DeSantis and Florida


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Gov. DeSantis Vetoes Funding for Tampa Bay Rays Facility After Team Tweets Woke Gun Facts

While Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) approved a state budget on Thursday, he vetoed a number of items, including the $35 million in funds that would have been used for a new facility for the Tampa Bay Rays. The official veto list describes the item as "Sports Training and Youth Tournament Complex (Senate Form 2754)."

As Bobby Burack reported for OutKick:

Florida residents had called for DeSantis to veto the spending anyway, saying that Floridians’ tax dollars should not help fund a facility for a professional sports team.
The Florida Senate has argued against this case, by listing the proposal as a "Sports Training and Youth Tournament Complex" and not mentioning the Rays. However, the Tampa Bay Times first reported the money would mostly help cover a new facility for the Rays.

When it comes to the Tampa Bay Rays, the argument is not merely that tax dollars should not be going to a facility to be used by a professional sports team. The Tampa Bay Rays found themselves in the news last week when they, along with the New York Yankees, forwent tweeting about game plays for the May 26 match-up to instead tweet gun facts.



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Howard Dean: DeSantis ‘Is a Fascist’ — ‘Much Scarier’ than Trump

He asked, “Do you think any of these potential allegations could influence when he will make an announcement? Or do you think it is just a done deal that the former president will run again in 2024?”

Dean said, “I don’t think it is a done deal at all. I have no idea what his calculation is. But you know, we won in Georgia, particularly in the Senate, because of Donald Trump. Because there were a number of Republican women, moderate Republican women in the suburbs who couldn’t stomach voting for this crook, this disgusting person. They just couldn’t. And that’s happening all over the country every day the more stuff that comes out. I’m actually hoping Trump does run.”

He added, “I think Trump’s calculation is mixed one his illness, narcissism, acute narcissism, and it is mixed with the political congratulations that he’s not very good at. There are a lot of younger people in that party that are much scarier. DeSantis, for one, who requires, just today announced he would require all students in Florida’s colleges to declare their political their views. I mean, this guy is a fascist. Trump is too narcissistic and ill to be a successful fascist even though he has all those instincts. I think he will be easier to beat than any of the other potential candidates.”


PREMO Member

Crushing him in what? Used needles?

Oh, and guess who wrote this opinion piece for CNN: Dean Obeidallah.

This new 2022 re-election commercial is about just one thing: crushing Florida’s Republican Governor Ron DeSantis. And Newsom does it in a way that other Democrats should emulate — by highlighting the threat that today’s extremist GOP poses to our freedoms.
The 54-year-old governor opens the ad declaring, “It’s Independence Day — so let’s talk about what’s going on in America.” He then adds ominously to Fox News’ viewers in Florida, “Freedom is under attack in your state.”
We then see images of DeSantis shaking the hand of Donald Trump, as the screen fills with quotes from news reports appearing to back up Newsom’s claim that “Republican leaders are banning books, making it harder to vote, restricting speech in classrooms and even criminalizing women and doctors.”

If it’s a re-election commercial, why is he running it in Florida? And did the Newsom campaign offer CNN Obeidallah’s opinion piece as a bonus to go with the “exclusive first look” at his ad?



Well-Known Member
Bette Midler. Wow.
Now there is someone who's opinion means so much to me. Buurp.

It's over Bette. Just go away.


Beloved Misanthrope
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Ron DeSantis Runs Ad In California Asking Libs Not To Move To Florida

LOS ANGELES, CA — Governor Ron Desantis has responded to Governor Gavin Newsom's political ads in Florida by running political ads of his own in California. While Newsom's ads were urging libs to move to California, Desantis is begging the libs in California to stay put.

"Listen, folks, it's simple really — in Florida, we believe in clean sidewalks, and shrinking the homeless problem — NOT growing it!" said Governor Ron DeSantis in his California statewide ad. "So to all the woke libs out there let me be clear: do not come to Florida. Stay in California and indoctrinate your own kids — that is if you actually have kids you haven't aborted." Viewers are then treated to a shot of DeSantis wrestling an alligator.

At publishing time, many of the libs who saw the ads are now trying to sue Ron DeSantis for emotional damage and trauma. Ron DeSantis has responded with plans to run the same ads on CNN and MSNBC.



