Democrat Debate


Well-Known Member
I thought Hillary looked good last night; she did well and her team should be pleased with her showing.

Sanders looks good to hard lefties who don't really understand the perils and economic disaster that is Socialism. The rest of us think he's a nut.

O'Malley needs to stop talking and whip out his guitar, go for the easy approval. "Climate change" only plays with a certain segment of society. Intelligent people understand that the "climate" is constantly changing and mortal man will never be able to stop that.

Chaffee and Webb....go home and stop wasting everyone's time.

I was comparing content to presentation. If we're talking presentation, Clinton won hands down, and O'Malley probably came in second. Bernie looked lost and confused much of the time. If we're talking "sound and fury, signifying nothing", Sanders won - he had the most one-liners for play on the talking-head shows for the next couple of days.

Clinton had a sound grasp of the issues, and could speak with confidence about many more issues than any other person up there. By poll, most people don't believe her if she tells them today is Wednesday because she is such a known liar. I heard on my drive into work that Sanders was picked by 75% of the Facebook users as winning the debate.


Well-Known Member
Glass-Steagall was a direct shot at Hillary Clinton. It was her husband that signed the repeal of Glass-Steagall into law. That's going to play with the base.

Going after Hillary over her and her husband's involvement in the economic collapse as well as her support for the war in Iraq is a winning strategy.

Senator Webb is a Conservative Republican on the Democratic stage. He's running for the wrong party's nomination.

I think O'Malley did the best job among the center left and Sanders on the far left.

Clinton did good too. I just don't like her. :lol:

I'm sure that's part of it, but the candidates had plenty of chances to take shots at Hillary. They all played very nice to her (minus "Granite" Chafee, I guess).

I took it as Bernie taking a rousing applause when he went on the corporate bankers/wall street tirade and "People like this, so I'll join to" O'Malley had to try and build on that.

Maybe Webb is more of a libertarian than he realizes? Who knows.

We agree on Clinton, I just didn't see anything O'Malley did as a "leader" quality.


Well-Known Member
I was comparing content to presentation. If we're talking presentation, Clinton won hands down, and O'Malley probably came in second. Bernie looked lost and confused much of the time. If we're talking "sound and fury, signifying nothing", Sanders won - he had the most one-liners for play on the talking-head shows for the next couple of days.

Clinton had a sound grasp of the issues, and could speak with confidence about many more issues than any other person up there. By poll, most people don't believe her if she tells them today is Wednesday because she is such a known liar. I heard on my drive into work that Sanders was picked by 75% of the Facebook users as winning the debate.

I chalk it up to people not wanting a typical politician this next election. It's the only thing that explains why Trump and Sanders are even talked about as potential candidates.

I wish Cooper would have mentioned that Sanders' ideas would cost the country $18 trillion, among many, many, other things.


Well-Known Member
I chalk it up to people not wanting a typical politician this next election. It's the only thing that explains why Trump and Sanders are even talked about as potential candidates.

I wish Cooper would have mentioned that Sanders' ideas would cost the country $18 trillion, among many, many, other things.

I agree with you 100% on all of that. The difference between Sanders and Trump is the difference between Chris Matthews and Sean Hannity - not a lick's worth of difference in presentation or reality, and content is 180 degrees out.


Well-Known Member
I agree with you 100% on all of that. The difference between Sanders and Trump is the difference between Chris Matthews and Sean Hannity - not a lick's worth of difference in presentation or reality, and content is 180 degrees out.

True, which is why one is in the GOP debates, and the other is in the Dems debates. :lol:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I just saw a FB meme that said (paraphrasing), "We are already a Socialist country; what the candidates last night were selling is out and out Communism."

Without giving it a whole lot of thought, I might agree with that.


Well-Known Member
I have security clearance and work with classified information. If I had a Nickel for each time someone inadvertently released info or when there is some leakage (used unclassified equipment for classed work).

But of course when one party wants to attack another, we will make a BIG deal out of a few emails...... (esp to attack a candidate from a party that we don't like)....

Honestly, within the history of IT and the US gov, how many times do you think this happens? Also what percentage of it is caught? What percentage gets swept under the rug?

How about this.... lets talk about the real issues that are facing this country, issues that are affecting every man, woman and child v.s. about some god damn emails....

Also, you can't talk about one without talking about the other....

You don't have a security clearance. If you do, it should be revoked immediately.


New Member
I just saw a FB meme that said (paraphrasing), "We are already a Socialist country; what the candidates last night were selling is out and out Communism."

Without giving it a whole lot of thought, I might agree with that.

Sure that makes complete long as you don't understand the definition of Socialism or Communism...which fits a huge majority of those who talk about Socialism or Communism.


Well-Known Member
Sure that makes complete long as you don't understand the definition of Socialism or Communism...which fits a huge majority of those who talk about Socialism or Communism.

Why don't you inform of us your version of he two?


Visualize whirled peas
PREMO Member
We have to remember that Hill, Bern, et al, were not talking to conservatives last night - they were talking to Democrat voters, because that's all that counts for them right now. They have a primary to win and they will only win it by having Democrat voters like them better than the other guy.

Whoever makes it through, we will be hearing something different from them when they have to win over conservatives - or even "conservatives" - as well.

If Dems are smart, that "whoever" won't be Bernie Sanders. Unless Uncle Joe jumps in, Hillary is the only one of them who has a chance in the general. O'Malley looks good, but he's JV - not ready for prime time. Of course, I thought that about Barack Obama as well, and we can see how that turned out...
I want to see Bernie as P and Hill as VP, I figure Bernie will last until about February before the .45 cal heart attack.


New Member
The real winner last night should have been Anderson Cooper. He was by far the best moderator of the to-date 3 debates. He didn't look or act like he was playing for the cameras...or trying out for his next job with another network.

Webb was by far the best candidate as it related to defense. If the Republican party still was what it always was, he'd be a great candidate for the GOP. Unfortunately, the GOP has been overrun by the reactionary right.

If the Republican party was today what it was in the past, this should be an easy White House win. But the GOP is a mess...the candidates are a joke...and we are going to get Hillary Clinton as President...great...wonderful...whoppiee....congratulations y' get the govt you vote for...if the best you can put forth are Donald Trump and Ben are voting to lose.

How anyone can vote for Hillary Clinton is beyond anyone can listen to her is beyond me. The first question of the evening was one of the best. Chaffe reminded me of Ron Paul...a child at the grown ups table. O'Malley hasn't looked or sounded Presidential at any point in this process...last night was no different.

Sanders is obviously a man of great passion who wants to discuss ways to fix the country...but he is too far left.

So what are we left with? No good again. So what will we end up with? movement on any of the real issues facing this country...and the winners are the lobbyists...and fat cat donors who want nothing to change.


But wait, there's more...
And on the Hillary issue, I can't stand her hypocrisy ... Calling for accountability for gun manufacturers but not herself in Benghazi, emails, etc.


Doris Day meets Lady Gaga