

Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I notice a lot of females that won't date a man below them are very $$$ conscious. They meet a guy and they check out the bulge in this pants. The bulge in his back pocket caused by the size of his wallet.

The first bank of Monello is somewhat generous, until it turns into the gimmies.


happy to be living
That is how I started living my life last year. I was in a situation that I needed to make a drastic change. I wasn't happy with the direction my life was going and I did something selfish for once. I relocated and changed the direction. IT hasn't been easy living down here on my own but it has given me some tools in life that I needed to get.

I have a list of standards that the man I date/marry has to meet. They are not very difficult to meet, but shockingly enough many of the men I have met recently don't have those attributes. I have worked SO hard to get where i am in life that I refuse to settle for someone that is a jerk. I don't deserve that treatment. I will stay single before going back to being treated like dirt.

HeavyChevy75, I know you IRL and know that you have worked hard to better yourself in many aspects of your life in the past 5 or more years.
Good on you for getting way from the dead weight that was bringing you down AND for not settling for less than you deserve! I know how hard it is to up and relocate to a strange area and I admire you for doing it!
You go, girl! :buddies:


Registered User
That is how I started living my life last year. I was in a situation that I needed to make a drastic change. I wasn't happy with the direction my life was going and I did something selfish for once. I relocated and changed the direction. IT hasn't been easy living down here on my own but it has given me some tools in life that I needed to get.

I have a list of standards that the man I date/marry has to meet. They are not very difficult to meet, but shockingly enough many of the men I have met recently don't have those attributes. I have worked SO hard to get where i am in life that I refuse to settle for someone that is a jerk. I don't deserve that treatment. I will stay single before going back to being treated like dirt.

Good for you! (Said with deep sincerity) :huggy:

Some times you have to start fresh just to save what little sanity remains. There is nothing easy about it and it is usually extremely painful. I have learned that the right decisions are usually the hardest ones to follow through with and usually hurt the most in the short term. But the short term is just that, short term. The long term effects are worth it because it brings a sense of self worth that one may not have ever found relying on a dying relationship just to prevent feeling alone or having an unearned sense of loyalty (usually applies to abusive/manipulative family members, i.e. parents sisters, brothers, etc).

There isn't anything I won't do for those I carry in my heart. The hard part is finding the way to my heart. I do not love easily. One of my best friend's found that to be extremely aggravating. I told her in the beginning I am not an easy person to know and that it is hard for me to let people in. We were friends for years before I felt love for her. And the night I realized she had clawed her way into my heart kind of surprised me. We had been out drinking with the girls. I was following her home to make sure she arrived safe and it dawned on me that the thought of her being injured scared me. So I sent her a text when I got home and said "I love you." Bitch thought I was drunk texting. OMG that pissed me off and I let her have it! "Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to say those words to any one!?" LMAO

I almost hung up on my Beloved the first time he said "I love you" to me. I pretended I didn't hear it. Then when we got off the phone I wrote him a LONG letter explaining why I cannot and will not say it unless I mean it. Now for the people I do love, I lavish them with it. And they know that when I say it, I mean it with every cell in my being.

People that remain in abusive relationships amaze me.
"Well, I love them / They love me." Really? I always thought if someone loved you that they would make your life better, not worse. That they would be a pillar to help keep you strong, not break you down. Especially an S/O. Their number one job is to be whatever it is you need. It is a partnership and the role is to help each other reach their goals. To be supportive, loving, understanding, and reasonable.

I'm a flighty artist and I need a compass to guide my ship, figuratively speaking. I usually have about 30 projects going at the same time and if it weren't for my husband, I don't know if I would actually ever complete any of He helps me stay on target.

This is me:
Here is how a typical day of "cleaning" goes. I get the laundry going, walk out of the laundry room, see a toy that the youngest has left out...I take it up to his room to put it away and see that the bed is unmade. I start to make the bed, but I can't because he has too many stuffed animals on his bed. I put the stuffed animals in the animal bucket and look around the room, getting all the animals off the floor...books from the playroom are on his bed, so I take them to the playroom...I go to put the books on the shelf, but the bookshelves are a mess, with books on their side or in stacks. I sit down on the floor and start sorting the books, size, genre, age group...oh but there are three book cases, so now I must ponder how I will reorganize them...I see a comforter sitting on the back of the couch and think, "I should put that away"...which then reminds me...Oh yeah...the laundry! I run downstairs to the laundry, put the clothes in the dryer and run upstairs to get more clothes for the wash. I go into the bathroom to collect towels and see toothpaste in the sink...I need to clean that! Spray the sink with cleaner and reach under the sink for paper towels. Curses...none in here...go downstairs for paper towels and notice the dishwasher needs emptying...I start emptying the dishwasher..then the cat needs to go out.

