

I always read bars were particularity bad places to meet members of the opposite sex [unless you were looking for a hookup], better places were, in the park walking a dog, at the laundry mat washing your clothes .... places outside of the 'normal' high stress meat markets ...

I met the handler at a bar, best night of drinking at a bar that I ever had. :buddies:


PREMO Member
**edit** I would NOT want to meet a guy in a laundry mat because it means he isn't financially secure IMO.

and at 22 / 23 you owned your own house or live in an Apt with a laundry ?

... this article referred to was in the 1990's and was offering advice to women ... [yep 20 yrs later things have changed]
[yes I read it where else better to meet women, but in places they are looking :duh:]

now a days: [from AskMen]

10) Dance Classes
09) Wine Tasting
08) Dog Parks
07) Groups [we have people here doing that - going to meetup]
06) Art Walks
05) Acting Classes
04) Fitness Classes
03) Community service or volunteering
02) Organized trips
01) Social-media websites

hmm most of that seems a bit highbrow for me

there is Yet Another List for 'Meeting women after College'

various locations: in Airports, Coffee Shops, Volunteer Work, Parks, a friends house, At The Store [Go Railroad], At The Gym, and No 1 BARS ...

10 Places Guys Can Meet Women (Without Being A Total Creep About It)

1. At Happy Hour
2. On Your Intramural Team
3. The Grocery Store
4. At a Concert
5. The Dog Park
6. An Athletic Event
7. On Trivia Night
8. Coffee Shop
9. The Gym
10. On Public Transportation

20 Places to Meet Women That Aren't Bars | Complex

Cigarette Breaks
It doesn't matter if you don't smoke. Look for a friend in the office and keep them company as they take that long march outside for their nicotine fix. It is likely your boy is already acquainted with his fellow smokers and can give you the introduction that you need. Even if the smoky lady of your dreams isn't feeling you at first, she is still going to stay until she finishes her cigarette. She didn't leave the spreadsheet she was working on and take an elevator down fifteen floors to not finish that American Spirit. Obviously, this is a bad move if smoking is a deal breaker for you, unless she is also a non-smoker looking for love. Be careful how often you try this maneuver. You might start to look suspicious after you make multiple trips without lighting up.


The Laundromat
We were recently put off by an article making the rounds on the Internet entitled "The Unofficial Goldman Sachs Guide to Being a Man" The piece tosses out the kind of advice you'd expect to hear from your sexist, greedy, nearly senile grandfather and tries to spin it as something fresh. The gems in the article range from the sexist ("Buy expensive sunglasses. Superficial? Yes, but so are the women judging you ..." ) to the just plain weird ("Own a handcrafted shotgun. It's a beautiful thing."). Another one of these tidbits of terrible advice was "Time is too short to do your own laundry." Yeah, if you don't want to meet beautiful women. Nothing in day to day life is more boring than doing laundry, which means that you're skills as a conversationalist will never look better. Starting the conversation with anything other than, "So, umm, doing laundry?" will make you sound like a member of the Algonquin Roundtable. Just be sure to throw out any gross underwear or stained shirts before you head to the laundromat, as you you'll want to hide the grosser side of yourself until you're actually dating.
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Maybe it's just me - but when MrsToxick became the Ex-MrsToxick (oh yeah, I should probably mention that MrsToxick and I have removed our left-hand jewelry) every single one of my friends went into straight Cupid-Mode. Especially my female friends.

I had a couple of conversations that went verbatim:

Me: "Yeah, my wife and I are splitti...."
Them: "I know someone PERFECT for you!"
Me: " up."

No bars or laundromats or online dating.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Another one of these tidbits of terrible advice was "Time is too short to do your own laundry." Yeah, if you don't want to meet beautiful women.

I just spent a few weeks using the laundromat after my washer broke down. There were no beautiful women there, unless you count me. :diva:

  • There were a number of scraggly women with young children running about.
  • There was a young Navy guy with small child and a wife who popped in and out; it appeared she was doing the shopping while he tended the dirty clothes.
  • There were several older Spanish speaking women in house dresses and slippers.
  • There was a bum sleeping on one of the folding tables.

And that's the cast of characters. The venues for meeting eligible potential dates is not the same for SoMD as it is in a larger city. Public transportation?? Yeah, you seriously don't want to know anyone who rides the bus around here. Athletic events? Like what, the high school football game where your choices are teenagers or their parents? Who goes to the grocery store and starts asking other shoppers for their phone number? That's about as creepy as it gets.

The best way to meet new people is through other people. If you don't have any friends, start there. Go sit at a bar and some nosy dingbat like me will come over and ask why you're sitting there by yourself; if you don't run me off you will end up meeting everyone I'm there with, typically other single men and women.


Oh no! Tox, I'm so sorry. :huggy:

It's OK - it was amicable, and we're still BFF's. Just not working out as a couple any more. So we gave each other a high-five and called it a decade well spent.

We each promised not to date the other's friends.

I think that was probably for the best.

But I know a really terrific woman who would be perfect for you....

If I had a nickel for every time I've heard that the past several months, I'd have a ####load of nickels.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's OK - it was amicable, and we're still BFF's. Just not working out as a couple any more. So we gave each other a high-five and called it a decade well spent.

Well, hell, that's no fun. Make up something more interesting and start a drama tread, wouldja? I could use the page views.


Well, hell, that's no fun. Make up something more interesting and start a drama tread, wouldja? I could use the page views.

I'll try to come up with something more exciting. It'll feature me, as the hero, her as the villain, and each of us using our children as weapons against each other.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'll try to come up with something more exciting. It'll feature me, as the hero, her as the villain, and each of us using our children as weapons against each other.

Meh. It's been done. You're so clever I know you can come up with something more original.

Perhaps you developed a fetish that she could no longer live with? Like, pencils. That would be unique. Or maybe you decided to take globa...uh, I mean climate change more seriously and dumped her to live in a tree. Or she fell in love with the third world child she was sponsoring through Sally Struthers and is running off to Ethiopia to be with him.



I dunno, I think the "we parted on friendly terms and have no desire to hurt each other, and we even like each other's new SO's and still have dinner together occasionally" is rare enough to make most people :faint:

In fact, the complete lack of drama irritated most of our families enough that it can be considered drama just by having none.

But weird sexual fetishes?... way old news.


Podunk FL
I do things and get out to meet people. Online dating just isn't really something I want to do right now.

My exboyfriend and I met hiking. My exhubby I met online.

I am not actively looking since I am not planning on staying in SC so why bother.


Meh. It's been done. You're so clever I know you can come up with something more original.

Perhaps you developed a fetish that she could no longer live with? Like, pencils. That would be unique. Or maybe you decided to take globa...uh, I mean climate change more seriously and dumped her to live in a tree. Or she fell in love with the third world child she was sponsoring through Sally Struthers and is running off to Ethiopia to be with him.


Where do you come up with this stuff :rolleyes:


New Member
I'll try to come up with something more exciting. It'll feature me, as the hero, her as the villain, and each of us using our children as weapons against each other.

Might be more interesting if you ACTUALLY used the children as as a human shield or some sort of sling shot with them? :shrug: maybe???