someone is trolling the hospital library looking for a book on how to explain Daddy's new boyfriend to little Junior. Typically those books are donations and just for patients and people in the waiting room to kill some time.

So I don't think he took anyone's "choice" away from them. If he'd taken it out of the public library, that would be a different story.


New Member
Pete said:
Lets take your example and add something different.

woman who wears a leather mask and hits him with a riding crop

Hey, hey. hey! We call that a boring Saturday night at my house.


Gwendolyn said:
But in complaining and throwing away a book claiming it took away his choice as a parent he took that choice away from anyone who might want to read the book. He did it based on his own moral values while taking away the choice from anyone else.

I find that quite ironic.

Everyone parents differently but there are common simularities... for the most part adult content still is "adult content"... just because some parents are okay with nudity and keep Hustler magazine on the coffee table, doesn't mean its okay to drop off magazines in public child reading areas or condone them being there. If it was Hustler magazine mixed in with the kiddy books, would he not have been just as justified by removing the magazine? You are missing the "adult in content" part honey :huggy:

I don't know of ANY gay couples that have kids that sit and hope their kid will stumble across such a book, generally they discuss this with the kid first, then give them something to read if the situation warrants it. You have gay friends - do they sit there and hope the book is sitting around SOMEWHERE in some lobby and then hope their kids run upon it BEFORE discussing it with their child? I would think that that would confuse the child more by finding the book before discussing it with the parent.

Another reason, what if someone's daddy really does have JUST A ROOMMATE that happens to be a guy, then the child will interepret the book wrong and think Daddy's gay!!! :jameo: :jameo: The book should not be left just sitting there for children to try to interpert on their own - its adult in content and should be discussed over with an adult.


New Member
dems4me said:
You are missing the "adult in content" part honey :huggy:

What exactly was adult content? He said it showed two gay men kissing. There wasn't nudity and graphic sex. You want to remove any children's book that has kissing in it you'll have to start pitching fairy tales into the trash first. And every one of the books preparing for a new sibling. I'll go read the first post again but I'm rather sure he didn't say is graphically showed sex.

Ok read it again:

It showed this kid with a mom and dad and starts out showing them getting a divorce. Then it shows Dad and another man hugging, kissing, sleeping together and so on. Throughout the book, everyone was smiling and it portrayed this as normal and good.

He said it showed them sleeping together. Sleeping as in both in the same bed at night not strange sex acts. Did you see them having sexual intercourse submitter or was it just sleeping?
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Actually I have no problem with what anyone chooses to lick or hump in the privacy of their own home. That being said because I don't do backflips and stick a rainbow flag on my truck in support of what I think is wrong does not mean I "hate" nor does it make me a "phobe". I think people who crap on each other are perverse too. The difference is they are not planting books in libraries promoting it or march in parades in turd suits.
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Pete said:
Actually I have no problem with what anyone chooses to lick or hump in the privacy of their own home. That being said because I don't do backflips and stick a rainbow flag on my truck in support of what I think is wrong does not mean I "hate" nor does it make me a "phobe". I think people who crap on each other are perverse too. the differense is they are not planting books in libraries promoting it or march in parades in turd suits.
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