I let the cat out, turn around and see that I should sort the kids school papers. I start sifting through them, cat wants back in...let him in, see that I was emptying the dishwasher and return to that chore...oh wait...the laundry! Run into the laundry room, see the empty washer...oh yeah...the towels! Come out of the laundry room, see the kids' blankets on the couch. I should really fold those. Go to the couch and start folding the blankets. Oh look, the TV...I should watch the show I recorded last night...Sit down and watch show while folding blankets, a task that takes 3 minutes. Watch hour show...turn off TV. Go into kitchen, see the open dishwasher...oh yeah, I was doing the dishes...start back on the dishwasher...look at the clock...Omigosh! Time to pick the kids up from school!! Worked all day...didn't finish a single task!


I am so very blessed
Good for you! (Said with deep sincerity) :huggy:

Some times you have to start fresh just to save what little sanity remains. There is nothing easy about it and it is usually extremely painful. I have learned that the right decisions are usually the hardest ones to follow through with and usually hurt the most in the short term. But the short term is just that, short term. The long term effects are worth it because it brings a sense of self worth that one may not have ever found relying on a dying relationship just to prevent feeling alone or having an unearned sense of loyalty (usually applies to abusive/manipulative family members, i.e. parents sisters, brothers, etc).

There isn't anything I won't do for those I carry in my heart. The hard part is finding the way to my heart. I do not love easily. One of my best friend's found that to be extremely aggravating. I told her in the beginning I am not an easy person to know and that it is hard for me to let people in. We were friends for years before I felt love for her. And the night I realized she had clawed her way into my heart kind of surprised me. We had been out drinking with the girls. I was following her home to make sure she arrived safe and it dawned on me that the thought of her being injured scared me. So I sent her a text when I got home and said "I love you." Bitch thought I was drunk texting. OMG that pissed me off and I let her have it! "Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to say those words to any one!?" LMAO

I almost hung up on my Beloved the first time he said "I love you" to me. I pretended I didn't hear it. Then when we got off the phone I wrote him a LONG letter explaining why I cannot and will not say it unless I mean it. Now for the people I do love, I lavish them with it. And they know that when I say it, I mean it with every cell in my being.

People that remain in abusive relationships amaze me.
"Well, I love them / They love me." Really? I always thought if someone loved you that they would make your life better, not worse. That they would be a pillar to help keep you strong, not break you down. Especially an S/O. Their number one job is to be whatever it is you need. It is a partnership and the role is to help each other reach their goals. To be supportive, loving, understanding, and reasonable.

I'm a flighty artist and I need a compass to guide my ship, figuratively speaking. I usually have about 30 projects going at the same time and if it weren't for my husband, I don't know if I would actually ever complete any of He helps me stay on target.

This is me:
Your typical day sounds just like mine. Are we the same person?
Good for you! (Said with deep sincerity) :huggy:

Some times you have to start fresh just to save what little sanity remains. There is nothing easy about it and it is usually extremely painful. I have learned that the right decisions are usually the hardest ones to follow through with and usually hurt the most in the short term. But the short term is just that, short term. The long term effects are worth it because it brings a sense of self worth that one may not have ever found relying on a dying relationship just to prevent feeling alone or having an unearned sense of loyalty (usually applies to abusive/manipulative family members, i.e. parents sisters, brothers, etc).