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Newsom said Friday he ran the the campaign attack against Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis after DeSantis told the Special Olympics it would be fined for violating state law over the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

“He did something that tipped me very directly, and that was going after the Special Olympics,” Newsom said, according to The Sacramento Bee. “I had an emotional response to that. That led to the consideration of doing something a little bit more expressive and that was the determination on the ad.”

In the ad that launched in early July, Newsom said “freedom is under attack in [Florida].”

“Your Republican leader, they’re banning books, making it harder to vote, restricting speech in classrooms, even criminalizing women and doctors.”

The Special Olympics dropped its vaccine mandate after the organization faced $27.5 million in fines from the state, which argued the organization’s vaccine requirement broke state law. Several athletes’ family members allegedly shared their concerns about the charity’s vaccine mandate.

Florida law “prohibits a business entity, which includes a charitable organization, from requiring any patron or customer to provide documentation certifying COVID-19 vaccination or post-infection recovery to gain access to, entry upon, or service from the business entity,” a letter from the state to the Special Olympics reads.



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‘Try Crying About It’: Liberal Reporters Blocked From Florida GOP Summit

“I’m not going to have a bunch of left-wing media asking our primary candidates a bunch of gotcha questions,” DeSantis said to a packed crowd in Saturday morning remarks at the Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino.

Reporters from outlets like The Daily Wire, The Washington Free Beacon, Americano Media, Florida’s Voice were invited to attend the event, which featured debates moderated by radio host Mark Levin and commentators Dave Rubin and Lisa Boothe, as well as remarks from DeSantis, the Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway, and other high profile conservatives.

In a surprise move, DeSantis moderated the morning debates with Levin, asking candidates which of the Supreme Court justices they favored the most and their thoughts on Dr. Anthony Fauci.

Each candidate who participated in the summit was required to have polled at 5% or greater in the Republican Party of Florida poll of each respective primary race or raised (and publicly reported) at least $100,000 by July 13.



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DeSantis Press Secretary Delivers Hall of Fame Response to 'Journalists' Complaining About Press Access

I’m not going to deny that I’ve dipped into hyperbole from time to time here at RedState. We always try to have a good time, and the overwrought snark is part of that. But when I say that Christina Pushaw’s latest response to the media may be the best thing I’ve ever heard from a press secretary at any level, I mean it.

The backstory begins in Florida at the Sunshine Summit (more coverage of that coming soon), a Republican event headlined by Gov. Ron DeSantis. In yet another common sense move, the press list was curated to deny entry to mainstream media journalists whose only purpose would be to write hit pieces. That led to some complaining online, including from Politico.

You can read the entire thread and the replies if you’d like, but it’s the same hand-wringing about the “free press” and such you’d expect. You see, when right-leaning outlets are denied access to the White House or the press events of various other Democrat politicians, that’s just fine. But if you dare say Politico or CNN can pound sand, that’s a threat to democracy or something.

Regardless, Pushaw, who serves as DeSantis’ press secretary, gave one of the most well-put, epic responses I’ve ever seen from a political office. Truly, this is next-level stuff, and the fact that it appeared in the dumpster fire that is the Tallahassee Democrat makes it all the more awesome.



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Group With Nazi Flags Outside Turning Point Event Sparks Cries of 'Fake Op'

Remember the fake tiki torchbearers who pretended they were supporters of Glenn Youngkin near one of his campaign buses in October 2021? Of course, it was a little difficult for them to sell the white supremacist effort when one of them was black. But, it was such a ridiculous attempt at a smear against Youngkin. The Lincoln Project took the blame for that odious stunt.

The stunt didn’t help the Democratic cause — Terry McAuliffe went down to crushing defeat, with that November win and sweep by the Republicans in Virginia a likely harbinger of the red wave that is to come this November.

But because of that, we’re all very aware of such efforts to try to smear conservatives.

Now, I don’t know if it’s a fake op, but a small group of people carrying Nazi flags and anti-Semitic material turned up outside the Turning Point Student Action Summit in Tampa, Florida, Saturday. They also were holding a picture of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and a DeSantis flag, although DeSantis would have nothing to do with such things.
