Date Gifts for the Ladies


Routinely Derailed
Okay, what's appropriate? Flowers seem like a waste and tend to be messy, not to mention that they take up space. I thought about a dead mouse (after all, cats get away with it), but decided that she wouldn't fully appreciate it. Even if I decapitated it and gave her the head in a separate gift box. Just sayin'. Costume jewelry, like a bracelet made of fish hooks, is probably out, too. A femur might make a fine addition to her driftwood collection, but I sense that it may not be her favorite piece.

So, while showering for the day, I mused about what to give that special lady. Perhaps a bronzed copperhead's head. But then I thought the inference might be an offer to give head, which on the first date might be a no-no. So then I thought about a can of car wax, but quickly realized I would be the one applying and buffing, so that idea was Dead on Arrival. An ear of Indian Corn? Seasonal, but too corny.

Decisions, decisions. These wimmins, I swear. I guess a can of Hot Shot would be out of the question too. How about a candle? I have tons of them. Nope, she might be into hot wax, and I'm not. No scars yet and not interested in getting any.
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Routinely Derailed
Perhaps I should give her, on the first date, some Victoria's Secret undies. Would that be a bit over the top? Lenny seems to think so.


Registered User
I agree with Gurps. The date is the gift. I know it is old custom to bring flowers but I have never been much on "traditional" anything...And personally, I would much rather spend the 40.00 from the flowers on food or drinks etc during the date. Flowers are for "Just because" and should not be given on special occasions (birthday, anniversary, etc) unless that particular woman likes that kind of thing.

I am practical and prefer the money be spent else where.

If you do have a traditional lady, flowers. Dead animals and decapitated ones should be saved for that very special someone that gives special a new kind of meaning because they are the only ones that can truly appreciate the specialness of a decapitated mouse.:coffee:


Routinely Derailed
I agree with Gurps. The date is the gift. I know it is old custom to bring flowers but I have never been much on "traditional" anything...And personally, I would much rather spend the 40.00 from the flowers on food or drinks etc during the date. Flowers are for "Just because" and should not be given on special occasions (birthday, anniversary, etc) unless that particular woman likes that kind of thing.

Okay. A case of Mad Dog or Night Train. :yay:


Would THIS face lie?
Someone hit 2 deer right up the road from me. Still laying there last night when I went by. Some nice deer steaks would be nice..


Routinely Derailed
Someone hit 2 deer right up the road from me. Still laying there last night when I went by. Some nice deer steaks would be nice..

Guy told me just last night that you soak them for a couple of days in soy sauce and worcestershire sauce to get the gamey taste out.

But I don't feel like getting my chainsaw back out the the dungeon this morning. And I just cleaned it up after practicing surgery with it the other day....


Routinely Derailed
About the mothballs...smell is confined to the drawer and a couple of feet around, not bad at all, really. Maybe I should un-cancel the date and give her a bag of mothballs. With a bow on it, of course.


Registered User
Someone hit 2 deer right up the road from me. Still laying there last night when I went by. Some nice deer steaks would be nice..

Ya know...the other day as I past a deer on the side of the road, I was thinking what a waste it was for someone to kill it and leave it. If I killed it, I would take it home, gut, skin, & butcher it.