There isn't anything I won't do for those I carry in my heart. The hard part is finding the way to my heart. I do not love easily. One of my best friend's found that to be extremely aggravating. I told her in the beginning I am not an easy person to know and that it is hard for me to let people in. We were friends for years before I felt love for her. And the night I realized she had clawed her way into my heart kind of surprised me. We had been out drinking with the girls. I was following her home to make sure she arrived safe and it dawned on me that the thought of her being injured scared me. So I sent her a text when I got home and said "I love you." Bitch thought I was drunk texting. OMG that pissed me off and I let her have it! "Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to say those words to any one!?" LMAO

I almost hung up on my Beloved the first time he said "I love you" to me. I pretended I didn't hear it. Then when we got off the phone I wrote him a LONG letter explaining why I cannot and will not say it unless I mean it. Now for the people I do love, I lavish them with it. And they know that when I say it, I mean it with every cell in my being.

People that remain in abusive relationships amaze me.
"Well, I love them / They love me." Really? I always thought if someone loved you that they would make your life better, not worse. That they would be a pillar to help keep you strong, not break you down. Especially an S/O. Their number one job is to be whatever it is you need. It is a partnership and the role is to help each other reach their goals. To be supportive, loving, understanding, and reasonable.

I'm a flighty artist and I need a compass to guide my ship, figuratively speaking. I usually have about 30 projects going at the same time and if it weren't for my husband, I don't know if I would actually ever complete any of He helps me stay on target.

This is me:

Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Way too many words.

I was, like, "What?"
And then I was, like, "Huh?"

And then, well, I got a little bored and...
Something about clutches?

... from Bolt


Registered User
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!

Way too many words.

I was, like, "What?"
And then I was, like, "Huh?"

And then, well, I got a little bored and...
Something about clutches?

... from Bolt

Damn good thing I wasn't talking to you.
But I will sum it all up for you in words that use less than four letters.

"If you are not with me, F* Off."


Here is how a typical day of "cleaning" goes. I get the laundry going, walk out of the laundry room, see a toy that the youngest has left out...I take it up to his room to put it away and see that the bed is unmade. I start to make the bed, but I can't because he has too many stuffed animals on his bed. I put the stuffed animals in the animal bucket and look around the room, getting all the animals off the floor...books from the playroom are on his bed, so I take them to the playroom...I go to put the books on the shelf, but the bookshelves are a mess, with books on their side or in stacks. I sit down on the floor and start sorting the books, size, genre, age group...oh but there are three book cases, so now I must ponder how I will reorganize them...I see a comforter sitting on the back of the couch and think, "I should put that away"...which then reminds me...Oh yeah...the laundry! I run downstairs to the laundry, put the clothes in the dryer and run upstairs to get more clothes for the wash. I go into the bathroom to collect towels and see toothpaste in the sink...I need to clean that! Spray the sink with cleaner and reach under the sink for paper towels. Curses...none in here...go downstairs for paper towels and notice the dishwasher needs emptying...I start emptying the dishwasher..then the cat needs to go out.

I let the cat out, turn around and see that I should sort the kids school papers. I start sifting through them, cat wants back in...let him in, see that I was emptying the dishwasher and return to that chore...oh wait...the laundry! Run into the laundry room, see the empty washer...oh yeah...the towels! Come out of the laundry room, see the kids' blankets on the couch. I should really fold those. Go to the couch and start folding the blankets. Oh look, the TV...I should watch the show I recorded last night...Sit down and watch show while folding blankets, a task that takes 3 minutes. Watch hour show...turn off TV. Go into kitchen, see the open dishwasher...oh yeah, I was doing the dishes...start back on the dishwasher...look at the clock...Omigosh! Time to pick the kids up from school!! Worked all day...didn't finish a single task!

There's more than a little OCD going on here.

You should save finishing touches for last.

Start with the big over-all tasks, like throwing away garbage and moving clothes from the floor to a laundry basket or hamper... get all the items that go together all in the same general area, and then you work your way down to organizing the books into ABC or size order, or running a bleachy toothbrush between the tiles on the bathroom floor.

They have very inexpensive books that help with time management and organizing. Probably free online resources too.


Registered User
There's more than a little OCD going on here.

You should save finishing touches for last.

Start with the big over-all tasks, like throwing away garbage and moving clothes from the floor to a laundry basket or hamper... get all the items that go together all in the same general area, and then you work your way down to organizing the books into ABC or size order, or running a bleachy toothbrush between the tiles on the bathroom floor.

They have very inexpensive books that help with time management and organizing. Probably free online resources too.

I have a husband. He is a clean freak, cheaper, and more entertaining than books. I married very well.

Funny thing...I am the exact opposite at work. lol