DeSantis and Florida


Beloved Misanthrope
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The Florida Department of Education announced on Friday that after a recent review, 41% of proposed K-12 mathematics books intended for use during the 2022-2023 public school year did not meet state academic standards due to their apparent inclusion of Critical Race Theory principles and other controversial approaches to education.

“Reasons for rejecting textbooks included references to Critical Race Theory (CRT), inclusions of Common Core, and the unsolicited addition of Social Emotional Learning (SEL) in mathematics,” Florida’s Department of Education said in a statement.

“The highest number of books rejected were for grade levels K-5, where an alarming 71 percent were not appropriately aligned with Florida standards or included prohibited topics and unsolicited strategies,” Florida’s D.O.E. added.

“It seems that some publishers attempted to slap a coat of paint on an old house built on the foundation of Common Core, and indoctrinating concepts like race essentialism, especially, bizarrely, for elementary school students,” Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) said in a statement.



Well-Known Member
Would it be too much to ask that schools prioritize the presumed reasons they exist - to teach our kids math, English, reading, writing, science, history and so forth? Heck, many only make a half-handed attempt for physical education.

Because in international comparisons, our nation SHOULD BE LEADING THE WORLD. It SHOULD BE a cause for continued humiliation that we keep ranking low or LAST in these measures.

I suspect it has a lot to do with just HOW BAD many inner city schools are. Or how difficult it is to teach kids who, say, don't speak English.

Or for that matter, we do something that many nations don't - we want to teach EVERYONE. School isn't a luxury.


Well-Known Member
Would it be too much to ask that schools prioritize the presumed reasons they exist - to teach our kids math, English, reading, writing, science, history and so forth? Heck, many only make a half-handed attempt for physical education.

Because in international comparisons, our nation SHOULD BE LEADING THE WORLD. It SHOULD BE a cause for continued humiliation that we keep ranking low or LAST in these measures.

I suspect it has a lot to do with just HOW BAD many inner city schools are. Or how difficult it is to teach kids who, say, don't speak English.

Or for that matter, we do something that many nations don't - we want to teach EVERYONE. School isn't a luxury.

The issue is government schooling. Anything government does is for the lowest common denominator, and isn't designed to actually educate. Rather, it teaches by rote.


PREMO Member

Federal Judge in Florida Issues Epic Beatdown of Biden Admin in Suit Over Illegal Aliens

Last year, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody filed suit against the Biden administration for violating several aspects of immigration law when releasing illegal aliens from detention centers. The administration has sent those released detainee illegals to states across the nation, many to Florida. The administration filed to have the case dismissed. In a rejection of the motion to dismiss, a federal judge in Florida issued a beatdown that looked a lot like Dave Chappelle’s security team:

A federal judge Wednesday rejected a request by the Biden administration to toss out a lawsuit filed by Florida over the release of undocumented immigrants.
Pensacola-based U.S. District Judge T. Kent Wetherell denied a motion by U.S. Department of Justice attorneys to dismiss the case, which Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody’s office filed last year.
The lawsuit alleges that the Biden administration has violated immigration laws through policies that have led to people being released from detention after crossing the U.S. border with Mexico. Also, it alleges that the releases affect Florida because of issues such as increased education, health care, and criminal-justice costs.
Justice Department attorneys raised a series of arguments in seeking dismissal of the case, including disputing a Florida contention that the Biden administration has a “non-detention” policy.

The ruling says, in part:

Suffice it to say the court is wholly unpersuaded by defendants’ position that they have unfettered discretion to determine how (or if) to comply with the immigration statutes and that there is nothing that Florida or this court can do about their policies even if they contravene the immigration statutes. This position is as remarkable as it is wrong because it is well established that no one, not even the president, is above the law and the court unquestionably has the authority to say what the law is and to invalidate action of the executive branch that contravenes the law and/or the Constitution. Thus, if Florida’s allegations that defendants are essentially flaunting the immigration laws are proven to be true, the court most certainly can (and will) do something about it.

That’ll leave a mark.


PREMO Member

PolitiFact finds DeSantis was right, drops fact-check

PolitiFact is a Marxist propaganda machine that lives off tax-free donations as if it were the Little Sisters of the Poor or some other worthy charity.

My problem with PolitFact is that its propaganda is so blatant -- so obvious -- so phony. They rub their lies in our faces.


Someone named Yacob Reyes from the organization messaged Christine Pushaw, the governor's press babysitter, on Monday saying he was fact-checking "on a quick deadline" the governor's statement that almost 60% of student debt is for graduate school. Reyes demanded proof!

