Gwendolyn said:
But in complaining and throwing away a book claiming it took away his choice as a parent he took that choice away from anyone who might want to read the book. He did it based on his own moral values while taking away the choice from anyone else.
I find that quite ironic.
Everyone parents differently but there are common simularities... for the most part adult content still is "adult content"... just because some parents are okay with nudity and keep Hustler magazine on the coffee table, doesn't mean its okay to drop off magazines in public child reading areas or condone them being there. If it was Hustler magazine mixed in with the kiddy books, would he not have been just as justified by removing the magazine? You are missing the "adult in content" part honey
I don't know of ANY gay couples that have kids that sit and hope their kid will stumble across such a book, generally they discuss this with the kid first, then give them something to read if the situation warrants it. You have gay friends - do they sit there and hope the book is sitting around SOMEWHERE in some lobby and then hope their kids run upon it BEFORE discussing it with their child? I would think that that would confuse the child more by finding the book before discussing it with the parent.
Another reason, what if someone's daddy really does have JUST A ROOMMATE that happens to be a guy, then the child will interepret the book wrong and think Daddy's gay!!!

The book should not be left just sitting there for children to try to interpert on their own - its adult in content and should be discussed over with an adult.