He's making sh*t up as he goes along! He likes to ACT like he's confident, though. He's got that going on.Newsom claims more than 1400 books banned in Florida. My DDG search is only showing about 300 books banned.
He's making sh*t up as he goes along! He likes to ACT like he's confident, though. He's got that going on.Newsom claims more than 1400 books banned in Florida. My DDG search is only showing about 300 books banned.
One must define crime first. 40 years ago one might have been charged for stealing chewing gum. Now it's under 800 dollars.what about the crime stats? If California is down 50% from their high in 40 years and still higher than Florida, then that means it was pretty bad back in the 80s.
Deception and Arrogance are their hallmarks.He's making sh*t up as he goes along! He likes to ACT like he's confident, though. He's got that going on.
Newsom claims more than 1400 books banned in Florida. My DDG search is only showing about 300 books banned.
Anne Frank's Diary:FL has banned sexually explicit and age inappropriate books from their school libraries, but there are precisely zero books banned altogether in the state of Florida. Adults can read whatever they want, and they can allow their kids to read whatever they want, but they won't get it at the school's library. Public library, yes. School library, no.
Newsom is a liar, like all Democrats are liars. Celebritards make a great show of reading a "banned" book in FL....that they bought in FL.
Newsom ate Desantis alive. Desantis continued to look smarmy, ill prepared and generally reptilian.
No wonder he is down 41 points.
Stick to Florida where the elderly like being told what to do and think.
He's not ready for the national stage.
And you're being too kind.: You're delusional.
OK.Show me the polls that say i am wrong.
Anne Frank's Diary:
Water for elephants
The Kite runner
Where the Crawdads sing
Wicked The life and times of the Wicked witch of The west
Terrifying pornographic filth!
Proving once again you don't know what the hell you're talking about. Just because you don't read doesn't mean no one does.
Anne Frank isn't banned in schools; the *graphic* version is because it's more graphic than is appropriate.
Most of us sane people don’t want government at any level deciding what is and isn’t appropriate. That’s the exclusive domain of the household.
Thought about it.Think about what you just said, Tard, then try again.
Thought about it.
You’re still a fascist who needs the warm bosom of government.