De Sean Jackson...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It might not be legal in youth footbal...but since the time I was in 8th grade that is exactly what we were taught.....

It is unavoidable to have your head get there before your chest and the rest of you. What is controllable is the position of your head relative to spine alignment.

The face mask thing is talking in terms of WHERE you are trying to hit, how you are trying to make the tackle. Ball, center of mass, legs, your head WILL still get there first.

I can not believe how a simple, clear subject is being run wild with by people who ALL know better; it's all about the spine alignment.



It is unavoidable to have your head get there before your chest and the rest of you. What is controllable is the position of your head relative to spine alignment.

The face mask thing is talking in terms of WHERE you are trying to hit, how you are trying to make the tackle. Ball, center of mass, legs, your head WILL still get there first.

I can not believe how a simple, clear subject is being run wild with by people who ALL know better; it's all about the spine alignment.


I'm not arguing with you....I'm just saying I was always taught to put my face in their chest, top of my helmet into the chin, wrap up and drive them three feet into the ground....


It is unavoidable to have your head get there before your chest and the rest of you. What is controllable is the position of your head relative to spine alignment.

The face mask thing is talking in terms of WHERE you are trying to hit, how you are trying to make the tackle. Ball, center of mass, legs, your head WILL still get there first.

I can not believe how a simple, clear subject is being run wild with by people who ALL know better; it's all about the spine alignment.


This is true. We don't teach "face tackling" per say, we teach targeting with the shoulder, but emphasize the face is UP looking at the target. Your neck is made to move <-- and --> but when you lead with the crown you take away flexibily of the neck and the only thing the spine can do is compress.

Boy got helicoptered out from a game last year because he aimed at one kid face up, missed and his head went down when he collided with another. He went numb on one side. Scary stuff.

Since that time I have watched like a hawk and ANY kid I see leading with the crown gets yanked immediately and we go talk to his parents and I tell them the helicopter story while he sits out a while.


That said you have players out there who use their head as a weapon and intentionally do helmet to helmet. That needs to stop at all levels.


New Member
It might not be legal in youth footbal...but since the time I was in 8th grade that is exactly what we were taught.....
Youth play with the High School rulebook. They shouldn't be teaching that and the ref's should know better and penalize it.
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New Member
This is true. We don't teach "face tackling" per say, we teach targeting with the shoulder, but emphasize the face is UP looking at the target. Your neck is made to move <-- and --> but when you lead with the crown you take away flexibily of the neck and the only thing the spine can do is compress.
Exactly. Merrill Hoge said it best this morning, he coaches kids too, and they teach that the shoulder pad is the weapon to tackle with, while the helmet is to protect themselves. Not the other way around.
Boy got helicoptered out from a game last year because he aimed at one kid face up, missed and his head went down when he collided with another. He went numb on one side. Scary stuff.

Since that time I have watched like a hawk and ANY kid I see leading with the crown gets yanked immediately and we go talk to his parents and I tell them the helicopter story while he sits out a while.
That is scary.

Here anything about the Raiders kid who was ambulanced out 2 weeks ago?


Exactly. Merrill Hoge said it best this morning, he coaches kids too, and they teach that the shoulder pad is the weapon to tackle with, while the helmet is to protect themselves. Not the other way around.
That is scary.

Here anything about the Raiders kid who was ambulanced out 2 weeks ago?

No, 99.99% of the time it is nothing. If it is you hear right away.


Throw the flag at all the today's game...put a dress on the NFL, and call it a game...just about through with all pro sports....come on Lockout...time's 'awaistin....:lol:...all puns intended..


New Member
Throw the flag at all the today's game...put a dress on the NFL, and call it a game...just about through with all pro sports....come on Lockout...time's 'awaistin....:lol:...all puns intended..
Are you in favor of bringing back the Flying Wedge? Afterall, its a violent game by nature and we don't want to "soften it."


New Member
Latest report up here is that DeSean will be out for 3 weeks.

Suspensions should start with equal time off for equal time out. If a player is out for 3 weeks due to helmet to helmet hit, then player that caused the injury should be out for equal a start.

2nd offense doubles the lengthier of the two injury time-outs. 3rd infraction, you are done.



Football addict
I can not believe how a simple, clear subject is being run wild with by people who ALL know better; it's all about the spine alignment.

Sure, players have the time to align their spines before they make sure the job is done.:lol:

As many current and former players have already stated, this isn't going to change the way players play. Injuries are still going to occur. However, the product will suffer when some of the best players are suspended.


I challenge we wouldn't have some of these problems if they didn't have so many other ridiculous rules these days protecting people (Tom The gorgeous one Brady).......

At the end of the day I agree, they need to make it safe for people..and some of those hits were downright dangerous...but they need to get it right...there have been more than a handful of calls this year that have been way off.....which I think just adds to the problem....if you are going to get called on something you might as well make it hurt....

Remeber last year when Umenyiora wrapped up the QB, can't rememeber who, then let go because it was an obvious stoppage....and they completed a pass for a substantial gain? make a rule, make it clear, and enforce it right....


New Member
How about starting with just making the field wider so that these athletes have to cover more ground? I think that's what they did in the CFL.


Football addict
Remeber last year when Umenyiora wrapped up the QB, can't rememeber who, then let go because it was an obvious stoppage....and they completed a pass for a substantial gain? make a rule, make it clear, and enforce it right....
Vince Young.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
After reviewing the (Jackson /Robinson) video and listening to several commentators and former players, the hit on Jackson was a legal hit IMHO. Was it a "textbook example" of a good form tackle? No. Did he lead with his helmet? Yes, but the helmet and shoulder appears to contact first, in the upper right chest/shoulder area then Jackson's head comes down as a result of the rapid, almost instant deceleration which in turns hits Robinson's helmet as he is coming up. (Physics?)

Is the almost instant deceleration at impact the cause of the concussions? :shrug: My guess would be yes.

This is going to be a great big can of worms especially if you have others trying to decide intent and the definition of a "devastating hit". Ray Anderson said in an interview I heard today that this hit would likely result in a suspension NEXT WEEK but did not address the Merriwether/Heap hits or James Harrison vs. Cribbs and Massaquoi. Harrison's comments after the game have already made him a marked man.


They call me ... Sarcasmo
The Meriweather hit was bad and illegal.

BTW, he was just fined $50,000. Ouch!

Just watched that one again too, just to make sure I described it to my buddy correctly and yep I was correct. At the end of the play you can just see #31 returning to the ground after his launch.

Merriwether said in an interview I read that he considers Todd Heap a friend and they share the same agent.

"I'm going to be aggressive, point blank," he explained. "I won't change my game, period. I'm sorry it happened. Heap is actually a real good friend of mine. I talked to him yesterday and let him know it wasn't intentional and he told me he understood."[/snip] -Merriwether

[snip]I don't even know. I didn't see it coming,'' Heap said. "They've been trying to clean that stuff up. Obviously, he got flagged. There's not a lot of room in this game for that. There's a better way you can take that shot.[/snip]-Heap
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