He sent the message at 4:26 PM, near the close of the business day for office workers. He set a 9 PM deadline.


PREMO Member

When NYC’s Jewish museum bans DeSantis, it sends a clear message to all Jews

Write Abrams and Cohen: “We were working closely with the museum on the details for the June 12 event — until, out of the blue, we were told by the museum staff that Mr. DeSantis didn’t ‘align with the museum’s values and its message of inclusivity.’ Either we disinvite the governor, they said, or our event was unwelcome.”

The museum gingerly pushed back. On its Twitter account, it said this wasn’t a “free speech or censorship issue” but “simply a contractual and logistical decision,” which doesn’t actually contradict what Abrams and Cohen are alleging.

Yes, the museum made the “contractual and logistical decision” to deny rental space to Tikvah, an organization that has hosted many events at the museum, because DeSantis was to be a speaker. It’s not a “free speech or censorship issue” since that implies government is stopping the speech, and that is clearly not happening here.


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DeSantis notches legal win in battle over law revoking Disney's special tax district

A federal judge on Tuesday dismissed a lawsuit challenging Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' law dissolving Disney World's Reedy Creek Improvement District, rejecting the claims of a Miami lawyer running for U.S. Senate as a Democrat.

In the complaint, three residents of Orange and Osceola counties claimed that S.B. 4-C, the law that eliminates Disney's ability to operate an independent governmental entity around its Orlando-area theme parks, unconstitutionally threatens residents with higher taxes, abridges free speech rights, and violates a contractual obligation, the Orlando Sentinel reported. William Sanchez, a Miami lawyer and Democratic Senate candidate, filed the lawsuit last week.


PREMO Member
“I think it’s a slap in the face to everybody in South Florida that has experience with these Marxist dictators in our hemisphere. You have people who were driven out of the island of Cuba, you have people where it was so bad, the oppression there, that they would get on a raft and go 90 miles over shark-infested waters to be able to get to freedom,” DeSantis said.

“You have people whose entire livelihoods were taken from them, their entire liberty were taken away from them and then they’ve come to here in South Florida,” he continued.

“To equate Florida, which is viewed not only in our country, but even around the world, as a beachhead of freedom. To equate that with those regimes just shows you have no idea what you’re talking about, and I think that it really does a disservice to the oppression that so many people in Southern Florida have faced either firsthand or through members of their family, and there’s a reason why people are pouring into the state of Florida. There’s a reason why we’ve led the country in net migration.”

“People, they are fleeing a lot of these bad — and not just fleeing other states, they’re fleeing from Canada, they’re fleeing from other places to be able to come to the state of Florida,” he said. “I realize there may be some people in the state of Florida, not in my party, but some others — politicians, who have a soft spot for dictatorships like in Cuba. They have a soft spot for people like Maduro and Ortega, and I just want people to know that I have contempt for those views because those views do not represent the values of the state of Florida, but particularly the views of the people of South Florida.”



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Florida teacher who married a woman is no longer a teacher, thanks to Gov. Ron DeSantis

This came up in passing in a post we recently did on NBC News reporting on a teacher who was considering quitting at the end of the year because of Texas laws preventing her from talking with students about the mass shooting in Buffalo. She told her students that Texas law required her to present “both sides” of the massacre. Anyway, someone in that thread brought up this piece in the Washington Post:

“The climate of homophobia” surrounding Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” law upended her calling to be a teacher.

We guess teachers are quitting before they get thrown in jail. We wouldn’t have thought twice about the story but it turns out it was covered by The Daily Kos as well. This is one teacher we’re talking about.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member

This is exactly like progbots insisting that Trump is divisive because they melted down, rioted in the streets, and in general couldn't comport themselves like sane adults.

A friend of a friend said this the other day on FB - "Oh, Trump is just SO divisive!" No, you stupid progbitch, it's because you and your ilk throw a tantrum like sugar-fueled kindergartners when you don't get you way.

Nobody is forcing these "teachers" to do anything but keep their private life out of the classroom and stop sexualizing little kids. "OMG If I can't talk about sex and sex acts with children I quit! And it's all Ron DeSantis' fault!"


And you have to wonder how these social misfits got hired to teach in the first place. They look like a freak show and behave like 15 year olds, Wendy's would turn them away from working the drive-thru and yet schools are like, "Looks like a teacher to me! Come on in!"


PREMO Member
Nobody is forcing these "teachers" to do anything but keep their private life out of the classroom and stop sexualizing little kids. "OMG If I can't talk about sex and sex acts with children I quit! And it's all Ron DeSantis' fault!"

Move to a nice accepting BLUE State ... and don't let the door hit you on the way out