DeSantis and Florida


PREMO Member

DeSantis Suspends Woke, Soros-Backed State Attorney

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Thursday he has suspended Soros-backed Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren, effective immediately, for refusing to enforce state law.

“The Governor has the authority to suspend a state officer under Article IV, Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of Florida,” the governor’s office said in a statement.

“State Attorneys have a duty to prosecute crimes as defined in Florida law, not to pick and choose which laws to enforce based on his personal agenda,” the Republican governor said. “It is my duty to hold Florida’s elected officials to the highest standards for the people of Florida. I have the utmost trust that Judge Susan Lopez will lead the office through this transition and faithfully uphold the rule of law.”



PREMO Member

WFLA’s source for the controversy is two tweets in response to DeSantis:

DeSantis has repeatedly painted Florida as a safe haven for freedom and minimal government intervention — a message originally conveyed in the flag’s design.
But not everyone agreed with the governor’s promotional tweet.
One user said, “Stop calling us the free state of Florida, if that were true I’d be able to do my job as a teacher and create a safe space for all kids,” referring to the governor’s Parental Rights in Education law.
Another user said, “what’s next the Confederate Flag? Plenty of other symbols can be used to benefit Veterans.”

That’s the controversy stirring.



PREMO Member

DeSantis Sends Cops To Physically Remove Suspended 'Soros-Backed' State Attorney

Warren, who had served the Thirteenth Judicial Circuit, has most recently refused to follow state policy criminalizing abortion in the wake of the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade - and repeatedly refused to enforce laws cracking down on child sex-change surgeries, according to DeSantis.

The liberal state attorney also declined to prosecute 67 protesters arrested in George Floyd demonstrations, and said in 2017 that he would only pursue the death penalty "in the very worst cases," and not where "mental illness played a role."

"We are suspending Soros-backed 13th circuit state attorney Andrew Warren for neglecting his duties as he pledges not to uphold the laws of the state," DeSantis' office said in a statement, per Fox News.

Update: DeSantis sent state police to physically remove Warren from his office, "with access only to retrieve his personal belongings, and (ii) to ensure that no files, papers, documents, notes, records, computers, or removable storage media are removed from the Office of the State Attorney..."


PREMO Member
🔥 Earlier this week, a federal judge in the Northern District of Florida dismissed a lawsuit against me and Governor DeSantis, that was filed by former school board member Diyonne McGraw. The gist was that last year, I filed a lawsuit as part of an effort to remove her from office since McGraw lived about 300 feet outside her school board district. Once I got an order from the judge finding that she did not live in her district, the Governor helpfully declared her seat vacant and appointed her replacement.

Understandably unhappy about being removed, Ms. McGraw sued me and the Governor, alleging that we’d conspired to violate her civil rights by depriving her of her “right to vote” or something. It took several months, and she got two tries to plead a legitimate claim, but now it’s all done.

I’m not sure McGraw ever believed she could win the lawsuit. The process is the punishment. It’s intended to discourage lawyers like me from taking these kinds of cases. In this case, it didn’t work, because for me, it just makes it personal, and making it personal just makes me work that much harder. So.



PREMO Member
🔥 Fox ran a story yesterday headlined, “Florida Prosecutor Andrew Warren Sues Gov. Ron DeSantis Over Suspension.” Last month, Governor DeSantis suspended Tampa District Attorney Andrew Warren because he’d publicly said he was refusing to prosecute duly-enacted Florida laws banning CRT and grooming in schools, and even sent out a departmental policy describing a “presumption of non-enforcement” for a list of crimes.

The governor’s executive order removing him said that “these statements prove that Warren thinks he has authority to defy the Florida Legislature and nullify in his jurisdiction criminal laws with which he disagrees[.]” Calling Warren “one of these Soros prosecutors,” DeSantis suspended him for failing to do his duty and for incompetence, and appointed an interim replacement.

Now, of course, Warren has sued DeSantis, alleging the Governor violated his First Amendment right to say whatever dumb thing occurs to his little pea brain. His lawsuit tracks another lawsuit of dishonor, that of cowardly Sheriff Scott Israel, who DeSantis removed for refusing to let his officers enter a Broward school during an active shooting. I suspect Warren’s lawsuit will end the same way as Israel’s, who isn’t a sheriff anymore, is he?

Former DA Andrew Warren seems like the kind of guy who would get his Dalmatian infected with monkeypox. I mean by letting it sleep in the bed, of course. What did you think I meant?



Well-Known Member
On the news I saw Florida is having their primary today. The democrats couldn't come up no one better than a former republican . :yahoo:


PREMO Member

On Wednesday, Stevens doubled down by acknowledging DeSantis’ military veteran status but by boiling him down to merely being a “military lawyer” who “flew a desk,” and then accusing his defenders of claiming DeSantis was a Navy SEAL (which no one had done).

“[DeSantis] was a military lawyer. That’s honorable service. What’s not is trying to claim he was a Navy Seal [sic]. What’s ridiculous is his playing Top Gun dress up when he flew a desk. But if he thinks that America is crying out for this, give it a go,” he wrote.

Hours later, in a failed “gotcha” attempt, Stevens linked to the video of DeSantis referring to Biden senior medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci as a “little elf” and then suggested that maybe DeSantis’ defenders had a point after all about insulting someone’s looks.

“All the [DeSantis] trolls, professional and amateur, Russian and otherwise, clutched their pearls at thought of laughing at DeSantis for looking like a Macy’s Day Float. ‘Attacking someone for how they look shows you have no ideas!’ they shrieked. Maybe they have a point,” Stevens proclaimed.

It’s too bad for Stevens that the only point he made was to provide further evidence that he is a total tool and loser who completely missed the point, because the bulk of the pushback was over his jab about DeSantis’ military service.

In fact, since the ad was released, that appears to be an emerging theme with DeSantis’ haters – that he didn’t really serve honorably because he was “only a lawyer” or something, as was evidenced by this cheap shot from former Tampa Bay Times “reporter” Craig Pittman.

“[DeSantis] was a lawyer, not a fighter pilot. Not a combat hero like John McCain, Bob Dole or ‘Poppy’ Bush. I’d sure love to see the citation on that Bronze Star, btw — a veteran told me it’s become the military version of the participation trophy,” keyboard warrior Pittman snarked.

LOL. Imagine thinking “a veteran told me” makes you an expert on military matters.



PREMO Member
“We’ll hold Biden accountable,” DeSantis told guest host Raymond Arroyo. “This is a referendum on his failures, make sure everybody knows how his policies have contributed to the mess we’re in, and then articulate what you will do to address things like the border, like crime, like inflation. I think if you do that, I think Republicans are going to win both chambers. And I think it’ll be a really good night.”

DeSantis also weighed in on the Biden administration trying to blame Republicans for school lockdowns during the pandemic while many Democrat politicians actually supported closing schools.

“Well, first of all, the pandemic didn’t cause those setbacks, lockdown policies of Democrat governors, Anthony Fauci, national teachers unions who wanted schools closed, they are the ones that caused that,” DeSantis said. “In Florida, we said, you have a right to be in school, and you need to be in school. And we’ve done much better as a result, but it wasn’t the pandemic, because all it required was leadership to say we need to keep kids in school, and those Democrats and those unions and the Left and Fauci, they chose ideology over what was right for those kids, and the damage is going to be lasting, regardless of what Fauci wants to tell you.”
